Yet it is a position that thousands have felt does make it plainer (as it did to Browning)--the necessity of the Crucifixion; it was a pandering to Divine jealousy.
What were the governors of the Lenox about--a lot of snivelling hypocrites, pandering to the horrified snobbery at the Patroons!
There is no record of a poet or musician having created a masterpiece through pandering to the "groundlings.
It is not Mr. Shaw pandering to his audience, but vanity looking at itself in the looking-glass.
No one has yet adequately emphasised the numberless evils that arise from our habit of pandering to the palate.
Pandering to the palate is not regarded by us as a sin, since all of us are guilty of it, just as dacoity is not regarded as a crime in a village of dacoits; but what is worse, we pride ourselves on it!
Curses upon the panderingmother who threw thee in his way!
Hast thou employed the wisdom of thy sixty years in pandering to thy daughter's amours, and disgraced those hoary locks with the office of a pimp?
The whole copperhead party, pandering to the lowest prejudices of the ignorant, repeat the cuckoo cry, "This is the white man's Government.
This, the first case under the amendment to the Pandering Act in Illinois was severely fought in court by two of the men.
The features once wreathed in smiles begin to show the lines of worry and fear, for a new law called the Pandering Act has been passed.
While other states are sending for copies of the Illinois pandering and other white slave laws, the state legislation will soon be uniform upon this subject, the United States government should be alive to the situation also.
I was convicted under what is known as the "pandering act," which makes it an offense to secure an inmate for a disorderly resort in the state of Illinois.
Upon these facts this procurer, Citro, alias Kelly, was prosecuted and found guilty under the new pandering law in Illinois, and received a sentence of one year's imprisonment and a fine of five hundred dollars.
In examining the laws of Massachusetts relating to procuring, we find the same flaws which existed in Illinois and the other states before the passage of the pandering laws.
The leaders sought to popularize its political propaganda by pandering to more conservative elements.
Wary, prudent, and pious, and notwithstanding the possession of qualities marking her out in some sort as the superior woman of her day, she was not above pandering to his love of flattery.
His embittered enemy, Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, vehement in his Catholicism though pandering to the King on the subject of the royal supremacy, was minister; and his fickle master might throw the Archbishop at any moment to the wolves.
And best of all, what popular success I am enjoying has come not from pandering to popular demand or editorial policy, but from pandering to my own inner convictions, which are like little soul-tapers, lighting the way.
In many states pandering is still so little defined as to make the crime merely a breach of manners and to put it in the same class of offences as selling a street-car transfer.
In 1908 Illinois passed the first pandering law in this country, changing the offence from disorderly conduct to a misdemeanor, and greatly increasing the penalty.
Orsini, or are pandering solely to our own passions in the feud between their house and ours.
His necessity was an escape from either fate--the defilement of a pandering to the flesh and the waste of a negation with neither courage nor rapture.
How could he with a panderingsmugness meet Fanny's purity of feeling?
They are foolishly pandering to the vanity of the players, who as a rule have a tendency to exaggerate their importance in relation to drama.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pandering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.