No more, no more, Worse then the Sunne in March: This prayse doth nourish Agues: let them come.
Why, what a Rascall art thou then, to prayse him so for running?
I prayse your witt, my Lord, that choose such safe Honors, safe spoyles, won without dust or blood.
I prayse your witt, my Lord, that choose such safe Honors, safe spoyles, worm without dust or blood.
And in this strife the glories all your owne, Your tribunes cannot share this prayse with you; Here your Centurions hath no part at all, Bootless your Armies and your Eagles were; No Navies helpt to bring away this conquest.
Till which we cease your further prayse to sing, Ne any woods shall answer, nor your eccho ring.
Welth is good I cannot denay Yet prayse your selfe so muche ye may For welth oftentimes doth decay 30 And welth is nothing sure.
Health+ I will forgiue or els I were to blame And I pray you to forgiue me the same I loue you hartly, and wyll prayse your name yf it please youto keepe my company.
And bow their flaming heads before Thee: Still thrones and dominations would adore Thee; Still would those euer-wakefull sons of fire 25 Keep warm Thy prayse Both nights and dayes, And teach Thy lou'd name to their noble lyre.
The knight was fiers, and full of youthly heat, And doubled strokes, like dreaded thunders threat: For all for prayse and honour he did fight.
All trauellers do gladly report great prayse of Vlysses, For that he knew many mens maners, and saw many Cities.
And you that prayse this Ryming, bicause ye neither haue reason, why to like it, nor can shew learning to defend it, yet I will helpe you, with the authoritie of the oldest and learnedst tyme.
And truely this our age dothe breede many fayre and worthie Women, whose condicions bee good and honest, adorned with comely qualities, the Generositie, stoutnesse and Valoure of whose myndes doe deserue syngular prayse and estymatyon.
The king for all the acclamations and shoutes of the troupe, spake not a worde, but stoode musing with himselfe, and did neyther prayse nor blame the Hauke.
In doing wherof ye shall not only deserue bothe Laude & prayse in the furderaunce of the saide master Marshall, whose aduauncement I hartely desire, but also I wille not faile to remembre your kyndnes in that I may doo you pleasure.
To the ignorant e[a]ch thinge that is unknowne semes unprofitable, but a wise man can foresee and prayse by proofe.
Other prayse he affecteth not, that in a deepe insight into his innermost partes findeth not the highest pitch of his Hope equiualent to the lowest pit of your commendation.
But I leave the reformation thereof to more wyser than my selfe, and retourne to Gosson whom I wyshe to be fully perswaded in this cause, and therefore I will tell hym a prety story, which Justin wryteth in the prayse of poetrye.
Howbeit Curtesie is as ready to ouerloade with prayse as Malice eger to ouerthrow with reproch.
The woordes of Metellus of mariage, and wiuing with the prayse and dispraise of the same.
But how well the same is done, or how prayse worthy the translation I referre to the skilful, crauing no more prayse, than they shall attribute and giue.
In memorie of which facte, Cyrus erected a noble monument to the perpetuallprayse of chastitie and honest loue.
No vertuous dede or zelous worke can want due prayse of the honest, though faulting fooles and youthly heades full ofte do chaunt the faultles checke, that Momus mouth did once finde out in Venus slipper.
The victory and prayse wherof was giuen to Lucretia, who when she saw her husband, gentlie and louinglie intertained him, and curteouslye badde the Tarquinians welcome.
For prayse be they well worthy for to haue which in well doing do contende.
Come, goe we in procession to the Village: And be it death proclaymed through our Hoast, To boast of this, or take that prayse from God, Which is his onely Flu.
Me well, which is the prescript prayse and perfection of a good and particular Mistresse Const.
I, I prayse God, and I haue merited some loue at his hands Pist.
W^ch thought at once instructed me in this Safe way toprayse him, and yo^r hands to kisse.
An early offer of him to yo^r sight Was the best way to doe the Author right My thoughts could fall on; w^ch his soule w^ch knew The weight of a iust Prayse will think't a true.
I Could prayse Heywood now: or tell how long, Falstaffe from cracking Nuts hath kept the throng: But for a Fletcher, I must take an Age, And scarce invent the Title for one Page.
In the meane time vse this Herbale in stede of a better and give all laude and prayse unto the Lorde.
Prayse the Lord for that," said Adam Olliver, "an' may God guide uz all!
Neuerthelesse as I said before if we fall a praysing, specially of our mistresses vertue, bewtie, or other good parts, we be allowed now and then to ouer-reach a little by way of comparison as he that said thus in prayse of his Lady.
The zealous Poet writing in prayse of the maiden Queene would not seeme to wrap vp all her most excellent parts in a few words them entierly comprehending, but did it by a distributor or merismus in the negatiue for the better grace, thus.
I prayse my God, throwght Jesus Christ, for I fynd his promeis suyre, trew, and stable.
Let us, I beseich yow, follow his footsteps, whome all the world ought to prayseand wirschep.
We hartlie prayse God, quha movit the hart of the Erle of Arrane to joyne him selff with us, his persecuteit brethren; bot how maliciouse ane ley it is, that we have promesit to sett him up in authoratie, the ischew sall declair.
In prayse of the Authour, and his following Poeme.
The former is in a handwriting different from all the rest: the latter the same as the Poems that follow "Part of an Elegie in prayse of Marriage.
Iuda/ thy brethern shall prayse the/ & thine hande shalbe in the necke of thyne enimies/ & thy fathers childern shall stoupe vnto the.
And she conceaued yet agayne/ and bare a sonne saynge: Now will I prayse the LORde: therfore she called his name Iuda/ and left bearynge.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prayse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.