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Example sentences for "leane"

Lexicographically close words:
leaking; leaks; leaky; leal; lean; leaned; leaner; leanest; leaneth; leaning
  1. Winner or looser, neither is our foe; For mutually we'll beare our selues in all Or taking part leane to the strongest wall.

  2. I loved it once; come, our Cookes are backeward, discourse will beget stomacks; y'are like to tarrie long for leane Cates.

  3. Sweet Duke of Yorke our prop to leane vpon, ·ead045· Now thou art gone there is no hope for vs: Now my soules pallace is become a prison.

  4. If we might put the letters but one way, In the leane dearth of words, what could wee say?

  5. Away good Ned, Falstaffe sweates to death, and Lards the leane earth as he walkes along: wer't not for laughing, I should pitty him Poin.

  6. First, leane thine aged Back against mine Arme, And in that ease, Ile tell thee my Disease.

  7. Your fat King, and your leane Begger is but variable seruice to dishes, but to one Table that's the end King.

  8. It much would please him, That of his Fortunes you should make a staffe To leane vpon.

  9. And that the leane abhorred Monster keepes Thee here in darke to be his Paramour?

  10. If it please your honour, I am the poore Dukes Constable, and my name is Elbow; I doe leane vpon Iustice Sir, and doe bring in here before your good honor, two notorious Benefactors Ang.

  11. Leane raw-bon'd Rascals, who would e'er suppose, They had such courage and audacitie?

  12. Canturburie by Austine the monke, if a man should leane to one side without anie conference of the asseuerations of the other.

  13. All which opinions as I absolutelie denie not, so I willinglie leane vnto none of them in peremptorie maner, sith the antiquitie of our historie carrieth me withall vnto the former iudgements.

  14. Puttenham, "being properly the hunting term given to a young deer leane and out of season.

  15. The Upper Lake of Killarney lies in a hollow of the Old Red Sandstone, which here rises to its greatest height in Macgillicuddy's Reeks; Lough Leane however, with its low shores, rests on Carboniferous Limestone.

  16. They are leane and deformed, shewing melancholie in their faces, to the horror of all that see them.

  17. Yea, for obtaining of suites, whereof the Hangman hath no leane Wardrobe.

  18. Say what we will of the other lakes, Lough Leane remains the lake of enchantment.

  19. Soon after passing Eagle's Nest the end of the Long Range is reached, and the stream divides, skirting round Dinish Island into Lough Leane on the left side, to the right passing under Old Weir Bridge into Muckross Lake.

  20. A tall and stately building, it is seen from far, dominating Lough Leane and adding additional charm to the view, with its massive buttresses and battlements, reminders of the old fighting days.

  21. Lough Leane has upwards of thirty isles, large and small, and as the boat is rowed past Glena shore you see them in all their varied form and colour, from Ross to tiny Mouse Island.

  22. Those that have leane and thin bodies stuffe them up with bumbasting.

  23. His portrait, contained in "A Nest of Ninnies," is quite as minute and interesting as the true effigie of Leane Leonard, which follows it.

  24. The constable came, and asked the cause of their falling out, and knowing one to be Leonard the leane foole, whom hee had a warrant for from the gentleman to search for, demaunds of the fellow how it hapned?

  25. Through his leane Chops a chattering he doth make Which stirres his staring beastly driueld Beard, And his sharpe hornes he seem'd at vs to shake, Canst thou then blame vs though we are afeard.

  26. They are leane and deformed, showing melancholy in their faces, to the horror of all that see them.

  27. Pharoes dreame is revived, the leane kine eate up the fatt, and were never the fatter.

  28. Grant told me that the King useth in walking amongst his nobles often tymes to leane upon their shoulders in a speciall favour, and in disgrace to neglect some in that kindenes.

  29. A gentleman without monie is like a leane pudding without fatt.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    leaned back; leaned forward; leaned over