Luxembourg participates in an economic union with Belgium on trade and most financial matters and is also closely connected economically to the Netherlands.
The country participates in a customs union with Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its national currency.
And if all number participates in being, every part of number will also participate?
Then, said Parmenides, if you say that everything else participates in the ideas, must you not say either that everything is made up of thoughts, and that all things think; or that they are thoughts but have no thought?
Luxembourg participates in an economic union with Belgium on trade and most financial matters, is also closely connected economically to the Netherlands, and, as a member of the EU, enjoys the advantages of the open European market.
A major economic policy question for the UK in the late 1990s is the terms on which itparticipates in the financial and economic integration of Europe.
Analogously, he who participates in the cult hopes that, while his soul, similarly, is at first buried in the earth with his body, it will later ascend to heaven as did Demeter.
As family and kinship ties become stronger, the family or kin participates as a group in the quarrels of its individual members, just as it does in war against hostile tribes.
In the nations by which the sovereignty of the people is recognized every individual possesses an equal share of power, and participates alike in the government of the State.
As the American participates in all that is done in his country, he thinks himself obliged to defend whatever may be censured; for it is not only his country which is attacked upon these occasions, but it is himself.
The major economic policy question for Britain in the 1990s is the terms on which it participates in the financial and economic integration of Europe.
Catana, and participates the most in the inconveniences occasioned by the mouths of the volcano, for the streams of lava flowing down in Catanæa[2270] pass through it first.
All is not God, and only God can be God, but all is divine and all participates in God, just as each of our thoughts participates of our soul.
All other things being equal, his effectiveness will depend on the extent to which he participates in all of the other affairs of organization.
All humanity was in him when he sinned, and therefore humanity as generic having fallen into sin, each individual who participates by conception in generic humanity participates in its sin, or is conceived in original sin.
As a member of the human race, and by virtue of his descent from Adam, each individual man participates in all the generic relations of the race.
And thus because the soul participates in the Divine goodness imperfectly, the participation of the Divine goodness, which is grace, has its being in the soul in a less perfect way than the soul subsists in itself.
Virtue cannot be in the irrational part of the soul, except in so far as thisparticipates in the reason (Ethic.
And thus the irascible or concupiscible power can be the subject of human virtue: for, in so far as it participates in the reason, it is the principle of a human act.
It is not thus that it is subject to decrease; but according to the different ways in which its subject participates in it.
The Celestial world participates of darkenesse, and of light, whence proceed all the faculties and powers that it brings it.
And this guilded citrinity is attributed to the Sonne, who participates of Mercy and Justice: in pursuance of that spoken in the 16.
Steel furthermore is made of the most pure and subtiliate iron; for that it participates lesse of the earthinesse, then iron.
For all salts are laxative, and nothing doth loose the body, thatparticipates not of the nature of salt: Mark then, wherefore is it that those that drink salt water die speedily of dysenteries?
As far as anything possesses unity, essence or form, it participates in the Good.
By its participation in unity, essence and form each being participates in the Good, even though the latter be only an image, for the things in which it participates are only images of unity, essence, and form.
So far as the nature of bodies participates in matter, it is an evil; yet it could not be the primary Evil, for it has a certain form.
World-soul participates to create world only by contemplation, and is undisturbed thereby, iv.
Only because the soul participates in these, is virtue or beauty considered a good.
The sense-world does not enjoy the perfection of Intelligence and Reason: it only participates therein.
The power which participates in Intelligence (the universal Soul) does not participate in it in a manner such as to be equal to it, but only in the measure of her ability to participate therein.
Miracle, matter participates in existence, while not participating in it, iii.
The prosecutor general participates in those plenary sessions of the Supreme Court at which guidance decisions are made.
Now spiritual good, in so far as the rational creature participates in the Divine likeness, may be considered in reference to three things.
The other is a likeness of imitation, such as is possible for a creature in reference to God, in so far as the creature participates somewhat of God's likeness according to its measure.
The universal Soul, on the contrary, ever resides in the elevated region where her nature retains her; and the universe located below her participates in her just as the object which receives the sun's raysparticipates therein.
A discrete quantity such as a company of dancers, or choric ballet, is very far from being unity; a continuous quantity approximates that further; the soul gets still nearer to it, and participates therein still more.
This observation would be correct, if the virtue in which the soul participates were identical with the principle from which she derives it.
Thus our soul, whose nature is nearer to divinity and more kindred to it than the body is, thereby participates the more in the divine, and increases that resemblance enough to make it seem that the divinity is all that she herself is.
First, other things also possess individual existence because they possess unity, and nevertheless are not unity itself; as, though the body is not identical with unity, it also participates in unity.
On the one hand it is bound to Intelligence, fills itself with it; enjoys it, participates in it, deriving its intellectual operations from it.
Indeed, the sense-house participates in order and proportion, though neither order, proportion, nor symmetry could be attributed to the idea of the House.
We may however say that (the soul) is simultaneously unity and plurality, because she participates not only in divisible essence in the bodies, but also in the indivisible, which consequently is one.
On one hand, this inferior (essence) participates in the indivisibility of its principle; on the other, it descends towards another nature by its procession.
The more it loses itself in God, the greater its capacity becomes; just as the more the torrent loses itself in the sea, the more it is enlarged, having no other limits than those of the sea: it participates in all its properties.
Every branch participates of the central shadow of every other branch and consequently [of that] of the whole tree.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "participates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.