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Example sentences for "protozoon"

Lexicographically close words:
protoxide; protozoa; protozoal; protozoan; protozoans; protract; protracted; protracting; protraction; protractor
  1. No living being stands above her law; and protozoon or demigod, if they transgress, alike must die.

  2. This tendency is probably to be regarded as the embryological repetition of that phase in the evolution of the Metazoa, which constituted the transition from the protozoon to the metazoon condition.

  3. This oldest known Protozoon would thus belong to the highest family in the highest sub-order of the lowest class of animals.

  4. From some peculiarity in the conditions of the case, however, our Protozoon usually becomes petrified with a hydrous silicate instead of with pure silica.

  5. The Protozoon gives no data from which we can calculate the specialties of the Mollusc, the Articulate, or the Vertebrate.

  6. There are no waste parents, which should appeal to the scholastic mind, and the simple protozoon has none of that fitful fever of falling in love, that distressingly tender state that so bothers your mortal man.

  7. For we may look at this matter in another light, and say our exuberant protozoon has shed a daughter, and remains.

  8. The entire organism of the protozoon (the rhizopods of the infusoria) remains throughout life a single simple cell (or occasionally a loose colony of cells without the formation of tissue, a coenobium).

  9. In Europe a peculiar ciliated Protozoon (Trichodina spongillae) is found attached to the external surface of freshwater sponges.

  10. The other protozoon was Vorticella monilata, Tatem, which has been found, not in association with Hydra, in Europe and S.

  11. On the surface of the sponge I have found a peculiar protozoon which resembles the European Trichodina spongillae in general structure but belongs, I think, to a distinct species, if not to a distinct genus.

  12. When an ordinary Protozoon or one-celled animal divides into two or more, which is its way of multiplying, the daughter-units thus formed float apart and live independent lives.

  13. This view of the passage from the protozoon to the metazoon state, though to my mind improbable in itself, fits in very well with the ontogeny of the lower Hydrozoa.

  14. It may be noted that an intracellular protozoon type of digestion persists in the Porifera, and appears also to occur in many Coelenterata, Turbellaria, &c.

  15. Following the lines of phylogenetic speculation above indicated, it may be concluded that the two-layered condition of the organism represents in a general way the passage from the protozoon to the metazoon condition.

  16. And in all cases--in the humblest alga as in the oak, in the protozoon as in the mammal--this fertilized germ results from the union of the contents of two cells.

  17. You put the difficulty of the first modification of the first protozoon admirably.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "protozoon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amoeba; bacillus; bacteria; bug; coccus; fungus; germ; microbe; microorganism; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; spore; streptococcus; virus