Yea those that honest are, if any such there bee Within the land, doe vse the like: a man may plainely see.
Song; And I will shew youplainely then, the injury and wrong That constantly I doe sustaine, by the unhappy life, The which does put me to great paine, by my unquiet Wife.
And like a provident woman, as plainely did apeare, She starv'd her Bullockes to save her Hay, untill another yeare.
This Lot of yours doth plainely show, That, in some danger now you go.
Etimologie of the name with vs of the North partes of the world declaring plainely the nature of the attribute, which is all one as if we sayd good, [bonus] or a giuer of good things.
Wherein the poysonfull Nature of Sinne, and the Spirituall Antidotes against it, areplainely and brefely set downe.
The bottom now cleared, we plainely descried where the waters did spring up, and then the Physitians began to try their experiments.
Wee have in all things dealt cleerly and plainely wth you, and hope wee shall still continue to doe so.
Your colours to an understanding Lover carry the interpretation of the hart as plainely as wee express our meaning one to another in Characters.
Likewise it dooth plainely appeere that there was the first inuention of printing, a thing as strange as the other, whose antiquitie in that kingdome shall be shewed in the chapter following.
Howbeit what impulsiue causes of litle or no moment happened in the mean season, we will in another place more plainely declare.
This Anselme was one whose learned labours doe plainely testifie, how little his spirits were fed with the fulsome fumes of surfeting and ease; which to many others, together with their bodies, doe fatten and engrosse their mindes.
At their first meeting they rested with their eyes fast fixed one vpon the other; in such sort as did plainely declare, that discourtesie then trencheth most deep, when it is betweene those who should most dearely loue.
In the moneth of August, the Sunne was so deepely eclipsed, that by reason of the darkenesse of the ayre, many starres did plainely appeare.
Yet in her Examination and Confession she dealt always very plainely and truely; for vpon a speciall occasion, being oftentimes examined in open Court, she was neuer found to vary, but alwayes to agree in one and the selfe same thing.
But upon Brian Darcy[104] "promising to the saide Ursley that if she would deale plainely and confesse the truth that she should have fauour, so by giving her faire speeche she confessed as followeth.
Iohn: but he meant nothing lesse, as it plainely did appeare to vs afterwards.
And what euents happened vnto vs in this our iourney, you shall plainely perceiue by the sequele of my discourse.
The Countreys lying North may plainely be perceiued to be higher then the Southerly, more then thirty leagues in length.
Thus may youplainely perceiue the successe of my fift and last voiage to Virginia, which was no lesse vnfortunately ended then frowardly begun, and as lucklesse to many, as sinister to my selfe.
This usurped aucthoritie, as I have plainely confuted and denied in begynnynge, so nowe, in a worde or twoo, I will shewe, that never gave unto the Popes any suche aucthoritie.
And they sent mee a passeport to signe, telling me plainely after I had denied them, that if I made any difficulty, they would all come and cut my throat in the shippe.
A discourse plainely proving the evident utilitie and urgent necessitie of the desired happie union of the two famous kingdomes of England and Scotland: by way of answer to certaine objections against the same.
Wherein it is plainely proved that the Ecclesiasticall Commissioners have no power, by vertue of their commission, to imprison, to put to the oath ex officio, or to fine any of his Majestie's subjects.
For without all doubt, if that the iudges had plainely vnderstood that they would haue there remained, they would not haue suffered them to haue entred and seene the countrie.
Thither they of the citie might plainely see them to enter.
So when they came vnto the citie they were carried vnto the prison of the Thequixi, which is whereas are put such as are condemned to die, the which they plainely perceiued.
For nowe thou art come as thou mayest euidently perceiue, and plainely see, into a place of pleasure and delight, abandoning strife and discontent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plainely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.