This is, no doubt, promotive of health, provided it is not at first carried to an extreme.
The reaction, which set in against this unrestricted use of forest property, resulted in Prussia not in renewal of restrictive measures, but in the enactment of promotive ones.
An increase of navy-yard facilities is recommended as a measure which will in the event of war bepromotive of economy and security.
King of Italy with every manifestation of gracious appreciation, and the incident has been highly promotive of mutual respect and good will.
It is worthy of remark that this conviction seemed rather to increase recklessness and crime than to be promotive of virtue.
Nothing which could be promotive of the prosperity of the empire escaped her observation.
The victory of the insurgents, if they may be so called, who occupied the provinces in the valley of the Dnieper, was not promotive either of prosperity or peace.
Christian powers against the Turks, wished to make the marriage of the Grecian princess promotive of his political views.
Some of the laborious employments, at that time, were especially promotive of social influence; for instance, the making and mending highways.
At that time were prevalent, in rural neighborhoods, other recreations promotive of social hilarity to the highest degree.
And education, as it was promotive of the diminution of the society, was of two kinds.
And can reasoning upon principle have any other effect than that of being promotive of its growth?
Barclay, in his celebrated apology, no where condemns the propriety or usefulness of human learning, or denies it to be promotive of the temporal comforts of man.
If from the sober and religious, we receive them under the impression, that they may be promotive of our good.
This, as it becomes promotiveof the diminution of the society, is of two kinds.
How again are these customs and principles of the Quakers promotive of independence of mind?
I, 8, an apology for the moral wholesomeness of civilization, sincepromotive of military prowess, favorable to the development of the sciences, and even poetical.
At that same moment, it is opposed for being promotive and destructive of slavery.
At the same moment, it is opposed for being promotiveand destructive of slavery.
We have always advocated that policy in legislation which was promotive of the interests and honor of our country.
Organizations of this character are very useful when rightly conducted, very promotive of the business prosperity of the cities in which they are established, and of the best interest of their membership.
Now, my countrymen, if this plan of revenue reform is to be promotive of our manufacturing interests, why go slowly?
Not till then can they be sure that their gifts will be promotive of good.
Finally, the business or professional man must be of the people and for the people, interested in their welfare of whatever sort, and promotive of the same as far as he is able.
Their race affinities produce natural and social relations promotiveof their varied interests.
The consent of the Indians to the act was not made dependent upon the adoption of any of these recommendations, but many of them are obviously just and promotive of the true interests of the Indians.
I think the latter course, which has been adopted in the treaty, will be highlypromotive of the best interests of the Hawaiian people, and is the only one that will adequately secure the interests of the United States.
Cordatus was silent after this public discussion, in which Melanchthon's formula had been defeated; and Master Philip himself began to retract, no doubt because he saw that his formula might be promotive of work-righteousness.
Where a proper supply of domestic exercise cannot be afforded, the cultivation of flowers and fruits might be resorted to, as a delightful and unfailing promotive of pleasure and health.
This, especially for the daughters of a family, is greatly promotive of health and amusement.
This social intercourse is highly promotiveof a general amity, as it cultivates an intimacy which at once familiarizes every one with the feelings, situation, and intentions of the other.
The system was eminently promotive of honesty and good morals, as well as the ends of justice; for men's rights before it were not unfrequently determined by the reputation they bore in the community in which they lived.
In the two hundred years of African slavery the world's progress was greater in the arts and sciences, and in all the appliances promotive of intelligence and human happiness, than in any period of historical time, of five centuries.
This intercourse, together with the dependence of every one at times for neighborly assistance, was greatly promotive of harmony and mutual confidence.
That which experience shows to be useful, as promotive of personal or social interests and happiness, becomes thereby right, or the norm of moral choices and conduct.
For in its primary and fundamental form, viewing conduct as right because promotive of our personal interests and happiness, it plainly resolves morality into mere calculation of selfishness.
His virtues, and they were great ones, proved in all respects promotive of his worldly welfare.
Nay, it is more than probable that the king daily, in prayer, looked to God for guidance, and that he thought that he was doing that which was promotive of the interests of England.
For they originate in the nature of reason itself, and it is impossible that this supreme tribunal for all the rights and claims of speculation should be itself undeserving of confidence and promotive of error.
Nay, more, we may admit into the idea certain anthropomorphic elements, which are promotive of the interests of this regulative principle.
And yet all we aim at is the possession of this idea as a secure foundation for the systematic unity of experience--a unity indispensable to reason, advantageous to the understanding, and promotive of the interests of empirical cognition.
This policy is not however fully carried out with merely constructive and promotive action.
A word from him would have relieved them at any moment in the manner most acceptable to them and most promotive of peaceful results.
Now that fanaticism can no longer inflame the prejudices of the uninformed, it may be hoped that our statesmen will review the past, and give to our country a future in accordance with its early history, and promotive of true liberty.
Henry May, a member of Congress, who had introduced a resolution which he hoped would be promotive of peace, was another of those arrested and thrown into prison.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "promotive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.