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Example sentences for "plantings"

Lexicographically close words:
planter; planters; planteth; plantigrade; planting; plantis; plantlet; plants; planula; plaque
  1. Balled acacias in formal rows outline the paths, while a succession of plantings has given a varying color scheme and a new perfume to each season.

  2. We could then put in specimen trees of the hickory and pecans with groups of filberts, dotted here and there with plantings of nut bearing pines.

  3. Were we to develop a park and limit the plantings to nut trees alone how attractive such a park might be--the taller trees in the background to be of the black walnut and beech.

  4. These are the early plantings of the annuals, for we cannot sow out-of-doors till the first or even the second week in May in our climate.

  5. But unless this association can keep their interest alive it is likely that some of these institutional plantings will be neglected, especially as regards the highest development of their possibilities.

  6. I believe that is one reason why Mr. McGlennon is raising filberts when most of the plantings of one bush, or two bushes of one kind have failed.

  7. In one botanical garden visited this summer the casual nut tree plantings running back thirty years have been entirely neglected and the trees are stunted almost to extinction.

  8. In some of the early plantings the blight made serious inroads.

  9. But there have been a number of filbert plantings made the last few years where that blight has not appeared at all.

  10. The great growth of the canning industry is most largely responsible for the large plantings of cherries in recent years in regions especially suited to this fruit.

  11. Mixed plantings of these three varieties cannot be expected to set fruit unless the trees are within the range of influence of some other variety or varieties that are inter-fertile with them.

  12. The canners have until the last year or two taken the cream of the crop but with recent greatly increased plantings are now over-supplied.

  13. The plantings in the State cover in the neighborhood of 9,500 acres.

  14. There seems to be little in the variety to commend it for either home or commercial plantings in New York.

  15. Early in the Sixteenth Century the gardener of Henry VIII made extensive plantings in Kent with trees supposed to have come from Flanders, and Parkinson, in 1629, mentions a variety as Flanders which was probably this cherry.

  16. In addition to the new plantings a considerable number of replacements had to be made particularly in the chestnut groves.

  17. Plantings may be made from the time the ground is in condition to work in the spring until late in June.

  18. In the curves and retreats of these plantings one will find many pleasant corners; and here the children may have their play-houses and their pets.

  19. The soil that had been dug up for the plantings over a considerable area had been grassed over again, with the sods cut from it, but the design of the garden, as far as it had gone, was plain to be seen.

  20. He looked to right and left of him with interest at the plantings of shrubs and flowers and ferns that had been made in clearings under the trees.

  21. I advise two plantings in spring, of first and second early; I also advise that late varieties be set out on RICH ground the last of June.

  22. Cover the first seed planted one inch deep; later plantings two inches deep.

  23. We will suppose that the spring plantings of trees have been made with open spaces reserved for the favorite games.

  24. For the green beans, plantings may be made until the last of June; and, for the young pods, until the first of July.

  25. Spring plantings will blossom in six weeks, produce pods for the table in seven weeks, and ripen in eighty-seven days.

  26. Early plantings will blossom in seven weeks, yield pods for the table in eight weeks, and ripen in ninety days.

  27. When sown after settled warm weather, pods may be gathered for use in six weeks; and, for these, plantings may be made until the 1st of August.

  28. Spring plantings will blossom in six weeks, produce pods for the table in seven weeks, and ripen in eighty-two days.

  29. Plantings for green pods may be made until the first of July.

  30. Plantings made during the last week in June will mature their crop, if the season be favorable.

  31. In September, the early plantings will be fit for gathering; whilst the later plants will afford a succession that will supply the table during the winter.

  32. Early plantings will blossom in six weeks, yield pods for the table in seven weeks, produce pods of suitable size for shelling in about ten weeks, and ripen in eighty-four days.

  33. Plantings for the green seeds may be made to the first of July.

  34. Spring plantings will blossom in about seven weeks, produce pods for the table in eight weeks, and ripen in a hundred days, from the time of sowing.

  35. For its green pods, plantings may be made to the last of July.

  36. Plantings for the ripened product may be made till the middle of June; and for the green pods, to the middle of July.

  37. It requires the whole season for its full perfection; but, for its young pods or for green beans, plantings may be made to the last week in June.

