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Example sentences for "priuie"

Lexicographically close words:
prithee; pritty; priuat; priuate; priuely; priuiledge; priuiledges; priuilege; priuileges; priuilie
  1. Wherewith the duke was maruellouslie abashed, and taking the maior neerer to him, with other that were about him priuie to that matter, said vnto them softlie, What meaneth this, that the people be so still?

  2. The mayden not vsed to such priuie sutes, ne yet acquainted with such secrete facts, made some difficultie, but her mother gaue her expresse commaundement to doe it, perceyuing in him no likelihode or force of a man to liue.

  3. In which worke hee had framed a stone by cunninge, that mighte be remoued at pleasure, and no man perceiue it: meaning thereby to goe into the Chamber when he liste: whereunto none in all the world was priuie but himselfe.

  4. To the right honourable the Lord of Buckhurst, one 589 of her Maiesties priuie Counsell.

  5. At last in priuie wise To Satyrane she shewed her intent; 8 Who glad to gain such fauour, gan deuise, How with that pensiue Maid he best might thence arise.

  6. These two letters the king of England sent vnder his priuie seale vnto diuerse monasteries within his realme, in the 19 yeere of his reigne, that in perpetuall memorie of the thing thus passed, it might be registred in their chronicles.

  7. So that this Iohn Fox at length opening vnto this Vnticaro the deuise which he would faine put in practise, made priuie one more to this their intent.

  8. Then went three togither, in the middest went Garter king at armes in his rich cote: and on his left hand went the maior of London, bearing a mace: and on his right hand went the gentleman vsher of the priuie chamber.

  9. Sidenote: The earle of Richmond maketh the duke of Britaine priuie to the matter.

  10. Wherefore he determining with all diligence to set forward his new begun businesse, departed to Rheims, and sent certeine of his priuie seruitours to conduct and bring the marquesse and other noble men to his presence.

  11. Thus a Spanish word vttered by one man at one time, ouerthrew or at the least wise hindered sundrie priuie practises of manie at another.

  12. Newly enlarged By William Alexander, Gentleman of the Princes priuie Chamber.

  13. Edmund was slaine at Oxford, as he sat on a priuie to doo the necessaries of nature.

  14. In yougthe also they be, readie scoffers, priuie mockers, and euer ouer light and mery.

  15. Sackuile came vp sone after: and finding me in hir Maiesties priuie chamber, he // Syr R.

  16. Of which number, the most part were of hir Maiesties most honourable priuie Counsell, and the reast seruing hir in verie good place.

  17. To thinke well of him selfe, to be lustie in contemning of others, to haue some trim grace in a priuie mock.

  18. If you will bee vigilant and secrete in this article, you cannot misse to spie their priuie packing one with another, either on shore or aboord the shippe: worke herein wisely, and you shall deserue great thanks of the whole company.

  19. Hereunto a man may easily answere: The Diuell knewe howe things stoode with the Iewes, and the Philistines, he vnderstood euen the very secret consultations, priuie practises, and warlike preparation on both sides.

  20. Afterwards in great silence passing through priuie caues vnder the ground, he issued foorth out of the open holes into the image of =Saturne=: which image was made hollow in the backe, and cunningly fastned to the wall.

  21. Also the said sir Thomas Graie (as some write) was of the kings priuie councell.

  22. The king after expelled him out of his priuie councell, banisht him the court, and made the duke of Clarence (his yoonger brother) president of councell in his steed.

  23. Wales went about a priuie conspiracie against him.

  24. Fausta priuie thereto: which ladie (either for feare least the concealing thereof might turne hir to displeasure, either else for the entire loue which she bare to hir husband) reuealed hir fathers wicked purpose.

  25. The earle of Northumberland was made constable of England: sir Iohn Scirlie lord chancellor, Iohn Norburie esquier lord treasurer, sir Richard Clifford lord priuie seale.

  26. Manie other that were priuie to this conspiracie, [Sidenote: Execution.

  27. And afterwarde by a Writte vnder the Kings priuie Seale there was a like commandement giuen vnto the Collectors of the custome aforesayde in the portes vnderwritten.

  28. For they were so poore and ragged, that they had scarse anie tatters to couer their priuie parts withall.

  29. The bodie of the same earle was shamefullie abused & cut in peeces, his head and his priuie members were cut off, and fastened on either side of his nose, and presented vnto the wife of the lord Roger Mortimer.

  30. About Easter the barons of the land with consent of the peeres, discharged sir Hugh Spenser of his office of cheefe iustice, and placed in his roome sir Philip Basset without the kings assent, he being not made priuie therevnto.

  31. Amongst other also sir Iohn Mansell the kings chapleine, and one of his priuie councell did right worthilie, taking prisoner with his owne hands one Peter Orige a gentleman in good place.

  32. And herewith the earle of Kent Gilbert Basset and Richard Sward were receiued againe into the court, and admitted to be of the kings priuie councell.

  33. He had accused not onelie the said Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie also to be priuie and giltie of the same conspiracie.

  34. Howbeit when he should die, he vtterlie denied that euer he was priuie to anie such thing.

  35. Fiftlie, that he had impropried vnto him diuerse wards that belonged vnto the king: and had beene more priuie with queene Isabell the kings mother, than stood either with Gods law, or the king pleasure.

  36. The duke of Aniou turning this libertie to serue his owne turne, departed from thence, and went home into France, without making his fellowes priuie to his purpose.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "priuie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.