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Example sentences for "readily soluble"

  • This is readily soluble in cold water, to which it imparts a pale yellow colour and a very sweet taste.

  • Dark green, almost black crystals, readily soluble in water, but decomposed by excess, or by acids into manganic peroxide, and potassium permanganate.

  • Copper chromate (yellow) may be at the same time thrown down, but it is readily soluble on diluting.

  • In some cases, when the precipitate has to be dissolved in anything in which it is readily soluble, solution is effected in the filter itself allowing the liquid to run through as it is formed.

  • It is readily soluble in water, but the solution is best made with the help of a little free acid.

  • If the vapour of A be readily soluble in the liquid B, and the vapour of B readily soluble in the liquid A, there will exist a mixture of A and B which will have a lower vapour pressure than any other mixture.

  • It is readily soluble in hot water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, fat and volatile oils, as well as in solutions of caustic alkalies and alkaline carbonates.

  • It is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, and strong acetic acid.

  • Liver of sulphur is a leather-brown mass, readily soluble in water.

  • It is readily soluble in alcohol and ether and of specific gravity, 0.

  • If an ethereal solution of iodine is added to an ethereal solution of piturie, a precipitate of yellowish-red needles, readily soluble in alcohol, is deposited.

  • It is readily soluble in dilute mineral acids, and the solution, on the addition of ammonia, yields the alkaloid in a crystalline condition.

  • The base is readily soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether.

  • It is readily soluble in water, one volume of water at 10 deg.

  • The iodates of the alkali metals are, however, readily soluble in water (except potassium iodate).

  • It is readily soluble in water, but excess of water decomposes it.

  • It is readily soluble in water, melts at 193 deg.

  • It is almost insoluble in water, but is readily soluble in alcohol; it has a sharp smell, and its vapour affects the eyes very powerfully.

  • It is readily soluble in water, with which it combines to form hypochlorous acid.

  • It is a white amorphous powder, readily soluble in acids.

  • It is a non-volatile and almost infusible white powder, which slowly absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from air, and is readily soluble in dilute acids.

  • The carbonate is not easily soluble in dilute acids, but is readily soluble in water containing carbon dioxide.

  • Reddish-yellow powder, easily decomposed by heat; readily soluble in hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids and strong nitric acid, but insoluble in water and the other acids.

  • If the cincho-tannate of lead thus formed be decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the solution carefully evaporated in vacuo, the acid may be obtained as an amorphous, hygroscopic substance, readily soluble in water.

  • Of its salts, the hydriodate is readily soluble in water, and still more so in alcohol, whether dilute or strong.

  • It is readily soluble in water, alcohol, ether, &c.

  • Albumoses and peptones are white powders, readily soluble in water, with the exception of the hetero-albumoses--a subdivision of primary albumoses.

  • It is readily soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether.

  • Pure dextrose is a white crystalline solid, readily soluble in water, and is not so sweet as cane sugar.

  • The substance NO{2}, called nitrogen peroxide, is a brownish gas, which is readily soluble in water and in nitric acid.

  • It is readily soluble in carbon disulphide, forming a yellow solution.

  • Hydriodic acid resembles the corresponding acids of chlorine and bromine in physical properties, being a strongly fuming, colorless gas, readily soluble in water.

  • It is a colourless, crystalline solid, readily soluble in alcohol and ether, melting at 137 deg.

  • It is readily soluble in hot water and the ordinary organic solvents, but is only slightly soluble in cold water.

  • It crystallizes from alcohol in large deliquescent crystals; and is readily soluble in water, but insoluble in ether.

  • It is readily soluble in warm dilute mineral acids forming cobaltous salts.

  • The hydrated salt forms rose-red prisms, readily soluble in water to a red solution, and in alcohol to a blue solution.

  • It is insoluble in dilute acids, but is readily soluble in excess of potassium cyanide.

  • Oil of cloves is readily soluble in alcohol and ether, and has a specific gravity of about 1.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "readily soluble" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    add the beaten yolks; broken glass; colonial life; constant succession; deep ditch; glass windows; haired cadet; have heard; miles high; outward objects; party dress; people shall; point out; public meeting; readily detected; readily imagined; readily obtained; readily propagated; readily seen; readily soluble; readily understood; stood erect; till thou; water upon; what would; would have been more