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Example sentences for "rebel cavalry"

  • General Wheeler, with his division of rebel cavalry, had succeeded in getting ahead of us between Milledgeville and Augusta, and General P.

  • In Kentucky, during the advance of Kirby Smith upon Cincinnati, the correspondents of The Gazette and The Commercial were captured by the advance-guard of Rebel cavalry.

  • No Rebel cavalry confronted us in the highway, nor shouted an unwelcome "halt!

  • A week after the lessee took possession, he was frightened by the near approach of a company of Rebel cavalry.

  • I dashed ahead about three hundred yards, when I discovered a company of rebel cavalry coming in a line toward me.

  • The cavalry that went out yesterday reported a large force of rebel cavalry on the Hickory Flats, and I expect that we are going out there," was the reply.

  • I saw several squads of rebel cavalry, but at some distance from me, soon after passing our own pickets, but none of them interrupted me.

  • Here we found bough houses which had been used by rebel cavalry; and the tracks of many horses imprinted only a little while before, whether by the horses of our own cavalry, or by those of the enemy, we never knew.

  • As near as could be ascertained, there had been some three hundred Rebel Cavalry in the place, who had said "good-bye" on our approach.

  • The object of this movement was to surprise and capture a force of Rebel cavalry, who were camped between Woodbury and McMinnville.

  • It appears that there had been a skirmish a short time previous, some two miles ahead, between our advance and a large body of Rebel Cavalry.

  • It was caused by our pickets, who fired on a small party of Rebel cavalry--the cavalrymen having made a dash on them, so the pickets reported.

  • There was a small force of Rebel cavalry in that town, but Averill charged through the streets.

  • In one instance a squad, with live fowls dangling at their saddles, was confronted by Rebel cavalry.

  • The crossings of the Mattapony were held by Rebel cavalry, which was quickly driven.

  • While, we occupied the west bank of the Big Black, the east bank was watched by a rebel cavalry-division, commanded by General Armstrong.

  • My aide, Major Audenried, called me and said we were attacked by rebel cavalry, who were all around us.

  • Two miles beyond Bowling Green the skirmishers met a considerable force of rebel cavalry, and a sharp skirmish took place.

  • The day passed in comparative quiet; only a few small bodies of rebel cavalry appeared to contest the possession of the road, and they being easily repulsed.

  • They had scarcely struck the ground beyond, when it shook with the crash of artillery on the knoll above, and six charges of double canister tore wickedly into the surging mass of rebel cavalry.

  • Say, Corpril, the Orderly said we wuz goin' to fight a whole passel of rebel cavalry, didn't he?

  • Here they were assailed by Scott's rebel cavalry.

  • While at Selma, I was once more solicited to take charge of a company of rebel cavalry; and was tendered the influence of Gen.

  • The next day on the way down the Valley, 400 Rebel cavalry charged on our rear guard at Woodstock; but some well directed shots from a section of artillery sent them back flying.

  • At Wordensville, four miles out, they were attacked by Rebel cavalry.

  • Just before we reached the town our cavalry had driven out of it a small force of Rebel cavalry.

  • However, we did not reach the railroad before we had surprised a camp of Rebel cavalry, with which we had a sharp skirmish on the south bank of the North Anna River.

  • Here General Pleasonton again struck the Rebel cavalry rearguard, capturing two hundred and fifty prisoners and two field-pieces.

  • The Harris Light broke camp at Leesburg early in the morning, and advanced to White Plains, where we encountered and defeated a detachment of Rebel cavalry, driving them towards the mountains.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rebel cavalry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    capital goods; direct course; each order; get away from here; his hand; induce him; neither could; not mine; oriel window; other fruit; our children; painted glass; rebel against; rebel battery; rebel cavalry; rebel force; rebel officer; rebel soldier; rebel soldiers; rebellion against; rebellious house; social institutions; take flight; white five; white horses; would just