Querns, or hand-mills, both of ancient and modern type, either in a perfect state or else more or less broken, have been found in most crannogs.
The following is a list of antiquities of minor interest:--A crucible of the usual crannog kind, in a perfect state.
First in order is a small temple of the Sun, in a perfect state of preservation; the front measures 38 feet by 27 feet deep.
At Uxmal, all the lintels over the doorways are of wood, of which a large proportion is in a perfect state of preservation--a clear proof of their recent period.
In fact, this is seen in all our drawings of the palace, where the fallen edifice shows that the inner wall is in a perfect state of preservation, forming an independent work.
Three doorways to the north lead into a corridor extending over the whole length of the building, whence three more openings give access to as many apartments in a perfect state of preservation.
It depends on or consists in assuming that the human mind, as it exists at present, is in a perfect state, and has remained entire and complete, and altogether unaltered from its original constitution.
In it both halves, which otherwise are ever apart, being again united, restore a perfect state of the consciousness.
It lives in this way for at least three years before attaining the perfect state.
If, however, the duration of the life of these insects is so short when they have reached the perfect state, and when the conformation of the mouth prevents them from taking any nourishment, their larvae state is of very long continuance.
Until lately it was almost an axiom with naturalists that no insect was capable of reproduction until it had attained its adult or perfect state.
But independently of this, bone implements finished and deposited in a cist or tumulus in a perfect state, would be much less directly exposed to the influences affecting the skeleton amid the decomposition of the vascular tissues.
In this example the stern remains nearly in a perfect state.
Finally, we shall understand how it happens that the sepulchres of the Guanches and Egyptians, yield bodies in such a perfect state of preservation, whilst those of our country offer only bones and dust.
The body, which had remained three months in the earth, and in a coffin not lined with lead, was in such a perfect state of preservation, that all present declared that it resembled a man asleep.
The upper valve (b, Figure 12) is almost invariably wanting, though occasionally found in a perfect state of preservation in white chalk at some distance.
They are in a perfect state, clearly indicating a cold climate; as two-thirds of them are now met with in arctic regions.
The same shells occur in a perfect state in the lower part of the formation.
Perhaps the rarest Aldine volume in the world:--when found in a perfect state.
The present copy contains one hundred and thirty-two leaves, including a blank leaf; and is in a perfect state of preservation.
The rarest of all Latin Bibles, when found in a perfect state.
Some of these ornaments remain, even up to the present day, in a perfect state of preservation.
It is at this opening that an aperture is formed spontaneously for the exit of the insects, when arrived at a perfect state.
The following are examples of insects in the imago, or perfect state.
Illustration: Insects in the Imago or perfect state.
Now, there is nothing of the kind, and it was found in a perfect state of preservation.
These almonds were in a perfect state of maturity, and Herbert described them to his companions, who feasted on them.
It appeared to be in a perfect state of preservation, which was explained by the fact that it had stranded on a sandy beach, and not among rocks.
His remains were found apparently in a perfect state, excepting the tip of the nose, and the shroud was a little discoloured.
Shortly afterwards the commanding officers received instructions to have their corps in a perfect stateof military equipment, and be prepared to march at a moment's notice.
The woman, now roused from an apoplectic fit, rose from her coffin, returned to her own house, and in a few days recovered a perfect state of health.
The colour of its skin, in a perfect state of health, is scarcely discernible from the trees and grass, in which it delights to conceal itself, and is not to be discovered at all without a very minute scrutiny.
The package appeared to be in a perfect state, except that the string was missing.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfect state" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.