There were slaine in this fight on our side onely Captaine Cooper and one priuate souldier; Captaine Barton was also hurt vpon the bridge in the eye.
There were also added vnto this Fleet certaine tall ships of the Citie of London, of whose especiall good seruice the General made particular mention in his priuate Letters directed to her Maiestie.
But if mishap will haue it so, and that some ill lucke doe discouer our dealinges, I haue shift of wayes to coloure it, and power to stop the mouthes of them that dare presume to clatter and haue to do with our priuate conference.
And that he may knowe the same, be well assured that hee shall take his leaue of that priuate talke which sometimes I vsed with him to my great dishonor, as far as I can see.
And albeyt the Kyng and Queene had intelligence of thys frequent practyse of the knight, yet they thought not mete for the priuate and secrete Mystery, to demaund the cause.
The brute hereof dispersed, diuers talke thereuppon was raysed, and no communication of any thing els in open streats, and priuate houses, but of the putting to death of those men.
For I purpose not to do any priuate fact with him, but that which shall be meete for an honest Gentlewoman, and sutch as a faythfull tutor of hir chastity, may graunt to an honest and vertuous Gentleman.
Then noble father, kneele we both togither, and in this priuate place, be we the first to honor him with birthright to the Crown.
Would God that I were dead so all were well, Or would my crowne suffice, I were content To yeeld it them and liue a priuate life.
In priuate life, there commeth into consideration, their Tenements, which yeeld them sustinance, and their houses, which afford them a place of abode.
And so, leauing these priuate Inhabitances, & keeping still the North coast, we arriue at the towne, and port of S.
Vnder their reall state, I comprise all that their industrie hath procured, either for priuate vse, or entercourse, and traffike.
Wherefore, I, as one of the common beholden, present this token of my priuate gratitude.
It resteth, that after the Cornish Inhabitants reall priuate estate, I speake of their entercourse and traffike, and so step forth to their personal.
As for Glasse and Plaister for priuate mens houses, they are of late yeeres introduction.
Peran: and some to priuate persons, as Burien and Temple.
Whether therefore the gatherers of the publique or priuate Play-house stand to receiue the afternoones rent, let our Gallant (hauing paid it) presently aduance himselfe vp to the Throne of the Stage.
And whilest our countrie commodities are commonlie bought and sold at our priuate houses, I neuer looke to see this enormitie redressed, or the markets well furnished.
All tending to mirth and recreation, especially for those that desire to haue the insight and priuate practise thereof.
There are diuers and rare experiments to be showne by confederacy, either priuate or publike, all which in place conuenient, shall be spoken of.
Hitherto I haue intreated of the three principall kinds of Iugling, now it remaineth in order to speake of Iugling by confederacy, which is either priuate or publike.
Albeit in priuate disputation, he affirmed and defended the most of them.
May it please you Noble Madam, to withdraw Into your priuate Chamber; we shall giue you The full cause of our comming Queen.
Sir, you cannot; I would your Grace would giue vs but an houre Of priuate conference Kin.
How innocent I was From anypriuate malice in his end, His Noble Iurie, and foule Cause can witnesse.
Wee are too open heere to argue this: Let's thinke in priuate more.
Like it your Grace, The State takes notice of the priuate difference Betwixt you, and the Cardinall.
How dare you thrust your selues Into my priuate Meditations?
Sawcie controuler of our priuate steps: Had I the power, that some say Dian had, Thy Temples should be planted presently.
An other for priuate entertainements in Court, or other secret disports in chamber, and such solitary places.
Besides the good and bad of Princes is more exemplarie, and thereby of greater moment then the priuate persons.
Therfore nature and ciuility haue ordained (besides the priuate solaces) publike reioisings for the comfort and recreation of many.
Vpon his leerboord also, was Bargenland, which hath a priuate king, to whom it is subiect.
In which words he seemeth wisely to inferre, that greater care is to be had of our countrey lying in danger, then of our owne priuate safetie.
So that by this intelligence we learne The Welchmen are dispers'd, and Salisbury Is gone to meet the King, who lately landed With some few priuate friends, vpon this Coast North.
To such ambages who doth their minde incline, They count all other as priuate of doctrine, And that the faultes which be in them alone, And be common in other men eche one.
The Princesse from her seate, but since by loue The king is made your owne, shee is resolude In priuate to accept your dalliance, In spight of warre, watch, or worldly eye.
My priuate troubles are so great my liege, As I must craue your licence for a while: For to intend mine owne affaires at home.
Marry, well bethought: Tis told me he hath very oft of late Giuen priuate time to you; and you your selfe Haue of your audience beene most free and bounteous.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "priuate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.