It was then that the truePumpkin honour arose in blushes upon his cheeks.
I am the grand-daughter of Sir Josiah Pumpkin, of Pumpkin Hall, in South Wales.
The 'Adventures of thePumpkin Family,' zealous to defend their honour, given in Nos.
Would not a missionary career among the Chinese be better for him than St. Peter's-cum-Pumpkin with Camilla French for his wife?
But anything would be better than his home at St. Peter's-cum-Pumpkin with Camilla sitting opposite to him as his wife.
He would talk of nothing but the poor women of St. Peter-cum-Pumpkin in the city, and the fraudulent idleness of a certain colleague in the cathedral services, who was always shirking his work.
She can play Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater on the toy piano and she can sew!
All this smacking and the description of baked beans and pumpkin pie had an odd counter effect upon ME; for I suddenly recalled my own tragic state.
The word pumpkin stands for good, old-fashioned pies, for Thanksgiving, for grandmother's house.
This is just the place to plant pumpkin or squash because there is opportunity sufficient for the vines to run.
For masts they had reeds, and for sails, in the place of canvas, pumpkin leaves.
As soon as the Pumpkin Pirates saw the others approaching, they left off fighting Lucian's crew, and prepared to give battle to the Nut-Shell Sailors.
On the third day they fell in with the Pumpkin Pirates.
As soon as the Pumpkin Pirates and the Nut-Shell Sailors were out of sight, Lucian set himself to dressing the wounds of his injured companions.
But looking back he could see that the Nut-Shell Sailors had the best of the battle, being superior in numbers, having five crews against two of the Pumpkin Pirates, and also because their ships were stronger.
Except for the pumpkin and a very small foot she would have married the butcher's boy, and been snubbed by her sisters to the end.
Try to roll an apple around a pumpkin and meanwhile spin the pumpkin.
Well, after getting back home and resting a few days and the frost began to hit the pumpkin vine, I began to feel as I imagined that the wild goose does about their migratory time.
I expected to find some beaver on Pumpkin Vine Creek, a branch of the Etowah River, but they failed to show up on investigation.
And in the mirror I can see the fireplace--there's a pumpkin hanging in it!
IV The moon lay among clouds on the horizon, like a big red pumpkin among its leaves.
Chrisfield picked up a medium-sized pumpkin and threw it as hard as he could into the air.
He had heard Americans talk a great deal about pumpkin-pies, and he wanted to know if they were as good as their reputation; so he took the first chance and the first pumpkin that came in his way.
It was he who brought the pumpkin into camp at Châtillon.
Then she struck it with her wand, and the pumpkin was instantly turned into a fine gilded coach.
Cinderella went at once to gather the finest she could get, and brought it to her godmother, not being able to imagine how this pumpkin could help her to go to the ball.
Have ready some pumpkin stewed very soft and dry; mashed smooth, and pressed in a cullender till all the liquid has drained off.
Put the stewed pumpkin into a pan, and stir the meal gradually into it, a spoonful at a time, adding a little butter as you proceed.
Take equal portions of Indian meal, and stewed pumpkin that has been well mashed and drained very dry in a sieve or cullender.
Then add to it gradually the mixture of pumpkin and corn meal, and stir the whole very hard.
We subjoin a receipt for pumpkin mush, an excellent and wholesome breakfast dish.
Pumpkin marmalade may be made in the above manner, omitting the ginger.
December 30 Sirloin Steak Glazed Pumpkin Marbled Potatoes Celery Salad Cheese Relish *Boston Pudding Coffee *Boston Pudding--Cut 1 loaf bread into thin slices and spread with Crisco.
As a change, place on the pumpkin pie as it comes out of the oven a layer of halved marshmallows, replace in the oven and let them brown.
Randal, bowing before Emily with a great blue platter laden with two doughnuts, two wedges of pumpkin pie and two spoons.
And there I see a pumpkin shell As big as mother's bason; And every time they touched it off, They scampered like the nation.
Set the cups and beaker glass, The pumpkin and the apple sauce; Send the keg to shop for brandy; Maple sugar we have handy.
Before the Corner House girls and their escort reached the top of the hill on which the Poole house stood they saw the two hugepumpkin lanterns grinning a welcome from the gateposts.
Illustration: They saw two huge pumpkin lanterns grinning a welcome from the gateposts.
Line the pie plates with puff paste, fill them with the pumpkin mixture, grate a little nutmeg over the top, and bake.
What calls back the past like the rich pumpkin pie?
The center-piece was a triumphant pumpkin hollowed out and scalloped and laden with oranges, grapes, and very red apples.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pumpkin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: color; peach; pigment; vegetable