Any player discarding a red dragon will permit this player to win and will be penalized for his recklessness by having to pay all scores, unless his own hand fulfills the requirements set out in Example No.
A player discarding an East Wind would allow this player to win and would be penalized unless excepted as in the other examples.
So eager did the Randallites get at one stage that they played off-side, and were penalized ten yards.
But the thoughtless action of the coach brought its punishment, for Boxer was penalized ten yards on account of their trainer coming on the field without permission.
The accused in this case was convicted in the Court of First Instance of the Province of Pangasinán of the crime of abortion as defined and penalized in paragraph 3 of article 410 of the Penal Code.
This constitutes the crime of Detencion ilegal defined and penalized by Article 481 of the Penal Code and this Court finds the defendant guilty as charged in the information.
If good and evil must thus strive in a fair field, neither rewarded nor penalized economically, what will be the outcome?
In business hours, the exercise of personal, political or religious oppression is penalized by technical inefficiency and pecuniary loss.
If the proposed legislation simply made such matter non-mailable and penalized any attempt to use the postoffice for its carriage, it would probably be free from objection.
It may be said, then, that the use of the mails may be penalized only when in furtherance of a purpose that is unlawful; nor can it be argued--as was done with considerable force by the late James C.
Bellport was later penalized ten yards for a second offense in off-side work, and then the players seemed to realize the importance of being careful, and they got down to business.
Once Bellport was penalizedfor off-side play, and once Columbia lost the ball for holding in the line.
Scores with handicaps exceeding the possible will be penalized three points for each point of excess.
But even granting the possibility that one subject out of a hundred or so may be unjustly penalized for lack of opportunity to acquire the knowledge which the test calls for, the injustice done does not greatly alter the result.
We have all read of such children, but they are so extremely rare that the chances of a given 3-year-old being unjustly penalized for this reason are practically negligible.
Here are some of the crimes penalized by Essex County Courts before the year 1655, viz.
Binding or small edging laces might be used, but the making or selling of bone lace was penalized at the rate of five shillings per yard.
The child ought, if eugenically desirable, to be made an asset rather than a liability; if this can not be done, the parents should at least not be penalized for having children.
In general, such studies all show that the babies are penalized if marriage is delayed beyond the age of 25, or if child-bearing is unduly delayed after marriage.
The Foxes had a scout absent and had been penalizedtwo points.
Any patrol that did not live up to its orders from the Scoutmaster would be penalized from five to ten points.
They gained eight more on two successive downs, but were penalized five yards for off-side play.
Instead of reporting to the referee, he spoke first to one of his comrades, and for this violation of the rules the Blues were penalized five yards.
A tenant could be penalized for not cultivating his holding properly.
When a farm worker was engaged he received a shekel for "earnest money" or arles, and was penalized for non-appearance or late arrival.
Several times Randall was penalized for holding in the line, or for off-side play, but this was due to the eagerness of the substitutes, who had not the seasoned judgment of the 'varsity men.
Once Randall was penalized for holding, and twice Boxer had the ball taken from her for off-side plays.
Devising or speaking seditious rumors are penalized by the pillory and loss of both ears for the first offense; and 200 pounds and six months imprisonment for the second offense.
Slandering the Queen is penalized by the pillory and loss of one ear, or by 100 marks and three months imprisonment, at the choice of the offender.
Actors profaning God, Jesus, or the Holy Ghost on stage are to bepenalized 200s.
Tackling was not of the best, the team was penalized far too often and there were times when even Ned’s most frantic efforts failed to speed up the players.
Twice over-eagerness was penalized under the visitor’s goal and so two more probable touchdowns were averted.
Desertion by a soldier is penalized by forfeiture of all land and property.
A person convicted or outlawed shall be penalized by loss of life, but not loss of lands or goods, which shall go to his wife as dower and his heirs.
Slandering the Queen ispenalized by the pillory and loss of one ear, or by [1,333s.
Where athletic procedure is not observed, this starting over the line may be penalized by having the transgressor go back and start over again.
Transgression of any of the previous rules constitutes a foul, penalized by giving the ball to the opposite side or by allowing them to score one point.
All fouls are penalized by the opponents' scoring one point, except for a ball that goes afield (outside the boundaries): that scores two points for the opponents.
Devising or speaking seditious rumors are penalized by the pillory and loss of both ears for the first offense; and 200 pounds and six months imprisonment for the second offence.
On her thirty yards Erskine was penalized for off-side and the ball was almost under her goal.
Hillton was penalized for holding, and the ball was on her three yards!
I was just a little agitated because Westby was rather angry over being penalized in the hundred—” “So I hear.
You penalized Westby a yard for fouling, I heard; is that so?
New England, finding its shipping interests crippled in the European conflict and then penalized by embargoes, opposed the declaration of war on Great Britain, which meant the completion of the ruin already begun.
Now they were to be penalized for their very desperately won success.
Persons who have income from capital or from property that is theirs by reason of years of frugality, industry, and thrift are penalized by being denied the right to vote.
He was almost as good as Freddy, Chet Dorrance had told Betty, but he didn't always understand the signals and occasionally the team was penalized for something that he did either accidentally or on purpose.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "penalized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.