After a time the prolapse no longer subsides after the pressure is reduced, for the tissues have lost their recuperative power, and the prolapse becomes permanent.
Hemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectum; the former is a frequent concomitant of constipation, and the latter may be the result of an imperfect involution after confinement.
These affections are: prolapse or falling of the womb; prolapse or falling of the vagina, and an inflammatory elongation or hypertrophy of the cervix or neck of the womb.
A prolapse or descent is the most common form of an ovarian displacement.
Since I learned to know better, I no longer recommend them, and those who desire a radical cure for a prolapse of any kind, will surely be disappointed if they pin their faith to them.
The German school of gynecologists have of late years greatly perfected the plastic operations of the vagina, in fact, it is almost a sub-specialty in itself, to which they have given the term prolapse operations.
He again laid open his abdomen in 1880, the wound again healing notwithstanding the prolapse of the omentum.
Wagner pictures partialprolapse of the womb in labor.
Of the different anomalous positions of the uterus, most of which are acquired, the only one that will be mentioned is that of complete prolapse of the uterus.
There was ectopia vesicae and prolapseof the intestine at the umbilicus; the right kidney was elongated; the right vas deferens opened into the ureter.
Ulceration of the rectum may occur during chronic proctitis; it may accompany advanced states of prolapse and procidentia of the bowel; it may attack a stricture of the rectum and cause peritonitis by erosion.
In a complete prolapse the entire rectum--all of its component layers--is protruded through the anus.
When these are used, the same plan as that mentioned in case of prolapse in children should be pursued.
Prolapse of the rectum is common in children, and excoriation of the perineum by the acrid discharges is not infrequent.
Cases of prolapse are sometimes reported amongst young married women who have not worked after marriage and who have had every care after child-birth, which seems to point to an adverse influence exerted during adolescence.
Sick Visitors also reported that prolapse was not unusual, and that most girls found the long hours of standing very fatiguing.
Prolapse of omentum was comparatively rare, except in cases with large wounds; it was apparently seen with some frequency among patients who died rapidly on the field of battle.
The causes are tight lacing, prolapse of the abdominal organs, weakness of the supporting ligaments, and enervating habits.
And then again, the enema may be used for quite a period, when all at once a large prolapse of sacculated mucous membrane occurs, and the enema is thought to be the cause of it.
The objection is that at times these tumors or sacs prolapsevery freely during the act of expelling the injected water.
But this prolapse occurs in many cases whether water is used or not.
The lens nucleus may prolapse through the pupil into the anterior chamber.
Prolapse of the iris and irido-cyclitis should be treated as already indicated under cataract extraction (see p.
A serious complication of tears or rents of the uterine wall, whether the uterus is gravid or non-gravid, is extrusion or prolapse of the intestine.
Eserine should have been previously instilled in order to contract the pupil and prevent prolapse of the iris.
In any case the eye should be examined on the evening of the operation, and, if prolapse has occurred, that portion of the iris should be removed.
The reason for this was that these injuries were so frequently followed by sympathetic ophthalmia owing to prolapse of the iris and ciliary body.
In bad cases, it may be used with good effect several times during the day, and will be found equally beneficial in cases of prolapse of the rectum.
The accumulation of hardened faecal matter distends the sigmoid flexure, causing inflammation, until from its own weight it falls down, producing prolapse of the bowels.
Now this weight, in a flexible organ like the colon, must cause a sagging down, exerting a serious strain upon its attachments to the abdominal wall, and by its pressure upon the sphincters will induce prolapse of the rectum.
As a consequence, prolapse of the uterus occurs, and it becomes indurated.
Probably the most interesting passage in her book for the modern time is that with regard to a torn perineum and its repair, even whenprolapse of the uterus is a complication.
PILES (Prolapse of the Anus) CAUSE: Although the pig may look well, he has a weakness of the circular fibres of the intestines, due to irritating foods that either constipate or produce diarrhoea.
A strong decoction of oak bark is most usefully applied for prolapse of the lower bowel.
Someone has suggested that if the buttocks are supported by a board placed over the toilet seat with a two-inch opening so that severe straining of the rectal muscles is impossible, the prolapse of the rectum will not recur.
Soranus says that in prolapse Diocles was accustomed to introduce into the vagina a pomegranate soaked in vinegar.
Hippocrates says that prolapse of the womb is to be reduced and the half of a pomegranate is to be introduced into the vagina.
Upon incision of the prolapse intra-ocular hemorrhage occurred, causing nearly total blindness for two weeks.
This operation opens a large filtration passage for the intra-ocular fluids and the prompt healing of the wound with its mucous covering prevents prolapse of the iris.
Although Lagrange advocated iridectomy in all cases in his first communication, he no longer judges the procedure to be necessary in all instances, reserving it for cases in which for any reason, such as hypertension, prolapse is to be feared.
A small button hole iridectomy was made; prolapse of the iris into the wound occurred four days later requiring incision.
Two months afterwards she realized that she was also cured of a prolapse of the uterus which she had not mentioned to me, and of which she was not thinking when she made her autosuggestion.
For 8 years I have suffered from prolapse of the uterus.
In October of the same year this lady tells me that she is cured of a prolapse of the uterus from which she had suffered for more than twenty years.
Prolapse and procidentia are different degrees of the same variety of displacement.
We have therefore to consider the following conditions as pathological: anteflexion, retroflexion, retroversion, inversion, prolapse and procidentia.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prolapse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.