Among the sedge were flying the three snipe they had seen before, and in their plaintive cries there was a note of alarm and vexation at having been driven away from the stream.
Somewhere, far away to the left, lapwings uttered their plaintive notes.
Dymov leaned his cheek on his hand and softly hummed some plaintive song.
Vassya said suddenly, in a caressing, plaintive voice.
There is a sadness in this monotonous, yet plaintive sound, which has a great effect upon the heart that is filled with longing--and where is the human being who has nothing to long for?
Now broke upon the ear the cheering yet plaintive music of wind instruments.
While they entered the hall, and went up the broad old-fashioned flight of stairs, that plaintive wail followed them, growing gradually fainter as they ascended, but never fading utterly into silence.
A plaintiveexpression overspread his bronzed and bearded face.
Perpetually her eyes were attracted from the book to its mystery and plaintive sadness, that was like the sadness of something unearthly, of a spirit that did not move but that suffered.
They were sung by the hunter, with some accompanying ceremony, to a sweetly plaintive tune, either before starting out or on reaching the hunting ground.
The animal fell and set up a most plaintive cry, something like that of the panther when he is hungry.
It was too late; I only heard in the distance his plaintive neigh and the break of his gallop.
The plaintive wail of the reed flute, called by the Indians chirimia, was sadly intermingled with the tapping of several drums struck at regular intervals.
In the distance may be heard the plaintive drip-drip of many fountains.
Don't be long, Dulce," says Portia, in her plaintive way.
She was at once plaintive and voluable, and in moments of excitement her need of freeing her mind was so great that she took herself into her own confidence, and found a more sympathetic listener than when she talked to her husband.
The clerk mused with a plaintive air for a moment before he spoke.
The present is sweetlyplaintive and well adapted to the words.
I heard the plaintivemurmur of that voice, so sweet, so tender, so touching!
My memory now can return to the time When the breeze murmured low plaintive tones, While I wasted the day in dancing away, Or playing with pebbles and stones.
Very sweet and plaintive was the music of the redstart.
I ever shall remember, The plaintive sounds I've heard; And never'll kill a nestling To pain another bird.
Whatever was feminine about her was of that plaintive variety which may be depended upon to tell the story of whole generations of narrow, toilsome, and unprofitable lives.
Alice had died at Helen’s birth, but he blamed God and turned from Him, blamed not or turned from the small plaintivedestroyer who laughed and wailed in its unmothered cradle.
Again he called, and again the plaintive cry responded, growing fainter as several fleeter ewes sped past him to the beech trees beside the little stream.
The sound of the wind was deep and hoarse like the baying of distant hounds, and beneath it, in plaintive minor, ran the sighing of the leaves before his footsteps.
Suddenly the mockingbird sung twice, and its plaintive and soft song resounded melodiously through the air.
The wind blew violently through the trees, whose branches came in contact, with plaintive moans: and in the depths of the woods the miawling of the wild cats was mingled with the snarl of the coyotes and the howls of the pumas and jaguars.
Tashkend has its Russian newspaper, and with the plaintivechant of the Muezzin is mingled the tinkling bell of the Greek Church, more terrible to the ear of the true believer than the thunder of cannonades.
Long processions of the citizens of Moscow, carrying the sacred ikons and the vessels of the Mass, left by all the gates of the city, lamenting and singing plaintive songs.
This last she added in a plaintive tone, hoping to soften him.
The old baronet lived to see him return, though with plaintive wail he often declared to his daughter-in-law that this was impossible.
The song of birds was hushed in the wild woods, even the corn-crake had ceased its ventriloquistic notes, and the plaintivewee lilt of the yellow-hammer was heard no more.
He gives a deep sigh, and in a low plaintivevoice recites the remainder.
The birds are usually silent; those that have voices utter a plaintive song, or hoarse, shrill cry.
The "plaintive national songs" which Markham heard at Cuzco are not sung in Ecuador.
Keeping entirely quiet, the little musician presently emerged, and lifting himself up on a small stick, his throat palpitated, and the plaintive note again came forth.
I heard its plaintive "peep, peep, peep," on Chilhowee Mountain a number of times before I became aware of the fact that a lizard was the singer.
Mimnermus confined the metre to its more plaintive melodies, and made it the mouthpiece of lamentations over the fleeting beauty of youth and the evils of old age.
His plaintive note was uttered to the watchers of the seasons and the tillers of the soil, whose very livelihood depended on the will and pleasure of #dorophagoi basileis#.
Not as a being in human guise, but as a white, widewinged bird, perfectly noiseless in its movements, skimming the grass much as owls do, but having a plaintive voice like that of a little child.
I'n bin very bad with my sparms" meaning spasms, she answered in a plaintive voice.