  38. Early plantings will blossom in about six weeks, young pods may be plucked for use in seven weeks, and the crop will ripen in eighty-two days.

  39. No large plantings of either of these nuts are being made, since there seems to be considerable question as to how successful they will be from a commercial standpoint.

  40. The mass planting of any crop is quite sure to call sooner or later for measures to offset the stimulus which such plantings offer to insect increase.

  41. The nut tree plantings in the experimental orchards at Cornell have not been particularly successful.

  42. New plantings are going forward very slowly at the present time due to the conditions prevailing in the fruit industry in general.

  43. On the other hand, Mr. Albert Stabler of Washington, has 6 or 8 trees of varieties similar to those in the plantings of Messrs.

  44. Seedling orchards are offered for sale, but very few grafted plantings are on the market.

  45. The development of permanent plantings has been mostly in the last two or three years, so you see we have as yet done nothing with nut trees other than to assemble what varieties we could get hold of.

  46. Practically all of the new plantings are of grafted trees, it having been amply demonstrated that, while seedlings are often revenue producers, the grafted orchards bring in more revenue and at no greater cost of operation.

  47. To add at least thirty acres to my present filbert plantings this year is my desire.

  48. The general price situation, however, is such as to discourage any extensive plantings at this time.

  49. The Franquette continues to be the principal tree planted; probably 95% of the new plantings being of this variety.

  50. He should decide on what plantings he will make to replace the trees that are cut.

  51. Russia now requires that all timber cut under concession shall be replaced by plantings of trees.

  52. Expert foresters report that private owners are each year increasing their plantings on denuded woodlands.

  53. Since that date a more or less contemporary record of successive plantings has been made, and where the planter has been a royal or distinguished personage, his or her name is attached to the recording plate.

  54. Though the first two Georges did nothing for the Castle except by neglecting it, in their reigns there were several plantings of trees.

  55. My practice is to divide my plantings about equally between summer, fall, and spring.

  56. I advise decidedly against late spring plantings on a large scale, but in early spring planting I have rarely lost a plant.

  57. Plantings may be made in very dry weather if the land is forked or plowed late in the afternoon, and the plants set immediately in the fresh, moist earth.

  58. Shrubs of medium size, suitable for side plantings and groups in the foregoing example 3 Barberries, Berberis Thunbergii.

  59. In permanent ponds of large size, plantings of willows, osiers, and other shrubbery may set off the area to advantage.

  60. They add emphasis, supply color, give variety and finish; they are the ornaments, but the lawn and the mass-plantings make the framework.

  61. The important point is that the plants begin to fail of best bloom about the third year, and they are likely to become diseased; and new plantings should be made if the strongest flowers are desired.

  62. The successive plantings may be in the same bed among those set earlier, or they may be grouped in unoccupied nooks, or portions of the border.

  63. The free border plantings have distinct advantages in attracting chipping sparrows, catbirds, and other species.

  64. Plant early and late varieties, and by making two or three plantings of each, at intervals, a succession may be kept up all summer and fall.

  65. The border plantings of this yard are too straight and regular for the most artistic results, but such was necessary in order not to encroach upon the central space.

  66. The main plantings are made up of hardy and vigorous species; then the things that you like are added.

  67. As a landscape feature, the pond should have a background, or setting, and its edges should be relieved, at least on sides and back, by plantings of bog plants.

  68. Most of my Persian walnut plantings I have interplanted with dwarf fruit trees and have clover and alfalfa growing between the rows.

  69. Only a few took advantage of these new and promising seedlings, and aside from a few small plantings throughout the state the filbert is placed in the ornamental grouping of plants.

  70. The original trees of these varieties had been under observation for more than 10 years, and their performance had been such as to indicate their suitability for home plantings under eastern conditions.

  71. The first I noticed was the native seedlings with spittle bug and then it moved into these plantings of these better varieties and it is very bad.

  72. In the nut tree plantings made at the Plant Industry Station at Beltsville, Maryland, large numbers of butternut, Japanese walnut, and Persian walnut trees were planted.

  73. Successive plantings brought on plenty for the rest of the season.

  74. String beans were ready very early, and three plantings during the season produced sometimes two to three quarts a week for each child.

  75. Other large plantings were made on the Western Railroad at a point known as Herradura, in the province of Pinar del Rio, 100 miles from the capital.

