They draw into themselves the materials with which they come in contact by virtue of the crossings of the orbits of various sizes and various eccentricities.
To understand the fall of Rome one must consider the disastrous effects of crossings of this sort.
This was a short cut from the original track from Cooktown, and was opened up by Inspector Douglas to avoid the many crossings of the Palmer during the wet seasons, but was abandoned owing to the hostility of the blacks.
We found the creek running through Bett's Gorge a banker, and had to swim 23 crossings in one day.
Owing to the rough country, Oakey Creek had to be crossed three times, and while being only one creek its crossings were afterwards known as Big, Middle and Little Oakey.
Such crossings are very exciting, for at any moment the horse may stumble on the rough bottom or plunge into a deep hole.
The first to arrive were Indian traders, usually squaw-men, who settled at the different crossings of the old Indian trails and engaged in the business of trading bad whiskey to the Indians for their cayuse ponies.
Then you may ask Justice, in an amazed manner, 'How she can possibly be so foolish as to think children could sweepcrossings with feathers on their heads?
The fields on each side of it are now mostly dug up for building, or cut through into gaunt corners and nooks of blind ground by the wild crossings and concurrencies of three railroads.
Still a third army, under Hausen, moved across the Ardennes toward the Meuse crossings southeast of Namur, while a fourth under the Crown Prince of Württemberg aimed farther south through the Ardennes at the Meuse crossings in France.
Crossings of these species took places in 1880, and, as I stated before, the ova obtained from a long pairing between a Ceanothi female with a Gloveri male, were the only ones which were fertile.
Besides these five pairings, a quantity of fertile ova were obtained by the crossings of S.
The Gloveri cocoons received in 1880 were of a very inferior quality, and produced moths from which no pairings could be obtained, although some crossings took place.
One division of cavalry, under General Wilson, and the 5th corps, crossed the Chickahominy at Long Bridge, and moved out to White Oak Swamp, to cover the crossings of the other corps.
During this move, General Ord sent forces to cover the crossings of the Chickahominy.
This not only prevented any further attack against Von Mackensen's right, but also gave the Austro-Germans possession of the railroad from Cracow to Warsaw as far as Piotrkow, and secured to them the most important crossings over the Pilitza.
Leaving a few batteries to guard the crossings of the river, the Ourcq division of the German right retreated in good order, to rejoin their comrades who had been so unexpectedly mauled by the British.
The larger part of the electrification of the Long Island Railroad and the elimination of grade crossings within the built-up city limits, the Atlantic Avenue improvement, and the yard and piers at Greenville, have been completed.
It also provides for the re-location of the line and the elimination of grade crossings on the branch running to Manhattan Beach, a distance of 3.
The work is being executed without interrupting traffic, and in all about 75 grade crossings will be abolished.
If there are no elevated crossings to vote for, there will be no excuse for voting for me.
These became known as the Lower and Upper Crossings of the Arkansaw; they were 8 m.
Mother, I would sweep the crossings for your sake I Mother, for your sake I would go to my uncle Beaufort with my hat in my hand, for halfpence.
Horace Bixby and George Ritchie have charted the crossings and laid out the courses by compass; they have invented a lamp to go with the chart, and have patented the whole.
It provided that within a term of years all grade crossings in Massachusetts should be abolished.
This gave Mr. Coffin, as he afterwards confessed, fresh impetus in his determination to get grade crossings abolished in Massachusetts.
The traveller by the high road has decidedly the best of it, but there are always those level crossingsto take into consideration though fewer of them.
These level crossings are about as dangerous as the American variety; in a way more so.
He also threw up defensive works at each of the crossings of the Tennessee as far north as Blyth's Ferry.
As soon as the crossings had been determined on, the proper dispositions were made to begin the movement.
In connexion with this kindness bestowed {90} on Smith, should be repeated the name of Blair, an old mechanic from Missouri, who joined my company at the Crossings of the Arkansas.
These two types may have been the result of crossings between Mongol sub-races (northern and southern) and Indonesian or even Polynesian elements.
The population of the island of Haiti is almost wholly Negro or Mulatto; that of the other islands has sprung from the manifold crossings between the ancient Carib or Arawak aborigines (see p.
The aboriginal populations of Central America are reduced to a few thousand individuals; on the other hand, the half-breeds, produced by the crossings between them and the Europeans, form almost the whole of the population.
I can scarcely treat here as fully as I could wish such interesting questions as the influence of external circumstance, of acclimatation and crossings or hybridisation, inasmuch as they are still very little and imperfectly studied.
To require a lodge to be maintained at public crossings for foot-passengers wherever circumstances render it necessary for safety.
Level crossings are each year a very fertile cause of accidents, and to them no fewer than fifty-nine of the deaths of 1876 must be apportioned.
Torbert and Gregg in advance, to secure thecrossings of the Pamunkey and demonstrate in such manner as to deceive the enemy as much as possible in the movement, the two cavalry divisions being supported by General D.
As soon as the troops reach Hanover Town they should get possession of all the crossings they can in that neighborhood.
Birney was now moved to the high ground overlooking the river crossings built by our troops, and covered the crossings.
Also, army commanders should practise the habit of giving the artillery and wagons the road, marching their troops on one side, and instruct their troops to assist wagons at steep hills or bad crossings of streams.
No efforts must be spared to support Rosecrans's right, and to guard the crossings of the Tennessee River.
The crossings of these streams by the army were generally made not far above tide-water, and where they formed a considerable obstacle to the rapid advance of troops even when the enemy did not appear in opposition.
As soon as it was dark both divisions moved quietly to Hanover Ferry, leaving small guards behind to keep up the impression that crossings were to be attempted in the morning.
Sheridan was engaged reconnoitring the banks of the Chickahominy, to find crossings and the condition of the roads.
The cavalry seized the two crossings before daylight, drove the enemy's pickets guarding them away, and by six o'clock A.
I propose to study the crossings of the Chattahoochee, and, when all is ready, to move quickly.
Therefore in the second and third crossings two of the ladies should take back the boat to fetch d, not one of them only.
Of course, the crossings of the lines must be ignored--that is, you must continue your route direct, and you are not allowed to switch off at a crossing and proceed in another direction.
To those who think they have solved the puzzle in nine crossings I would say that in every case they will find that they are wrong.
Thirteen crossings are necessary, and each line shows the position when the boat is in mid-stream during a crossing, the point of the bracket indicating the direction.
A similar opportunity occurs in crossings 10 and 11, where the party again had the option of sending over two ladies or one only.
A humble baby in a go-cart waited at one of the crossings for the traffic to pass, and bending over, she hugged him ecstatically, not because he reminded her of Harry, but simply because he was a baby.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crossings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.