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Example sentences for "pinnate"

Lexicographically close words:
pinnacle; pinnacled; pinnacles; pinnae; pinnas; pinnated; pinnately; pinnatifid; pinned; pinnes
  1. The Corypha palm is frequent under the range; the Ebenaceous tree, with compound pinnate leaves and unequilateral leaflets, is of a middle size, about thirty feet high, with a shady and rather spreading crown.

  2. I observed on them a few small trees, belonging to the Sapindaceae, with pinnate and rather drooping leaves, with a light grey bark, exuding a good eatable gum.

  3. Amongst the shrubs along the gullies, a new species of Dodonaea, with pinnate pubescent leaves, was frequent.

  4. Fusanus, a small tree with pinnate leaves, and Buttneria, a small shrub, were also found in these groves.

  5. In the scrub, I again observed Fusanus with pinnate leaves.

  6. I passed some low stunted forest, in which a small tree was observed, with stiff pinnate leaves and a round fruit of the size of a small apple, with a rough stone, and a very nauseous rind, at least in its unripe state.

  7. It belongs to the section Cassia, and has a long pinnate leaf, the leaflets an inch long, and half an inch broad.

  8. The Peruvian Indians use the pinnate fronds of both species for thatching their huts; but it is the nuts of the larger one that have given its great celebrity to the tree.

  9. This sluggishness seems as if it were shared in those climates by the trees with pinnate leaves.

  10. Aquatic or marsh plants, with yellow or white flowers, and commonly pinnate or pinnatifid leaves, usually glabrous.

  11. One of the primary divisions of a pinnate or compoundly pinnate frond or leaf.

  12. Trees or shrubs, with alternate abruptly pinnate leaves, and small flowers in terminal or axillary racemes or panicles.

  13. Having but one pair of leaflets; -- said of a pinnate leaf.

  14. Small tree with alternate, odd-pinnate leaves, the base of the petiole hollow, and inclosing the leaf-buds of the next year.

  15. It has very irregularly twice-pinnate leaves drooping gracefully from the branches.

  16. Trees with petioled, opposite, odd-pinnate leaves (one cultivated variety has simple leaves).

  17. New growth of the year green, and resembling a once-pinnate compound leaf and usually dropping off in the autumn like one.

  18. Trees or shrubs with alternate, odd-pinnate leaves, having spines on each side of the stalk in place of stipules.

  19. Applied to a leaf which is twice divided in a pinnate manner, 20.

  20. Leaves with palmate veining are palmately lobed [Illustration] or notched; those with pinnate veining are pinnately lobed [Illustration] or notched.

  21. A leaf deeply notched along the sides in a pinnate manner, 23.

  22. A small tree with alternate, once to twice irregularly pinnate leaves with many coarsely toothed leaflets.

  23. The pretty pinnate leaves of the blue-flowered polemonium are sufficient explanation for the common name Jacobs-ladder, even though that name does not properly belong to our species.

  24. The large pinnate or rarely bipinnate leaves give the Cycads a superficial resemblance in habit to Palms.

  25. The leaves are a foot or more in length, stiff but bending; they are thickly furnished with short hairs, pinnate and serrated.

  26. It occurs especially on clay soils, being recognised by its pinnate white silvery leaves, and its conspicuous golden flowers.

  27. They have long delicate pinnate leaves, very like those of the acacia, and, when in fruit, they are thickly covered with clusters of small bright red berries.

  28. It is a palm with a straight smooth stem, and pinnate leaves--the stem being sixty feet in height, and about a foot in diameter.

  29. Those branches were clad with the delicate pinnate leaves that characterise the family of the mimosas.

  30. It is one of the smooth palms, with pinnate leaves, not unlike those of the "patawa.

  31. In Lathyrus Aphaca and some other plants the true pinnate leaves are abortive, the petiole forms a tendril, and the stipules alone are developed, performing the office of leaves.

  32. In Cycas whorls of scales alternate with large pinnate leaves.

  33. When a pinnate leaf ends in a pair of pinnae it is equally or abruptly pinnate (paripinnate); when there is a single terminal leaflet (fig.

  34. A leaf with only a single midrib is said to be unicostate and the venation is described as pinnate or feather-veined.

  35. The leaves are pinnate or ternate, or sometimes apparently simple, consisting of one leaflet, articulated to the petiole.

  36. Each of its great pinnate leaves forms with the dilated base of its midrib a broad sheath, which springs out of a loose fold of this coarse cloth that is wrapped around it.

  37. Other fragments show the division of the frond, at first in a pinnate manner, and subsequently by bifurcation; and some fragments show remains of pinnules, possibly of fertile pinnules.

  38. Stem thick, bifurcating, the divisions terminating in irregularly pinnate fronds, apparently truncate at the extremities.

  39. The specimen is thus not a spike of fructification, but a young stem or branch in vernation, and which when unrolled would be of the form of those peculiar pinnate Lycopodites of which L.

  40. The cycads have usually simple or unbranching stems, pinnate leaves borne in a crown at top, and fruits which, though somewhat various in structure and arrangement, are all of the simpler form of gymnospermous type.

  41. Their most distinctive characters are leaflets narrowed at the base, often lobed, and with nervures dividing in a pinnate manner from the base.

  42. Petioles slender, much expanded at the base, dividing at first in a pinnate manner, and afterwards dichotomously.

  43. It wants, however, some of the more important characters of the genus, and differs in having a pinnate ramification, giving it the aspect of a fern.

  44. It is a common and characteristic tree in most districts of southern Africa, having pinnate leaves, and, like most of the acacia tribe, bright yellow blossoms.

  45. Rue is a well-known shrub with small pinnate leaves, and possessing a strong and very disagreeable odour; this depends upon the volatile oil which is contained in the glands with which the leaves are dotted.

  46. He sighed deeply, and then paused to consider the beauty of a lovely acacia with its graceful pinnate leaves.

  47. Chumbley strolled on with the Princess in the soft light shed by the paper lanterns beneath the spreading palms, between whose mighty pinnate leaves an occasional glimpse of the lustrous starlit sky could be obtained.

  48. Spines four-winged pyramidal, with prominent edges, simple apex and large basal leaf-cross, in the middle with doubly pinnate triangular apophyses.

  49. As in the latter instance, each spine can bear either three simple lateral branches or three rows of pinnate lateral branches.

  50. Each apophysis is pinnate with opposite pinnulae, or crossed at right angles by three to six parallel transverse rods.

  51. Each apophysis is crossed at right angles by three to four transverse parallel rods, which bear again perpendicular secondary branches; the outline of the doubly pinnate apophysis is an isosceles triangle.

  52. First a few leaves grow upward, which from the very outset begin to assume the pinnate form of the cocoanut leaf, while, stretching earthward, a myriad of little threads of roots bury themselves in the ground.

  53. The visitor will also be impressed by the beauty and grace of the cocoanut trees, their pinnate leaves often a hundred feet from the ground, notwithstanding the bare cylindrical stem attains a thickness of only two feet.

  54. This one is of far different form, with plume-shaped pinnate fronds, of the character of cocos, phoenix, or euterpe.

  55. The Ailantus, for example, treated in this way, gives us as fine a type of pinnate leaf as can be desired.

  56. A handsome palm with a rugged stem, and pinnate dark-green leaves from 6 ft.

  57. The long stems are clothed with large and handsome pinnate leaves, and the yellowish-green inflorescence appears towards the end of summer.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pinnate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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