These are the fourth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh pair of cranial nerves, also the phrenic and the external respiratory nerve.
The origin of the internal respiratory or phrenic nerve, that is seen to ramify on the diaphragm.
The phrenic and other respiratory nerves are likely to be paralyzed; the vertebral and carotid arteries may be ruptured.
The leftphrenic nerve made no response to stimulus.
It is also shown that stammerers, who have a defective innervation of the phrenic and of the pneumogastric, succumb more rapidly than others.
The stomach, small intestines, and part of the large omentum lay in the left pleural cavity; both the phrenic nerves were normal.
In the rabbit provided dissect on one side and demonstrate by means of flag-labels the main trunk of the vagus nerve, the phrenic nerve, and the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
The fourth cervical also sends down a phrenicnerve (p.
See phrenic nerve, by vena cava inferior, and between heart and lungs, and sympathetic, running over the heads of the ribs.
Faradization of the phrenic nerves in the neck caused respiratory movements with a slight diminution in the volume of the abdomen.
To the sides we find the pleura, the phrenic nerve and the accompanying vessels.
The arteries which supply the diaphragm are the phrenic arteries.
In severe cases the application of hot cloths over the heart, or of the faradic current over the line of the phrenic nerve, just above the clavicle, may be called for.
The symptoms are mainly those of peripheral neuritis with special implication of the phrenic and the pneumogastric nerves.
Respiration is arrested by compression or destruction of the chord above the origin of the phrenic and other respiratory nerves.
The diaphragm is at first developed in the neck region of the embryo, and this accounts for the phrenic nerves, which supply it, rising from the fourth and fifth cervical.
Between these two parts is at one time a gap, the spino-costal hiatus, and this is obliterated by the growth of the pleuro-peritoneal membrane, which may occasionally fail to close and so may form the site of a phrenic hernia.
The phrenic nerves, which are the main supply of the diaphragm, divide before reaching the muscle and pierce it in a number of places to enter its abdominal surface, but some of the lower intercostal nerves assist in the supply.
Cervical plexus of nerves giving off the phrenic nerve to descend the neck on the outer side of the internal jugular vein and over the scalenus muscle.
Aorta, with left vagus and phrenic nerves crossing its transverse arch.
Ductus arteriosus in the loop of left vagus nerve, and close to phrenic nerve of left side.
The pneumo-gastric and phrenic nerves descend on either side of the arch.
Cervical plexus giving off the phrenic nerve, which takes tributary branches from brachial plexus of nerves.
When the spinal cord suffers injury above the origin of the phrenic nerve, immediate death supervenes, owing to a cessation of the respiratory act.
Vena cava superior, with right phrenic nerve on its outer border.