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Example sentences for "overlain"

Lexicographically close words:
overhunting; overindulgence; overjoyed; overladen; overlaid; overland; overlap; overlapped; overlapping; overlaps
  1. The basal conglomerate of the Potsdam formation is shown at the lower right-hand corner, and is overlain by sandstone.

  2. It will be seen that the surface of the quartzite is immediately overlain by conglomerate, but that the conglomerate near its top is younger than that near its base.

  3. They are unconformably overlain by known Carboniferous at Puquiura in the Vilcapampa Valley (Fig.

  4. The deeply weathered fissile mica schists east of Pasaje (see Appendix C for all locations) are also unconformably overlain by conglomerate and sandstone of Carboniferous age.

  5. Tertiary sandstones, inclined from 15° to 30° toward the north and unconformably overlain by Pleistocene gravels.

  6. The terrace on the left of the town is formed on limestone, which is overlain by lava flows.

  7. This lower series is overlain by a second series, which consists of coarse conglomerate grading into sand and ultimately into very fine fluffy wind-deposited sands and silts.

  8. The inclined Tertiary strata were leveled by erosion and in part overlain by coarse and now dissected river gravels, probably of Pleistocene age.

  9. Similar breccias occur in the south of Scotland, and these are stated to be "overlain by a deposit of glacial age, so similar to the breccia below as to be with difficulty distinguished from it.

  10. It was overlain by the compact gravel drift called by the miners "cement," and by an included layer of hard iron-stained sandstone.

  11. Red beds near top are Rico Formation, overlain by Cedar Mesa Sandstone and underlain by unnamed upper member of Hermosa Formation.

  12. Lower canyon walls are unnamed upper member of Hermosa Formation overlain by slopes of the Rico Formation.

  13. The lowest and largest cliff above the river is the upper member of the Hermosa Formation, overlain by the slopes and thin ledges of the Rico Formation.

  14. The =nasal capsules= are large and quite unossified though they are overlain by membrane bone.

  15. It is almost completely overlain by membrane bone.

  16. The cartilaginous cranium persists to a considerable extent but is more or less replaced by cartilage bone, and overlain by membrane bone.

  17. There is always a more or less complete exoskeleton formed of bony scutes overlain by epidermal scales; these bony scutes are specially well developed on the dorsal surface but may occur also on the ventral.

  18. Gneiss and schist, with intrusive granites and porphyries, overlain to a great extent by sand and lateritic deposits, occupy the coast belt, coast mountains and the plateau of Damaraland.

  19. In the Huib and Han-ami plateaus of Great Namaqualand the crystalline rocks are overlain by sandstones, slates, quartzites and jasper rocks, and these in turn by dolomites.

  20. The Bunter or lower Trias, consists in the Midland areas of a mass of pebble beds or conglomerate, usually underlain and overlain by variegated sandstones.

  21. These Cambrian rocks are overlain unconformably by the Coal measures to the west, and by the Keuper beds to the east; the boundary of the area is, however, locally defined by lines of fault.

  22. At the village of Rubery, in an exposure on the roadside, it is seen to be unconformably overlain by fossiliferous Llandovery sandstone, the basement beds of which contain fragments of the underlying quartzite in abundance.

  23. In the Wrekin area the great volcanic series of the hills is immediately overlain by a quartzite similar to that of the Hartshill and the Lickey, the basement bed similarly containing fragments of the underlying volcanic rocks.

  24. It is usually both underlain and overlain by red sandstones and marls, but sometimes, as at Stagbury and Woodbury Hills, &c.

  25. As in the Sarawanga plains, the basaltic rocks are here often overlain or incrusted by submarine deposits, the former exposed in all the deeper river-beds, the latter frequently displayed in the sides of their tributaries.

  26. Near the mouth of the Narengali valley (see page 149) I found what appears to be a palagonite-tuff overlain by agglomerates formed of tachylytic pitchstone and of semi-vitreous amygdaloidal basalts.

