She was esteemed very holy, and was the patroness of household virtues.
Minerva was a virgin, and was the patroness of modest and virtuous women.
Genevieve, patroness of Paris; near Malmaison, the last abode of Napoleon in France; by Marly, where all is beautiful except the aqueduct.
It will be the feast of the day of the 'Divine Cecilia'--patroness of music.
What wonder that she should be so popular among Christians when she is everywhere recognized as the patroness of the loveliest of arts, an art which lives beyond the bounds of time and can never die!
The greatest patroness of Pets in Real Life was Queen Victoria, and her books have secured for these favourites a permanent place.
Sir Theophilus Puleston, who lived to see the second Jubilee of Queen Victoria; and the last Lady Patroness died in 1905.
She was a mother to the students of both universities, and a patroness to all the learned men of England.
She was the patroness of every art, and the friend of every man of genius.
He was also consulted by that noblepatroness of the Arts, Margaret of Austria, in connection with the tomb at Brou of her husband, Philibert of Savoy, and for this monument also some of his designs were used.
Margaret of Austria, wife of Philibert of Savoy, a Royal patroness of the Arts who corresponded with Jean Perréal regarding the tomb of her husband in the church at Brou.
And Jean de Maire of Belgium, who lived at the Court of that highly cultured patroness of the Arts, Margaret of Austria, daughter of the Emperor Maximilian, recalls Fouquet with highest commendation.
Madame de la Sablière was a genuine patroness of philosophers and men of letters.
While the illustrious and henceforth Christian guest of Madame de la Sablière was recovering his health, his patroness had died at the Incurables, to which she had retired.
The veneration for the patroness of Madrid has continued to the present day.
This was Our Lady of Atocha, the patroness of Madrid, whose image, held in the greatest veneration by Philip the Second, was brought to the chamber of Carlos, soon after the skeleton of the holy friar.
That morning at 11 o'clock they renewed their baptismal vows, and in the afternoon they made the solemn consecration of their hearts to the Blessed Virgin, the tutelar patroness of this place.
Under this title she is the patroness of the Jeronymites, principally in Spain and Portugal.
The Virgin, on her throne, is then attended by one or more of the warrior saints, together with the patron or patroness of the victors.
In Spain, Nuestra Señora de la Merced is the patroness of the Order of Mercy; and in this character she often holds in her hand small tablets bearing the badge of the Order.
This saint and St. Barbara, who is patroness against thunder and tempest, express deliverance from such calamities, when in companionship.
St. Catherine, as patroness of Siena, takes here the place usually given to St. Clara in the Franciscan pictures.
Sometimes placed in colleges, with a book in her hand, aspatroness of students.
As patroness of Florence, in her own right, the Virgin bears the title of Santa Maria del Fiore, and in this character she holds a flower, generally a rose, or is in the act of presenting it to the Child.
Very important in pictures is the Madonna as more particularly the patroness of the Carmelites, under her well-known title of "Our Lady of Mount Carmel," or La Madonna del Carmine.
More beautiful and more acceptable to our feelings are those graceful representations of the Virgin as dispenser of mercy on earth; as protectress and patroness either of all Christendom, or of some particular locality, country, or community.
A local lady, who was understood to be a liberal and well-informed patroness of Art in various forms, visited the exhibition and was greatly attracted by an etching of a spring landscape.
The Thug appears to have taken some such view of Kali, regarding her as patroness of their plan for reducing population.
She married the Duke of Queensbury; and as that Duchess of Queensbury, who was the friend and patroness of Gay, is still farther connected with the history of our poetical literature.
His patroness followed the pastoral tradition in her imitation of Sannazzaro's Salices and her lament on the death of her brother François I, and rehandled an already favourite theme in her comédie of human and divine love.
Josephine, a woman of generosity as well as taste, became the patroness of this lady, engaged her to instruct her son, Eugene Beauharnois, and afterwards took her to Paris.
The absolutism of Mrs. Fox Lane (afterwards Lady Bingley) over the fashionable world, as the enthusiastic patroness of these two artists, is a thing that satire might feast on.
On a certain state occasion, Paganini appeared in the orchestra in the full-blown uniform of a Captain of the Gendarmerie Royale, which, as a general privilege, his fair patroness had authorized him to wear.
His patroness felt that there were holy ties never to be disregarded nor trampled upon.
The perplexity of the position was all the more keenly felt, as they claimed the Virgin as the peculiar patroness of their Order; the devotion of the Rosary, in her special honor, was a purely Dominican institution.
At once breathlessly recognizing in this fellow-watcher of the skies a woman who loved him, in addition to the patroness and friend, he truly translated the nearly forgotten kiss she had given him in her moment of despair.
St. Cleeve's sudden sense of new relations with that sweet patroness had taken away in one half-hour his natural ingenuousness.
Soon a few men straggled in, another patroness arrived, and finally a little knot of women who had collected in the dressing-room mustered sufficient courage to enter the great, empty ball-room.
Marion Sanderson was a patronessof the "Patricians," and to her efforts the innovations were, in a great measure, due.
For nearly another hour they sat there, and then the rustling of a satin dress announced the arrival of a patroness who had promised to come early to receive.
Dwynwen was also regarded aspatroness of the cattle in Anglesey.
Melangell is considered the patroness of hares, which are termed her lambs.
What an admirable person for the patroness and directress of a slightly self-willed child, with the lightning zigzag line of genius running like a glittering vein through the marble whiteness of her virgin nature!
It was our friend the lady-patroness of Miss Iris, the same who had been called by her admiring pastor "The Model of all the Virtues.
So she told him of her patroness and the luncheon she had eaten at her house.
Orders had been given for the admittance of Amarilly at any hour and to any room her youngpatroness might chance to be occupying.
Apollo is the regent of the sun, Of the moon, Cynthia with her crescent bow; Pomona is our patroness of fruits, While Flora rules the gentle realm of flowers, And mother Ceres yields us corn and oil.