Also many pretie fine mats and baskets that they make, and spoones of Elephants teeth very curiously wrought with diuers proportions of foules and beasts made vpon them.
Their monie is pretie white shels, for golde and siluer we saw none.
Nay come forth all three: and come hitherpretie mayde: Will not so many forewarnings make you afrayde?
Over the gate at the entrie, I sawe written pretie posies, some in Latine, some in Italian, some French, and some English.
If this veyne bleede but sixe ounces more I shall proue a pretie railer, and so in time may growe to bee a proper Martinist.
Theres one with a lame wit, which will not weare a foure cornerd cap, then let him put on Tiburne, that hath but three corners; and yet the knaue himselfe hath a pretie wench in euerie corner.
If you prophane the Scriptures, it is a pretie wit; if we but alledge Doctors to expound them, wee are wicked.
They bee as cunning in cutting vp an honest mans credit, as Bull in quartering a knaues bodie.
Yes, although with thy seditious cloase, thou would'st perswade her Maiestie that most of the Gentlemen of account and men of honour, were by vs thought Puritanes.
And for the same respect are also fittest for the pretie amourets in Court to entertaine their seruants and the time withall, their delicate wits requiring some commendable exercise to keepe them from idlenesse.
Your misplacing and preposterous placing is not all one in behauiour of language, for the misplacing is alwaies intollerable, but the preposterous is a pardonable fault, and many times giues a pretie grace vnto the speech.
Others of a more fine and pleasant head were giuen wholly to taunting and scoffing at vndecent things, and in short poemes vttered pretie merry conceits, and these men were called Epigrammatistes.
To tell you the decencies of a number of other behauiours, one might do it to please you with pretie reportes, but to the skilfull Courtiers it shalbe nothing necessary, for they know all by experience without learning.
The riddle is pretie but that it holdes too much of the Cachemphaton or foule speach and may be drawen to a reprobate sence.
And thou shall heare, with mirth and mickle glee, A pretie tale, which when I was a boy, My toothles grandame oft hath tolde to me.
With that she gan to vaile her head, Her cheeks were like the roses red, But not a word she sayd: With that the shepheard gan to frowne, He threw his pretie pypes adowne, 95 And on the ground him layd.
In this place there is plentie of Blacke Ore, and diuers pretie stones.
A pretie disputation of the philosopher Phauorinus, to perswade a woman not to put forth her child to nursse, but to nourishe it herselfe with her owne milke.
How Melchisedech a iewe, by telling a pretie tale of three kinges, saued his life.
Kinge Cyrus perswaded by Araspas, to dispose himselfe to loue a ladie called Panthea, entreth into a pretie disputation and talke of loue and beautie.
How Melchisedech a iewe, by telling a pretie tale of three Ringes, saued his life.
This demaunde greatly pleased the Erle, who redely aunswered, that hee was contented, and with teares trickeling downe his eyes he deliuered and commended his pretie doughter vnto her.
When the eldest of their sonnes was growen to the stature of a pretie stripling, the father sent him sometime to Sauonne, and sometime to Ast, to sell their litle merchandise, for reliefe of their houshold.
How Plutarche did beate his man, and of pretie talke touching signes of anger.
All which be signes and tokens of anger: which pretie notes of that vnseemely passion, ought to minister to all men, occasion to auoyde that vice.
The other also riseth in the same péece, and runneth by Brisenorton vnto Bampton, and there receiuing an armelet from the first that breake off at blacke Burton, it is not long yer they fall into Isis, and leaue a pretie Iland.
Colne, we beheld Merseie which is a pretie Iland, well furnished with wood.
Beneath Lan Idlos it taketh in the Clewdogh, from northwest, a water producted by the influence of foure pretie brookes, [Sidenote: Bacho.
Hitherto out of the epistle that Eleutherus sent vnto Lucius, wherein manie pretie obseruations are to be collected, if time and place would serue to stand vpon them.
It hath a parish-church with a spire steeple, and a pretie towne belonging to the countie of Pembroke, and iurisdiction of one Dauid in Wales.
About the same time the Frenchmen got by stealth diuerse townes out of the Englishmens hands, and amongst other the faire towne of Compiegne was one, and the pretie towne of Crotoie an other.
Containing his voyage and aduentures, myxed with sundrie pretie discourses of honest Loue, the Description of the Countrey, the Court, and the manners of that Isle.
Whan I walke by myselfe alone, It doth me good my songs to render; Such pretie thinges would soone be gon If I should not sometime them remembre.
Yet Gorbo thou delud'st me stil My flower thou didst not see, For know my pretie Daffadill Is worne of none but me.
With that the shepheard gan to frowne, He threw his pretie pypes adowne, and on the ground him layd.
And for that many workemen came to the repairing of this dike, who for that they would not be far from their worke, coucht in Cabines, which seemed to be a pretie towne.
They cut it very thinne, and sow it with a thred In pretie order like to panes, to serve their present need.
Containing his voyage and adventures, myxed with sundry pretie discourses of honest love, the description of the countrey, the court and the manner of that Isle.
He must goe, he must kisse Childe and mother, babie blisse: For he left his pretie boy, Fathers sorowe, fathers joy.
Fortune changde made him so, When he left hispretie boy, Last his sorowe, first his joy.
Alannus or Alen; a pretie riuer and worthie to be described.
The other also riseth in the same peece, and runneth by Brisenorton vnto Bampton, and there receiuing an armelet from the first that breake off at blacke Burton, it is not long yer they fall into Isis, and leaue a pretie Iland.
By the waie also it is increased with sundrie pretie springs, of which Pantwell is the cheefe (whereof some thinke the whole brooke to be named Pant) and which (to saie the truth) hath manie a leasing fathered on the same.
From this water we went by Dunstanbugh castell, vnto the Chalne or Alnemouth, which is serued with a pretie riueret called Alne, the head whereof riseth in the hils west of Alnham towne, and called by Ptolomie, Celnius.
And thus is Taue described, which is no great water nor quicke streame, as may appeere in Low water marke at Berstable and yet is it a pretie riueret.
From thence the Test goeth vnder a pretie bridge, before it come at Redbridge, from whence it is not long yer it fall into the hauen.
In the middest and a pretie distance from the prince, lie certeine sackes stuffed with wooll or haire, wheron the iudges of the realme, the master of the rols, and secretaries of estate doo sit.
Vse, riseth about west Wickham, out of one of the Chilterne hilles, and goeth from thence to east Wickham or high Wickham, a pretiemarket towne.
Venus waxeth old; and then she was a pretie wench, when Juno was a young wife; now crowes foote is on her eye, and the black oxe hath trod on her foot.
Good semsters be sowing of finepretie knackes, good huswifes be mending and peecing their sackes.
No more my child, now talke another while, And tell me where learnst thou this pretie song?
Garamantide the dauncing Nymph holding by hir little finger, and washing hir delicate pretie feete from sweate in the riuer Bagrada.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pretie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.