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Example sentences for "pities"

Lexicographically close words:
piti; pitiable; pitiably; pitie; pitied; pitieth; pitiful; pitifull; pitifullest; pitifully
  1. Do they not know her Saviour rules, And pities her complaints?

  2. He hears when dust and ashes speak, He pities all our groans, He saves us for his mercy's sake And heals our broken bones.

  3. Thus Christ the Lord appears; While sinners curse, the Saviour prays, And pities them with tears.

  4. Everyone likes him and pities him: the warders, everyone.

  5. Sarjeant, that will be ver own jewty, and I pities the man that has to perform it.

  6. Twould break a head and niver a hat harmed--a thousand's the pities them chaps wears no hats.

  7. You love me, and therefore your bounty is not oppressive or humiliating, but he only pities and tolerates me, and I would starve in some gutter rather than live as the recipient of his charity.

  8. Perhaps Ulpian only pities the poor woman's desolation, and will lose his interest in her when she recovers her health.

  9. Yes, I understand you; the good angel in your nature pities the demon in mine.

  10. It is the Spirit of Pities in Hardy which wrote the stories.

  11. A thousand pities that sometimes Christian charity and Christian common-sense dissolve partnership.

  12. And we have not only to feel that the eye that looks upon us is cognisant of our denials, but that it is an eye that pities our infirmities, and knowing us altogether, loves us better than we know.

  13. It's a thousand pities to keep you from the country which you prefer, especially as, after all, Nell can be so little with you.

  14. I told your man to be in readiness: and it would be a thousand pities to lose this train, for there is not another for an hour.

  15. It's a thousand pities you did not decide to bring her up to town, and get us shuffled off there.

  16. The weeper pities men because their lives are foreordained and in them nothing is stable; men themselves are mere pawns in the game of eternity and the gods are only immortal men.

  17. Yet 'tis a thousand pities so much Satire should be lost.

  18. I vow 'tis a thousand Pities he is not more polish'd: Don't you think so?

  19. And pities all other Women, because she thinks they envy her.

  20. I had this matter in my head some time ago: for certainly the two estates are in a manner joined together in matrimony already, and it would be a thousand pities to part them.

  21. He pities the plumage, but forgets the dying bird.

  22. When my neighbor suffers I pity, because I put myself in his place: a monarch pities none, because he has never been, can never be, in any other place than his own.

  23. One sympathizes intellectually with his fierce denunciation and pities the land that is exposed to such a scourge.

  24. He pities the suffering animal as well as the suffering man.

  25. It pities the poor, the sorrowing, the disconsolate; it endeavors to raise and improve the ignorant, the sunken, and the degraded.

  26. God, who counts by souls, not stations, Loves and pities you and me; For to Him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles on the sea.

  27. Cabrion: he pities you with all his heart.

  28. Yes, for one pities a fool--and I was a fool.

  29. It will be a thousand pities if you lose her.

  30. Is there any being anywhere among the stars who pities the suffering children of men?

  31. Fair passions and bountiful pities and loves without pain,'"[4] and he laughed mischievously at the misquotation.

  32. When you seriously attempt to impress the necessity of culture on the student preparing for the foreign mission he generally pities you.

  33. It's a thousand pities my scheme should fall through.

  34. It's a thousand pities she's so confoundedly handicapped.

  35. He meets Mary Pinch, who pities his deplorable aspect and invites him to her house, now a pleasant and prosperous home.

  36. John, "so much the worse, if it was woluntary, so few pities you.

  37. And a thousand pities it is, that a distinction is not more commonly made.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.