And round Crum were still gathered a forlorn hope of blue-bloods with a plutocratic following.
With his Government job as a stepping-stone he has sprung into what he used to call plutocratic society in Washington, and is about to marry a young lady who is in the very front of the push.
With the advent of plutocratic fashion respect for official position had dwindled at Washington.
They were in the carriage, being whirled toward the great palace of Mrs. Whitson, the latest and grandest of plutocratic monuments that have arisen upon the ruins of the old, old-fashioned American Washington.
In a moment of vandalism ever to be deprecated, little Erasmus discovered and took possession of that copy of "The National Architect" which contained the picture of the plutocratic villa at Narragansett Pier.
She preserved this paper as sacredly as if it were one of the family archives, and upon the slightest pretext she brought it forth and exhibited it and dilated in extenso upon the surpassing advantages and beauties of the plutocratic villa.
What a sham our modernplutocratic life is," bitterly murmured Clayton.
Thus political and social institutions as well as the processes of economic life were made subject to plutocratic authority.
Behind them, however, were economic gains--little heralded, but of the most vital consequence to the future of plutocratic power.
Plutocratic patriotism was accepted by the press, the pulpit, the college, and every other important channel of public information in the United States.
The "plutocratic class" consists of that group of persons who control community affairs because they own property.
This plutocratic class is exploiting continental United States and its dependencies.
Kedzie had to satisfy her plutocratic pride by bossing the waiter about, by complaining that the oysters were not chilled and the sherry was.
On its crest I see approaching forces strong enough to subvert the Constitution, not only in the South but in the North--forces strong enough to uprear on its ruins the vast fabric of plutocratic empire and despotism.
From the very beginning, side by side with the State universities, were the universities founded by benefactors; and with the evolution of new centres of population, new and extremely generousplutocratic endowments appeared.
They will be acutely exasperated by every picture of plutocratic luxury in their newspaper, they will readily resort to destructive violence.
The flagrant abuse of the constitution by the plutocratic money power, if not checked by the people, will reduce them to a condition beneath that of any nation in the known world.
The bloodcurdling lawlessness and rioting by the strikers at Blue Island, as depicted by the corporation press; when simmered down to facts proved to be as false as other similar reports sent out by the plutocratic press.
It has torn the mask of hypocrisy from these plutocratic professional politicians and revealed them in their true character.
Debs could be induced to turn his magnificent executive abilities over to the railroads instead of the poor enslaved workingmen, these corporations would place him upon the highest pinnacle of plutocratic fame, and no one can dispute George W.
The new plutocratic conception, which marks the policy of a section of the Entente, is not lasting, and the people have a justifiable diffidence towards it.
It is not France, noble and democratic, which inspires these movements, but a plutocratic situation which has taken the same positions, but on worse grounds, as the German metallurgists before the War.
In the case of Russia, she has followed purelyplutocratic tendencies.
The universities and institutions of higher learning were in like manner harnessed to the plutocratic chariot by golden chains.
In respect especially to their susceptibility to corruption and plutocratic subversion they were the worst kind of government possible.
This form of plutocratic self-adulation is relatively modern.
That is the second proof of the plutocratic impulse behind all Eugenics: that no one thinks of applying it to the prominent classes.
The second evidence is the tacit and total neglect of the scientific question in all the departments in which it is not an employment question; as, for instance, the marriages of the princely, patrician, or merely plutocratic houses.
That is the unique tragedy of the plutocratic state to-day; it has no successes to hold up against the failures it alleges to exist in Latin or other methods.
They have now added all the bureaucratic tyrannies of a Socialist state to the old plutocratic tyrannies of a Capitalist State.
At least, I'm sure Max would be very much annoyed with me for unsocially introducing a plutocratic traitor into the bosom of the fold.
A plutocratic book collector living in a mausoleum on Fifth Avenue has just given it to me," he replied.
The Budget of 1909, which tempted a plutocratic House of Lords into a rashness which an aristocratic House of Lords had never ventured to display, was a clear expression of the new Liberal principles.
The arguments against the Budget were characteristic of their plutocratic origin.
The nouveau riche of the new Plutocratic type comes thrusting among you, demonstrating that sometimes quite obtrusively.
All these excellent Canadians, with or without an academic degree, who innocently pride themselves on a proletarian absence of prejudice, are adoptive children of a plutocratic and aristocratic cultivation.
Academic discussion becomes absurd, in the face of plutocratic savagery.
Our one-time academic discussion about ways and means has become absurd, in the face of plutocratic savagery.
There is not, nor has there ever been, the slightest danger of the Etonian or Harrovian of the old aristocratic order being corrupted by plutocratic schoolfellows.
Three thousand pounds scarcely represent what could be regarded as a plutocratic investment.
The late Lord Carnarvon was not so infected by the plutocratic idleness of Eton as to miss when at Christ Church the highest honours of the Classical Schools.
Now, I deny that dealing with a blind and greedy plutocratic class as we are dealing in this country, the outcome can ever be peaceable, or that any reasonable change can ever be brought about by the ballot in the end.
He realized how necessary he was to his plutocratic master, and he made that master treat him almost as an equal.
Fate abruptly gave her the speediest and easiest means to power known in our plutocratic civilization.
I tell you frankly that I'm complaining, not because of the other fellow's colossal fortune, but because I can't strike the plutocratic combination.
Writers who sympathize with the plutocratic side in the quarrel had no difficulty in convicting Jackson of a regrettable ignorance of finance.
In collaboration with Mr. Belloc he had written "The Party System," in which the plutocratic and corrupt nature of our present polity is set forth.
But he also sought to sever its damaging connection with those sordid and unpopularplutocratic combinations which the nation as a whole justly hated.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plutocratic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.