These eruptions, probably intermittent, continued into the succeeding Glacial or Pluvial period, and only died out about the time that the earliest inhabitants appeared on the scene.
According to Elbert(18) the Kendeng strata overlying the Pithecanthropus layer correspond to an early pluvial period of low temperature and, in point of time, to the Ice Age of Europe.
Other topics to be considered are the occurrence ofpluvial or rainy climates in non-glaciated regions, and glaciation near sea level in subtropical latitudes during the Permian and Proterozoic.
The cyclonic hypothesis supposes that increased storminess accounts for pluvial climates in regions that are now dry just as it accounts for glaciation in the regions of the ice sheets.
The presence of extensive lakes and other evidences of a pluvial climate during glacial periods in non-glaciated regions which are normally dry is another of the facts which most glacial hypotheses fail to explain satisfactorily.
With pluvial patter for refrain; I've smoked the very blackest clay; I watch the drops run down the pane.
Take no heed of pluvial patter, Waste no time in vain regrets; Though our teeth are all a-chatter, Like the clinking castanets!
Pluvial Period, over the greater part of the old world, from the Niger to the Hwang-ho and from Ireland to the south of India.
Bering Strait, when this came into existence, before or after the Pluvial Period, isolated the Amer-Indians.
It has been called the Pluvial or Lacustrine Age, the rain or pond period.
The fish and the rain remind us of the myth of the phallical and pluvial cuckoo.
In addition to the smaller periodic alternations of pluvial and interpluvial climate—the “pulse of Asia”—the record of the Asiatic deserts indicates a progressive desiccation of the entire region, which has now given the victory to the dune.
The pluvial periods in which this bench was formed produced in other latitudes the great continental glaciers which wrought such marvelous changes in northern North America and in northern Europe.
From the Pluvial period to the present the valley has been the scene of frequent volcanic disturbances.
During the Pluvial period this huge rift was filled with water, making a large inland sea, fully two hundred miles long, with its surface nearly one hundred feet above the ocean level.
AL] Mr. Tylor has well designated this period as thePluvial age.
The cayos are composed of rocks, and not of sands, and their smallness renders it extremely improbable that the pluvial waters should unite in a permanent lake.
The frequency of caverns in which the pluvial waters accumulate, and where small rivers disappear, sometimes causes a sinking of the earth.
It is difficult to settle the precedence between this splendid piece of church decoration and the rival pluvial of Bologna in the Museo Civico, said to have come from the church of San Giacomo.
The celebrated pluvial at Aix-la-Chapelle has a fringe of gold bells hanging to a gold cord, which amalgamates with the pattern.
The Pluvial in the Basilica of St. John Lateran at Rome, he speaks of as "having much the appearance of the celebrated Opus Anglicanum.
At Aachen, in Switzerland, there is a very remarkable pluvial of one kind of opus Anglicanum, which has been already alluded to.
I give an outline of the pluvial from photographs,[510] and a finished woodcut of the centre to show the style and condition of the work.
Rain was anxiously and hopingly looked for, and a pluvialvisitation would have been hailed by the entire population with satisfaction.
Scandinavian mythology, therefore, appears to regard the goat as essentially the one that makes fruitful, as a pluvial cloud.
The advance of ice down the mountain sides in the transverse volcanic zone was accompanied by cool moist climates or pluvial periods.
Pluvial conditions possibly rendered the habitat even at lower altitudes uninhabitable for the mice, with the result that none continued to live in the transverse volcanic zone, but only north and south thereof.
Pleistocene seems unlikely and ater may have been reunited in subsequent pluvial periods with the spinifer (emoryi) stock.
Pluvial periods in the Pleistocene provided for confluence of aquatic habitats and expansion of geographic ranges, and coupled with physiographic changes, conceivably caused or enhanced some of the subspecific variation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pluvial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: blinding; driving; drumming; misty; pouring; rainy; streaming