All the newe Magistrates ratified his sayings, and allowed his discretion and wisedome, praysing the election of the newe officers as men moste méete for suche an office, and besought them to accept theyr charge.
Cortez knowing his souldyers mindes, commanded the other Ship to be sunke, so that then they were all without hope to goe out of that Countrey at y^t time, exalting and praysing the noble minde of Cortes shewed in that worthy facte.
And as for those théeues and villaines of Tlaxcallan your slaues, shall not depart praysing their gaynes, who nowe presume to take their maisters wiues, ye and to demaund tribute of them, vnto whome they themselues are tributors.
One of Cortes his men went to shewe the glad tidings to their fellowes, who then receyued double strength, praysing God, and embraced one another wyth great pleasure and ioy.
One praysing the Neapolitans for good men at armes, said by the figure of Twynnes thus.
Ye also, lady, knowe these thinges for trewe; I avaunte not in praysing of my-selfe; therby shulde I lese the precious secre of my conscience.
For nothing, by reson of that, turneth in-to thypraysing ne lacking.
Another hath these, but renome of peoples praysing may he nat have; overal he is hated and defamed of thinges right foule.
The father hearing the wise aunswere of his daughter, gaue her his blessing, in his hart praysing her godly minde, beseching God to helpe her and to kepe her vnder his protection, and to confirme her in that holy and vertuous determination.
And by chaunce they entred in communication of their wiues, euery one praysing his seueral spouse.
The mayde greatly praysing her maistres for her curtesie, wente forth and opened the doore.
Upon this, they both hyed them home, still praysing God for their escape, and were neuer troubled after.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "praysing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.