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Example sentences for "parishioner"

Lexicographically close words:
paring; parings; parish; parishe; parishes; parishioners; parishoners; parit; pariter; pariterque
  1. The house built for us by a parishioner in the pleasantest part of the city, was in the immediate neighborhood of the homestead of the late Samuel Bowles, the well-known proprietor of the Springfield Republican.

  2. Your old parishioner is a discerning man.

  3. It was almost as if she were a parishioner of his own.

  4. No single parishioner dreamed of calling her friend.

  5. Well, they brought me a waggon of hay, and on the waggon there was a sack, which I thought must contain potatoes or turnips which some parishioner sent me, so I had the sack put in the kitchen.

  6. Gronow had been for some while an important parishioner of Perlycross, having bought a fair estate at Priestwell, a hamlet little more than a mile from the village.

  7. Without any thought of adversaries, he left the village at a good brisk pace, to see an old parishioner of whose illness he had heard.

  8. A parishioner meeting the parson in the street inquired: "When do you expect to see Deacon Jones again?

  9. A Scotch Presbyterian clergyman tells the story of a parishioner who formed a secession with a few others unable to accept the doctrines of the church.

  10. A parishioner must be defined in harmony with the meaning of the word "parish.

  11. A clergyman who claims to have been slandered by a parishioner can not administer physical discipline nor put the offender under restraint without leaving himself liable for damages for assault and battery or false imprisonment.

  12. Why, in this village the aggrieved parishioner does not even exist.

  13. The minister had found his parishioner in the old Hilbrook homestead, which Josiah Hilbrook, while he lived, suffered Ransom Hilbrook to occupy, and when he died bequeathed to him, with a sufficient income for all his simple wants.

  14. And go to the little church, which is a very protestant Loretto, and seems dropt by some angel for the use of a hermit, who was at once parishioner and a whole parish.

  15. Isn't it our business if he breaks his word with a parishioner of ours?

  16. We are proud to think that our fellow-parishioner should have gained the coveted glory of the Victoria Cross.

  17. And note, that every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter to be one.

  18. Minister and parishioner stand, we repeat, in this matter, on exactly the same level.

  19. Thomas Guthrie is his minister; and he also is one of the parents of Scotland, and enjoys, as such, a right identical in all respects with that of his parishioner and hearer.

  20. I am a parishioner of Stepney, a place which has never yet had the honour of seeing me.

  21. Well,' asked the parishioner of Stepney eagerly, 'what luck?

  22. In the Pfarrkirche at Condino is a Muttergottesbild, presented in 1620 by a parishioner who averred he had seen it shed tears.

  23. But I have no doubt it was a good greeting for many a parishioner of his; and the principle of it is good for almost every pastoral visit.

  24. It is the custom for the parishioner to deliver duly at the priest's house one twenty-sixth of his grain and in the autumn a great array of vehicles may be seen making their way thither.

  25. Whether a parishioner likes it or not, he must, if the taxpayers so determine, pay his share for building a church or for other similar expenditure decided upon.

  26. I met on the boat, as we were returning, a parishioner of mine, who expressed great surprise, and even a kind of horror, when I told him what I had been to see.

  27. But the most remarkable thing about my venerable parishioner remains to be mentioned.

  28. A parishioner calls to borrow an umbrella.

  29. A third parishioner comes to invite the rector and the curate to a feast at his house.

  30. A corresponding obligation rested upon the parish officers to provide a pew or other accommodation for each parishioner in his own parish church.

  31. You must remember that my father is a parishioner of Mr. Swancourt's.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parishioner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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