Just like my piece, every one was soon thickly covered with 'spat,' as the oystermen called us.
Oystermen make a practice of moving them from their banks to spots near the mouth of a river where the water is not nearly so salty or even quite fresh.
By them oystermen can tell the age of the shellfish.
The oystermen call them by the suggestive name of "drill," and wage incessant warfare upon them.
Some oystermen have several acres of bottom under cultivation.
Some oystermen believe that the starfishes get into masses like a ball and are rolled along by the tide.
The oystermen dredge over the beds and bring them up in thousands, then steam them or throw them on the shore above high-water mark.
This well-known species is regarded by Chesapeake and Long Island Sound oystermen much in the light of a plague.
It was in one of these floats that the oystermen had an opportunity to see the oysters spawn "spontaneous," for the water therein, reaching 70 deg.
The oystermen of that section have agreed to abstain from tonging for native oysters upon the portion of the flat thus reserved until sufficient time has elapsed to justify an opinion as to the result of the experiment.
For a moment theoystermen observed a silence, and then, without one word of explanation, disappeared.
At one o'clock my canoe rounded the heights upon which Perth Amboy is perched, with its snug cottages, the homes of many oystermen whose fleet of boats was anchored in front of the town.
From South Point to below the middle of Chincoteague Island the bay is put down as "Assateague," though the oystermen do not call it by that name.
The oystermen had in their minds their own sloop-rigged oyster-boats when they discoursed to me about the hard passage of Cat Creek.
He's made the oystermen all round yer jine the island churches an' keep Sunday.
Smoke was pouring out of the funnels of a cluster of oystermen some few rods away, and light shone cheerily from cabin companions.
They were negroes, and evidently oystermenof some sort.
Nor was this surprising; for were not the fishmongers and oystermen about to hold carnival--to celebrate the rites and ceremonies of their order?
The interests of the oystermen were also kept in sight, and legislation passed which was designed to protect grants still more from the depredations of outsiders.
The Massachusetts oystermen have not been slow to realize the large returns afforded by quahaug culture, and some have planted many bushels of the "seed," thus turning their grants into partial quahaug farms.
As a rule, oystermen are forced to take what they can get when they buy seed.
This area, however, which is consequently of considerable value, is of doubtful ownership, being claimed both by the oystermen and also by the owners of the adjacent shore property.
Even to the present day the dividing line between the rights of property owners and oystermen has remained an unsettled question.
Wherever practicable, the best of the quahaug territory should not be granted; and as far as possible, the oystermen should utilize only those tracts of territory which are not naturally very productive of quahaugs.
The oystermen are unanimous in saying that the oyster business of Chatham is steadily improving.
Often, when the ground is most favorable for fattening, large oysters are preferred for planting, and certainoystermen make this line of work a specialty.
Naturally, the Massachusetts oystermen desire that there be some guarantee for the purity of the oysters marketed, as their interests suffer because this impure stock is often sold under the name of the Cape oyster.
Many oystermen responded with complete answers, thus permitting the commission, through their aid, to publish an extended report on the oyster fishery.
The same antagonistic feeling that is prevalent in Wareham exists here between the oystermen and quahaugers.
Of course, it must be some boat, possibly belonging to oystermen who plied their trade out on the bay, close to which they now found themselves.
What makes you tell us that, after hearing what those oystermen said about the danger we'd run, if we were caught in the big bay in a storm?
Oystermen do not carry modern arms," Joshua Barney said curtly.
We are a couple of oystermen from Benedict, in trouble, and are looking for some one to lend a hand.
There must be oystermen in port, either here, at Georgetown, or Alexander, and the chances are you would know some of them.
Here is a big one to begin with which the southern fishermen call a conch and the northern oystermen a winkle.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oystermen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.