Amaury sprang from his horse, and motioned my postilion to draw up in front of the chief gate.
He was roused from his reverie by the postilion shouting out to the guard of the mail, which was just before them on the road, to know when they were to take up the passenger who was to occupy the remaining seat in the calèche.
Suddenly, however, a strap broke, and the postilion got off his seat to tie it up.
But the postilion either did not or would not hear, and some time elapsed before the painter could persuade his well-meaning companion of his peaceable intentions.
Through this wilderness there is not even a trail, and the so-called "road" is only a certain route which is taken by the government postilion who carries the yearly mail to and from Kamchatka.
On the fifth day after leaving Gizhiga, our small party, increased by a Russian postilion and three or four sledges carrying the annual Kamchatkan mail, drew near the foot of the dreaded Viliga Mountains.
I began to think the postilion spoke but too true, when he said "it always rains at Salzburg.
The postilion told us that it was the stem of the largest fir-tree in the country, and that there were annual games celebrated around it--in the month of May, when its summit was crowned with a chaplet.
The postilion put his bugle to his mouth, and played a lively air--in which the valet immediately joined.
A pair of small, and apparently young and mettlesome horses, were put to the carriage: the postilion was mounted; and nothing remained but to take our seats, and bid adieu to Chrems and its Monastery.
The postilion did as he was commanded: and we darted off at almost a full gallop.
The postilion has already passed our house, and in a quarter of an hour the stage-coach will stop at our door.
The postilion has already blown his bugle for the third time!
As I was hesitating whether to run to the assistance of the postilion or endeavour to disengage the animals, I heard the voice of Belle exclaiming, 'See to the horses, I will look after the man.
As we were descending the narrow path, Belle leading the way, and myself the last of the party, the postilion suddenly stopped short, and looked about him.
There you are right,' said Belle, lifting up her head and looking the postilion full in the face by the light of the charcoal fire, 'for I was bred in the workhouse.
Over his head, they suddenly burst into the opening notes of the postilion mazurka from the ballet 'Excelsior,' which was highly popular that winter.
The postilion mazurka was now greatly enlivening the ball.
Harleigh, bowing upon the hands which he ventured not to touch, but of which he felt the impression with a pang indescribable, called to the postilion to drive off full gallop.
She instantly demanded fresh horses, for following them; but the postilion said, that he must return directly to Exeter, with his chaise; and enquired where she would alight.
Some labourers being in the kitchen, Sir Jaspar proposed driving about in the interval; and ordered the postilion to Wilton.
Since starting from Limoges each postilion had informed his successor of the conjectures of the Limoges postilion as to the mission of the bishop's messenger.
At length eight well-armed horsemen arrived, the postilion cracked his whip, and the carriage and the out-riders vanished through the gate between the tall yellow rocks.
The postilion dismounted and cracked his long whip several times, whilst fresh horses were put to.
The crowd dispersed, all except a few inquisitive small boys, while Gavrila went home and sent word through Liubov Liubimovna to the mistress that everything had been done, while he sent a postilion for a policeman in case of need.
Every one looked after him, but no one smiled or said a word, and the inquisitive postilion Antipka reported next morning in the kitchen that the dumb man had been groaning all night.
The postilion Antipka said afterwards that he saw Gerasim through a crack in the wall, sitting on his bedstead, his face in his hand.
From the postilion they learned that a small but not uncomfortable lodging could be had near the little village of Port Ballintray, and to this spot they now directed their course.
It was late on the following night when they reached Port Ballintray; and as the darkness threatened more than once to mislead them, the postilion halted at the door of a little cabin to procure a light for his lamps.
I did not like to do so; and the Professor gave the word to be off, the postilion cracked his whip, and we went off in grand style, amidst the cheers of the crowd.
Sure enough, there was the carriage at the door, and a still more gorgeous postilion than any we had had so far on our journey.
And I will not only do that, but I will do the best in my power to get a postilion to ride, and we will go quite in the old-fashioned way .
On this occasion, the postilion reached its address, although the person to whom it was addressed was, at that moment, in solitary confinement.
The postilioncontained a roll of paper on which only these two lines were written:-- "Babet.
Bonaparte places a postilion on the throne of Naples, and a sergeant on the throne of Sweden, employing inequality to demonstrate equality; Louis XVIII.
The postilion whipped up the horses; they had crossed the river and left Mont-Saint-Eloy behind them.
He was a bit of a mason, a bit of a gardener, something of a doctor; he bled a postilion who had tumbled from his horse; Louis Philippe no more went about without his lancet, than did Henri IV.
Immediately afterwards the postilion cut the traces and set off in haste after his employer, leaving Grootz, the coach, and one horse to themselves.
His son was on foot with drawn sword; a postilion was crawling out of the ditch all bemired, pale and trembling.
He then dismounted four of the dragoons, bade them get into the coach, and made the landlord change places with the postilion on one of the sear horses.
When we drive on," he said, "you will point that at the back of the postilion in front of you, and look as grim as you please.
A carriage with two gentlemen passing us, woke me up, and the following dialogue ensued between the postilion and myself.
The King had retired to Cheltenham, where, according to the artist, he was taking the waters with his family; a postilion has arrived express from London with the latest intelligence concerning the election for Westminster.
He is dressed in a fantastic habit of le sport, a compromise between a French postilion and a huntsman; he is winding on his pack with une corne de chasse.
John Evans and Jacob Hoblitzell rode postilion through the mountains, east of Keyser's Ridge.
Hanson Willison, of Cumberland, when a boy rode postilion for Samuel Luman, and for Alfred Bailes.
The old postilion bade adieu to the scenes of earth long ago, and nothing is left to indicate the spot where his lowly dwelling stood except a few perishing quince bushes.
The postilion started the horses, the off pole horse tugged at his collar, the high springs creaked, and the body of the coach swayed.
The postilionand all the other servants did the same.
The sprightly opera "The Postilion of Lonjumeau" is characterized by grace and elegance of treatment, fascinating rhythm, and odd contrasts in effects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "postilion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.