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Example sentences for "pitiably"

Lexicographically close words:
pithie; pithily; pithy; piti; pitiable; pitie; pitied; pities; pitieth; pitiful
  1. It would be well for us all to remember that every man is pitiably poor until he is rich in faith, and rich toward God.

  2. But who that reads the story through can fail to see that in the highest and best sense the rich man was pitiably poor?

  3. Women of Britain's first families were almost ashamed to be seen in anything more chic than the livery of mourning, and by midsummer of 1915 black was pitiably fashionable and omnipresent.

  4. Retribution took the form of branding you either as pitiably ignorant of "British character" or not knowing history well enough to realize that the British are "slow starters" and "always muddle through somehow.

  5. The Church has been pitiably torn and mutilated by disputes over the genuine form of administering these outer ceremonies, supposing them to be in themselves sacraments of life.

  6. He was an inveterate smoker, and the fact that the supply was so pitiably small gave unusual zest to his craving.

  7. Not during those early days of the journey across the desert had he felt so pitiably weak and inefficient.

  8. Sometimes they acted obtrusively protective or aggressively possessive, more frequently they were apprehensive, timid or even pitiably afraid.

  9. But how could Janet have known that high-school stenography was as pitiably inadequate to the practical needs of a modern mercantile office as high-school French or German to the practical needs of a tourist on the Continent?

  10. So few assistants, so pitiably few customers, such a beggarly array of goods!

  11. She had been so strong, and now she had become so weak--so pitiably weak; with a weakness that rendered it impossible to save her.

  12. But, broken in spirit as well as in fortune, he made little headway, and two years later died pitiably in poverty and obscurity.

  13. She is pitiably ignorant of the real teachings of the Christ!

  14. This he did at his own expense; and when the demands of doctor and sexton had been met, and he had provided Marcelena with funds for the care of herself and the child for at least a few weeks, his purse was pitiably light.

  15. Many of them are not only pitiably ignorant, but are in the profession simply to make money out of the fears and credulity of the people.

  16. On this particular afternoon Carmen was lost in contemplation of the gorgeous dress, the lavish display of jewelry, and the general inanity of conversation; and her score was pitiably low.

  17. I like names that sound like beautiful music," said Laura, who really was talented musically, but who was pitiably conscious of the fact.

  18. I hope it is very good and abundant, lassies, for I am pitiably hungry.

  19. The floors were innocent of mats, and the rooms otherwise pitiably barnlike.

  20. One unbroken stretch of snow covered the plateau, and at the centre of the wintry winding-sheet a cluster of weather-beaten huts appealed pitiably to the eye.

  21. And all the recitals which Peel-Swynnerton and Mr. Mardon had exchanged sank to the level of pitiably foolish gossip.

  22. This face on the bed was painfully, pitiably old.

  23. She looked pitiably young, virgin, raw, unsophisticated; helpless in the midst of dreadful dangers.

  24. Human goodness is pitiably partial; it is but prophecy of what goodness ought to mean; "Man is a dwarf of himself," as Emerson said.

  25. It lived in a static world; it was poor in possibilities except in heaven; it pitiably lacked those most certain signs of vital faith, the open mind eager for new truth and the ardent, vigorous life seeking new conquests.

  26. While I wandered amid the undergrowth, conning my part, my attention was arrested by a female voice on the summer breeze, most pitiably entreating for help.

  27. Upon which, to have done with her, in their terror of infection, they had lopped off the head, which lay pitiably dissevered from the trunk.

  28. It had all been so pitiably clear to the trained eye!

  29. I take bitter shame to myself for having bared my heart so nakedly to you that dreadful night, since it has been so pitiably unavailing.

  30. It was the last straw, and mumbling insanely through frothed lips, the now thoroughly discredited and wholly disgraced wretch stumbled pitiably out into the night of an ostracism more terrible than death.

  31. For all his late-won confidence he was quite pitiably nervous, and held back for days in pure hesitation before the simple action of calling her into his office.

  32. They who believe that the saint is all saint, and the sinner all sinner, are blindly and pitiably ignorant of human nature.

  33. His weakness, so pitiably apparent throughout the whole proceedings, appears at this early stage.

  34. Gwendolen's ideas were pitiably crude; but many grand difficulties of life are apt to force themselves on us in our crudity.

  35. This Jeanne d’Albret, now queen of Navarre, married to a husband pitiably weak and vacillating, utterly incapable of comprehending her nobility of soul, was forced to take into her own hands the reins of government.

  36. Elizabeth possessed great and heroic traits of character, but these were joined to such a pitiably weak, jealous, and treacherous nature as to make her an anomaly in the history of the world.

  37. Through utter weakness pitiably dear, As tender infants are: and yet how great!

  38. When I think of the exquisite love and sympathy which might be between a mother and daughter, I feel myself defrauded of a beautiful thing rightfully mine, in a world where for me such things are pitiably few.

  39. I sit for two hours on the ground by the side of a pitiably small narrow stream of water.

  40. For a week now one meal had been his daily ration, and that meal pitiably poor and pitiably small.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pitiably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.