This is in all probability the earliest English diploma of a Surgeon extant and cannot fail by the quaintness of its composition, and the details given, to prove of much interest.
Another nobleman who came here drawn by the quaintness of the old American town and his desire to see the home of Washington, was the Count De Paris, of the French Royal Family.
Her instant of glory was over when Aunt Victoria bought one of these, exclaiming humorously about the quaintness of going from Paris to Chicago to shop.
Mr. Sommerville gave his assent to the quaintnessby silence, as he rose and prepared to retreat.
No comment, therefore, was made on the quaintness of the rich man's interest in earning capacity.
Morrison said laughingly: "Isn't it the very quintessence of quaintness to visit him there!
Unusual this quaint street of art in this: in fixing it up for its present purpose its quaintness and its "artiness" have not been overdone.
But even more I like the quaintness of the scene without doors.
It's not life that counts, it's the quaintness you bring to it.
Even that quaintness of thought which is a mark of the Commonwealth writers is not without its attraction for a nice literary palate.
Wit was his leading intellectual trait, and the quaintness which he shared with his contemporaries appears in his writings in a fondness for puns, droll turns of expression and bits of eccentric suggestion.
The quaintness of his phrase appears at every turn.
From his mousing among the Elizabethan dramatists and such old humorists as Burton and Fuller, his own style imbibed a peculiar quaintness and pungency.
Fragments of ancient glass, a picture by Watteau, others by Philippe de Champaigne, beautiful woodwork and the quaintness of its architecture make the old church intensely interesting.
Here, as in arrondissement XIX, we find on every side old houses and vestiges of the past, but of no particular interest beyond the quaintness of their aspect.
Who but the Autocrat himself could have given literary form to the exquisite pathos of The Last Leaf, the delicious quaintness of Dorothy Q, or the solemn drollery of The Katy Did?
The most exquisite town in England," writes an enthusiast of Clovelly, but Clovelly's very quaintness has made it so widely known that it hardly has a place in a chronicle that seeks rather the untrodden ways.
With all its quaintness and want of resemblance to other cities, it has adopted the system of horse cars, which run on the principal streets, and make all parts of the city accessible.
The reception of the clergy had a quaintness all its own.
He is fascinated by our seventeenth-century singers, and has, here and there, succeeded in catching something of their quaintness and not a little of their charm.
The Weary Wedding has the concentration and colour of a great drama, and the quaintness of its style lends it something of the power of a grotesque.
There was a wildness in her eye, and a quaintness in her whole demeanor that pleased me, especially as her features were almost without a fault.
It relates the most salient incidents in the life of Fowell Buxton, with a running commentary remarkable for its quaintness and vivacity.
It has, however, been translated and turned into modern English, and its quaintness of phrasing gives it a very peculiar charm of its own.
These changes of accent often occur in ballads, and help to add to the quaintness and peculiarity of the old poems.
Throughout the Mississippi Valley, such French settlements as Kaskaskia, Prairie du Rocher, Cahokia, and others have left much more than a geographical designation and have preserved an old world aroma of quaintness and contentment.
Scarcely more than three hundred members ever dwelt in the village which, in spite of its profusion of vines and flowers, lacked the informal quaintness and originality of Rapp's Economy.
While she sat and talked to me of her journey I had time to enjoy again the quaintness of her dress,--the quaintness of forty years before.
The quaintness and quietude of the place were still attractive.
Here are two English lists of stitches; their quaintness must be my excuse for copying them.
To imitate quaintness must be a mistake in art; as in life it is absurd to imitate innocence.
They saw the quaintness vanish from the farm-houses; first the dormer-windows, then the curve of the steep roof, then the steep roof itself.
In studying the constructive features of the Queen Anne renaissance, we find many examples of richly-ornamented façades, combined with affected picturesqueness and quaintness unthought of two hundred years ago.
We see an ultra Queen Anne house of to-day, and its quaintness and odd conceits attract our fancy.
While his courtesy, his old-time manners, his quaintness of speech and dress captivated her imagination, his perfect and unfailing sympathy and constant kindness completely won her heart.
Perugino is the first painter whose works seem really worth preserving for the genuine merit that is in them, apart from any quaintness and curiosity of an ancient and new-born art.