  76. These will probably be supplemented a little later by plantings from selected seeds of the most promising varieties on the fertile soils of high plateaus in southeastern Santa Clara.

  77. In 1915 some small plantings were made in Havana Province of an orange brought from Florida, known as the Lu Gim Gong.

  78. I would suggest that all of us who have them flowering in our plantings (even if only one tree) make an effort in 1953 to record as much as possible of the phenological data on them.

  79. Most of their other plantings are near the farm buildings which are just below the higher ground.

  80. Unfortunately, however, we do not have any nut plantings there.

  81. Now, in that same location I have some younger, second-generation or third-generation plantings that I grew from scions from the Jones hybrids and so far those have not been attacked by the blight and not much by the leaf miner.

  82. With these gentlemen who have passed away, experimental orchard plantings and other trees were part of their lives, but their children, or whoever inherited the property, had no interest in continuing the work.

  83. As a whole, the forestry plantings of the walnut of the future, as of the past, appear mainly dependent on the untiring squirrel.

  84. It is well, therefore, for you to watch your trees closely for insect damage and keep informed concerning the habits and control of the species that show up in your plantings or in those of your neighbors.

  85. The nut plantings are either in the eastern part of the state or the western part.

  86. The report on several small West Virginia plantings is submitted as "inconclusive".

  87. The original plantings were the Bixby and Buchanan.

  88. How extensive will be the plantings of the hickories is yet to be determined but it is a known fact that many people, especially north of the route of Federal Highway 40, prefer the hickory to the pecan.

  89. I presume that your plantings here are very largely that of the farmer and amateur rather than the commercial orchardist.

  90. I have transplanted one tree three times, which would make four plantings in eight years, and that tree bore almost as much fruit last year as any of them.

  91. Many new plantings have been made this spring, especially along plant-breeding lines.

  92. Plantings should preferably be made on ground plowed the fall previous, but spring plowed ground will answer if thoroughly disced, harrowed and planked and then repeated, to make the ground firm.

  93. A great work can be done in this country by the Northern Nut Growers Association by publishing bulletins advocating plantings of nut bearing trees for a three-fold purpose, timber, food, and beauty.

  94. The situation still remains, however, that we do not know of diseased plantings of any size.

  95. Experimental plantings of English, Japanese, Chinese, and American walnuts, filberts and hickories, have been established at the Horticultural Experiment Station.

  96. Plantings of these better sorts were made in England.

  97. His plantings of corn were purely for local consumption.

  98. As the dates of successive plantings are moved forward through the months of June and July, however there is a marked tendency for the plants to cut short the period of growth which precedes flowering.

  99. In seedling plantings seldom do two trees produce nuts of the same size, color, and shape.

  100. The contributions of Persia and the plantings of its forgotten scientists have here merely been touched on.

  101. Young trees are so sensitive to lack of soil moisture that sometimes whole plantings are killed by drought.

  102. I would like to see large plantings of nuts from all our leading varieties of pecans.

  103. He can plant his trees and lay out his plantings on state land where there would be more assurance of permanency.

  104. Going east from Wooster on the morning of the third day, a group of 50 or more persons stopped first at Kidron where they were shown the nut plantings of Mr. E.

  105. Thousands of small plantings were developed about home grounds and occasionally there were large orchards.

  106. The Chinese chestnut is growing satisfactorily in certain plantings as far south as Orlando, Fla.

  107. From plantings of Chinese chestnuts established in 1941, we are now beginning to realize definite returns.

  108. Many small plantings still survive; but this species serves better for shade and ornamentation than for food production.

  109. By reason of the small irrigation arrangements which Johnny had found desirable for his plantings and his bees, grass became more abundant and the flocks did not need to be moved so often.

  110. I began to think it hopeless when, after three plantings in the open, it was again wrecked, but at last had the happy idea of training it on a wall.

  111. One such happy mixture in one part of the copse suggested further plantings of Holly, Birches being already in abundance.

  112. A barrel spray pump, mounted on a hand truck or on a vehicle, equipped with plenty of hose will be found satisfactory for spraying plantings of modest size.

  113. In addition to the plantings around his home, the owner of a few acres can at slight expense start small trees for later ornamental use or for sale at a roadside stand, for example.

  114. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plantings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.