An especial difficulty would then present itself that the promotor would have trouble in getting any pay for his work.
I waive discussion of the extraordinary fees which a trust promotor makes, in effecting a consolidation of big business units,--a process of exchange.
The Promotorwas also the University gaoler, and was responsible for the safe custody of prisoners, and he might place in fetters dangerous prisoners or men accused of serious crimes.
The Promotor gives the first blow with a frying-pan, and the scholars who help in the purgation are limited to two or three blows each, since an infinity of blows is also to be avoided.
The Rector is to bring one scholar with him, and the Promotor two, to help "ad purgandum bejaunum," and the bajan is to invite a bedel and others.
He was then informed that the Promotor Fiscal of the Holy Office presented him as a witness in an action which he had commenced against the above person, whose name it was ascertained was Juan Duran.
The deponent was then informed that the Promotor Fiscal of the Holy Office presented her as a witness ad perpetuam rei memoriam in a cause under his direction against the persons referred to in the said declaration.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "promotor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.