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Example sentences for "penetralia"

Lexicographically close words:
pene; peneplain; peneplains; penes; penetrable; penetrant; penetrate; penetrated; penetrates; penetrating
  1. Others could be heard, in the penetralia of the vast structure, coming, going, busily at work.

  2. From the penetralia of the air-liner, confused shouts burst forth.

  3. In the penetralia of the parlour which he left I saw a group of floury comrades, the prominent features of the gathering being depression and bagatelle.

  4. Is this intellectualization beginning to show in the conversation of women when they are together, say in the hours of relaxation in the penetralia spoken of, or in general society?

  5. Truth to say, there were penetralia in New York society concerning which this successful woman was uneasy in her heart.

  6. How mysterious and delicious are the cool penetralia of the Viceregal Office!

  7. I feel that I have only to yield myself for a few days to its hospitable importunities and it will waft me away to profound forest depths, to the awful penetralia of the bison and the tiger.

  8. The sum of his words is that this place is the penetralia of a band called the Order of the Falcon, with a man known as the Falcon at its head.

  9. He would find her again, for she had fixed herself in the inner-penetralia of his being.

  10. Many modern worshipers of the same hideous divinities are equally as zealous as this tyrant: but with the essential difference, that their altars are erected in private, within the penetralia of their own homes.

  11. Out of doors the flutes of Pan cried to him to dance: indoors the echoes of yet greater music whispered in the penetralia of his spirit that he should cry.

  12. He was aware of some glorious new thing in the penetralia of his little spirit, vibrating with happiness.

  13. Come, Clara; I want to explore the penetralia of this temple of Isis.

  14. Knowing her power of reticence, however, and of withdrawing from the outer courts into the penetralia of her sanctuary, guessing also at something of the aspect in which she regarded me, I dared not now make any such attempt.

  15. Burbo, satisfied with the dear assurance, strode through the apartment, and sought the penetralia of his house.

  16. He entered the penetralia of the court of King Charles the Second; and while he whispered in his closet pathetic Jeremiads over its immorality, he shocked his averted vision day after day with its impurities--still peeping!

  17. But we profane not the penetralia where even Common-Councilmen fear to tread!

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "penetralia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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