Then full sore were her people grievèd, for they held it an evil thing, 75 And a training that ill beseemèd the son of a mighty king.
Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him.
Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
The maid gave a cry of terror, but there was no evil thing in the face of Perseus.
They were but little children, yet the instinct that sometimes tells even a very little child when it is near an evil thing, warned Finola that harm would come to her and to her brothers were they to go.
Then once again did he pledge himself to do all that man's strength could do to rid the land of an evil thing.
Such an evil thing is house iniquity in the eyes of the God that is above.
Or, according to our acceptance, any other story would have been an evil thing, in the sociologic sense, in Italy, in 1877.
Anon he rose and striding to and fro spake sudden and passionate on this wise: "Beltane, I tell thee the beauty of women is an evil thing, a lure to wreck the souls of men.
It was true for Israel, as many a sad experience that it was a bitter as well as anevil thing to forsake Jehovah was to show in the future.
There is never an evil thing which--knowing it to be evil--we commit, which does not rise up to testify against us.
Then it is an evil thing," promptly answered Grace; "and so every good gift of heaven may be made an evil thing to those who use it for an evil purpose.
It is a foolish waste of time," returned the old man; "a foolish waste of time; and it is an evil thing to waste the precious time that God has given to us.
The second ape covered his ears with his hands, for he could hear no evil thing.
The third ape covered his mouth with his hands, for he could speak no evil thing.
The first ape covered his eyes with his hands, for he could see no evil thing.
Live thou and take thy fill of days and die When thy day comes; and make not much of death Lest ere thy day thou reap an evil thing.
And this is another reason why lying is essentially an evil thing, and can never, under any circumstances be allowed or justified.
Revenge may originate in a sense of justice, but it is revenge not justice; an evil thing, for it would be fearfully unjust.
But where an evil thing is invented to explain and account for a good thing, and a lover of God is called upon to believe the invention or be cast out, he needs not mind being cast out, for it is into the company of Jesus.
And after that they had gone a league from the city the young Fisherman grew wroth, and said to his Soul, 'Why didst thou tell me to smite the child, for it was an evil thing to do?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evil thing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.