  27. Here they are overlain by rather coarser basic tuffs of mixed character, containing 5 or 6 per cent.

  28. It thus becomes evident that the structural features of the Lambasa plains (basaltic rocks overlain by submarine deposits) are preserved to the base of the range.

  29. On the beach at Vunikondi in this locality they are overlain by nearly horizontal beds of basic lava, the upper surface of which when exposed displays the smooth, “ropy” crust of a lava flow.

  30. In the elevated region east of Savulu the aphanitic augite-andesites are in places overlain by tuffs and agglomerates formed of the same materials.

  31. These foraminiferous clays in the region between Natua and Mbatiri are overlain in places by coarse, almost brecciated, tuffs, formed in part of the debris of acid andesites, such as compose the not far distant mountain of Na Raro.

  32. They are overlain by submarine clays containing pteropod shells and tests of foraminifera; and over these in their turn coarse palagonitic tuffs and agglomerate-tuffs are found in places.

  33. From this traverse it would appear that the range has an axis of altered acid rocks overlain by basic sedimentary tuffs and pierced by basaltic dykes.

  34. It is the outcropping edge of a sheet of ancient igneous rock, which rests on stratified sandstones and is overlain by strata of the same series.

  35. The early Cretaceous sea retired from Texas and Mexico, for its sediments are overlain unconformably by formations of the Upper Cretaceous.

  36. The Keweenawan is composed of immense piles of lava, such as those of Iceland, overlain by bedded sandstones.

  37. These continental deposits are overlain by a succession of marine formations whose vast area is shown on the map, Figure 260.

  38. The deeper zones of flow lie in pervious strata which are overlain by some impervious stratum.

  39. In simplest form, these cross sections reveal at their base a flow of lava or basalt, overlain by perhaps 200 vertical feet of tuff, and capped by another flow of lava forming the rimrock of the mesa-top.

  40. The limestone area along the East Aspetuck is largely overlain by till, but here again the presence of rock in place shows that the valley has not been overdeepened.

  41. The more usual arrangement is boulder clay overlain by modified drift, the first being laid down by the ice itself, the second being deposited by streams from the melting glacier in its retreat.

  42. There is nothing remarkable in the geology of Choongtam: the base of the hill consists of the clay and mica slates overlain by gneiss, generally dipping to the eastward; in the latter are granite veins, containing fine tourmalines.

  43. It is succeeded by a horizontally stratified sandstone, which is continued up to 4000 feet, where it is overlain by coal-beds and then by limestone again.

  44. From here they are absent up to the Gabun river, where they commence to form a narrow fringe as far as the Kunene river, though often overlain by recent deposits.

  45. They are overlain by the fossiliferous limestones of the Antalo group.

  46. In the region of Adigrat the metamorphic rocks are invariably overlain by white and brown sandstones, unfossiliferous, and attaining a maximum thickness of 1000 feet.

  47. Relics of an ancient sea-floor are overlain by traces of a vanished land-surface; these are in turn covered by the deposits of a former lake, above which once more appear proofs of the return of the sea.

  48. But where the older series has been tilted up or visibly denuded before being overlain by the younger, the latter is termed unconformable.

  49. Here the formation is made up of a lower unit consisting of a bed of white massive gypsum 20 feet thick overlain by 14 feet of interbedded white gypsum and dark-maroon mudstone.

  50. The cultivable areas are confined to tracts overlain by lacustrine clays which alternate along the shores with glacial gravels and the bare rock surfaces devoid of any soil cover.

  51. He reports the cliffs on the lower part of Burntwood river as being “occasionally overlain by a small thickness of peat.

  52. In most localities, the upper sandstone is overlain by a section of red and green shales which mark the uppermost limits of the Trujillo Formation.

  53. If elevation ceased and were succeeded by depression, the exact opposite would occur, and the pebble beds would be overlain by sandstones, these by muds, and lastly limestones would appear.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overlain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.