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Example sentences for "pointed arches"

  • Courtenay was con- fined in a small room on the basement floor, having a vaulted roof supported by pointed arches of curious construction, with deep recesses in the intervals.

  • The more recent chapel is a small, unpretending stone structure, and consists of a nave and an aisle at the north, separated by pointed arches, supported by clustered stone pillars of great beauty.

  • Its plan consists of a nave with two side aisles of equal length, terminated by semicircular apses; they are divided by two perfectly plain piers on each side, sustaining a vaulted roof, with sharp groins, and supported by pointed arches.

  • Two chapels are attached to the north transept, with a passage between them, its roof supported by a double row of pointed arches upheld by twisted pillars.

  • Its church is cruciform; the nave is separated from the north aisle by round arches, and from the south aisle by pointed arches, which gives it a singular and unusual beauty.

  • It has a nave of four bays, spanned by pointed arches, which carry the wooden roof, and a groined apse of five sides.

  • The diagonal or canted sides of the lantern are carried on pointed arches, the space below which is filled in with pendentives, with the stones arranged in courses radiating from the centre.

  • The grand length of this bridge, with its long line of pointed arches reflected in the lazily-flowing Douro, and backed by the towers and walls of the city, is extremely striking.

  • It is composed of three long narrow openings surmounted by pointed arches, the central arch rising above the lateral ones.

  • A smaller church, dedicated to St. Peter, stood near the principal one, with which it was connected by means of a corridor of pointed arches.

  • In the upper part of the low central tower are some pointed arches, the only deviations of style that are to be found in the building.

  • The walls of this fine apartment are broken up into arcades of interlacing tracery, each tier of semicircular arches being superposed upon the one below, giving all the effect of an arcade of pointed arches.

  • In pleasant contrast with their rude simplicity rises a group of gracefully proportioned, pointed arches of a later date; while the tall, slender traceries of the Perpendicular windows, lend a certain air of lightness to the whole.

  • It is exceedingly similar to the cloister of San Zenone, which we shall see presently, consisting of a long arcade of pointed arches carried on marble shafts; it is now in a very ruinous condition.

  • Towards this court there is the same sort of arrangement throughout (though many modifications of detail)--an open arcade of pointed arches below, and a series of fine windows lighting a corridor above.

  • The next step, the appearance of Gothic itself, may best be held to date from the systematic but not exclusive use of pointed arches in association with ogival vaults about the middle of the 12th century.

  • Externally the walls are comparatively plain, the decoration being confined to the east end, where the three apses are covered with a series of blind intersecting arcades of pointed arches.

  • This church is divided down the centre by an arcade of pointed arches, virtually constituting a double nave, and the rood-screen is carried through both.

  • It is octagonal, and is carved with an arcade of pointed arches.

  • On the west are two windows of two narrow lights under sharply-pointed arches, the tracery of the heads being in the form of three circles enclosing trefoils.

  • The cathedral of Autun has a barrel vault undergirded by pointed arches.

  • To remedy the disaster new piers had to be inserted between the old ones, which explains the sharp-pointed arches of the pier arcade.

  • The Corpus Domini has its own sculptured doorway, and three bays covered by a barrel vault carried on pointed arches.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pointed arches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black fellow; both feet; foie gras; friendly power; gray horse; grown caterpillar; heeled boots; iced water; more like; pointed arch; pointed arches; pointed architecture; pointed beard; pointed instrument; pointed knife; pointed out; pointed star; pointed stick; pointed wings; rather slender; say what; seating herself; solar system; wagon wheel; well contented; white mantle