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Example sentences for "petis"

Lexicographically close words:
peti; peticion; petiole; petioled; petioles; petit; petite; petites; petitio; petition
  1. The copy of the Persian text made by Petis is probably in the Paris Library and Ouseley's fragment is doubtless among his other Oriental MSS.

  2. In the "enfer" there were "un grand nombre de diables et petis diabloteaux faisans infinies singeries et tintamarres avec une grande roue tournant dedans ledit enfer, toute environnée de clochettes.

  3. Burton remarks, concerning the Persian and Turkish Tales of Petis de la Crois (the latter of which form part of the Forty Vazirs, No.

  4. Petis de la Croix was on friendly terms with Mukhlis, who allowed him to take a copy of his work in 1675, during his residence in Ispahan.

  5. Here it may be observed that another imperfect French version of the Forty Vazirs had previously been published by Petis de la Croix under the title of Turkish Tales.

  6. The next question he asked was whether the inhabitants were Christians or Pagans?

  7. Galland's publisher was doubtless also that of Petis de la Croix and in the latter capacity had in hand a portion of the MS.

  8. The eleventh, "Of the Sovereign without a care and of the VazÝr full of care," is the eighth in Petis History of King Bedreddin Lolo and of his Vizier Altalmulc.

  9. Petis de Lacroix has published a life of Gengiskhan, according to Eastern authors.

  10. Here Petis de Lacroix is very angry with the Arabian, and reproaches him bitterly with having given the emperor of the Moguls a feminine character.

  11. Petis de la Croix, and were probably intended to be included in the Thousand and One Days, which was published in 1710.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "petis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.