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Example sentences for "perpetuate"

Lexicographically close words:
perpetrators; perpetual; perpetuall; perpetually; perpetuam; perpetuated; perpetuates; perpetuating; perpetuation; perpetuator
  1. Many monuments scattered throughout the country perpetuate the fame of the sovereigns of this illustrious house.

  2. It is the traditions of this beautiful structure that have given the world a name for all magnificent monuments raised to perpetuate the memory of the dead.

  3. But how the sun is supplied with materials, thus to perpetuate its kind influences, we know not.

  4. It was in the name of Slavery that the South seceded; and it was to extend and perpetuate Slavery, as a blessed and divine institution, that they avowedly framed the Confederate constitution.

  5. When it is desired to perpetuate on the earth the life of some old man or woman, or that of some young baby, the corpse is buried inside the house or just under the eaves, until another child is born to the nearest relation of the corpse.

  6. To do evil is bad; to perpetuate it is immeasurably worse.

  7. To them and them only was it now given to know these things and to perpetuate them, if that might still be done, by the careful and secret education of their children.

  8. Fortunately many veterans of the companies retained interest in military affairs, and appreciated the importance of maintaining the militia, so that they connected themselves with organizations designed to perpetuate the old regiment.

  9. To perpetuate his memory, his portrait, in robes, painted by Mr. J.

  10. A statue erected to perpetuate his memory stands near the Town Hall.

  11. The marriage of Kati with Matere Toha, brought about in accordance with ancient Maori custom, was designed to perpetuate the peace made between the Northern and the local tribes.

  12. No; but what right had he to marry and perpetuate such odious misery!

  13. You will consider then what will most tend to perpetuate his memory, under the circumstances of the respective cities, and make your option accordingly.

  14. Honours, if I am not mistaken, conferred not only to perpetuate the memory of the deceased youth, and in consolation to the surviving father, but for the sake of public example also.

  15. The Mayor ordered this memorial to be erected to perpetuate the event.

  16. He did not perpetuate his greatness; he did not even enlarge the boundaries of his kingdom.

  17. The land of Midian, to which he fled, is not fertile like Egypt, nor rich in unnumbered monuments of pride and splendor, with pyramids for mausoleums, and colossal statues to perpetuate kingly memories.

  18. A youth, with a disposition such as his, cannot assuredly either perpetuate intact the estate of his father and grandfather, or follow the injunctions of teacher or advice of friends.

  19. It was not so much the monuments themselves that he admired, but the historical recollections they perpetuate the great names they consecrate, the important events they attest.

  20. He even had a medal struck to perpetuate the memory of the entry of the French army into Munich.

  21. He wished for great monuments to perpetuate the recollection of his glory; but at the same time he knew how to appreciate all that was truly useful.

  22. Through this instrumentality, under the favor of Divine Providence, we hope to perpetuate the principles of our revolutionary fathers.

  23. Our people have rallied, with unexampled unanimity, to the support of the great principles of constitutional government, with firm resolve to perpetuate by arms the rights which they could not peacefully secure.

  24. Weaving his ambition with the wish to revive the pride of his hereditary name, every acquisition of fortune or of fame rendered him yet more anxious to find the only one who could perpetuate these hollow distinctions to his race.

  25. It is impossible then to escape the conclusion, that, in recognizing this confederacy, England ranges herself on the side of slavery, and does all she can to maintain and perpetuate it in America.

  26. She violates a great moral rule, and a well settled principle of international law, to maintain and perpetuate slavery in the South.

  27. It scarcely seemed necessary to regard the Pentateuch as of plenary inspiration, since no means had been provided to perpetuate its correctness.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perpetuate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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