From Göttingen he visited the Rhine, for the purpose of studying geology, and in particular the basaltic formations of the Seven Mountains.
Look at the genus Lepidotus, again, persisting without a modification of importance from the Liassic to the Eocene formations inclusively.
The Crinoidea, in the abundance of stalked forms in the ancient formations as compared with their present rarity, seem to present us with a fair case of modification from a more embryonic towards a less embryonic condition.
Differently from Europe, where the Tertiary formations appear to have accumulated in bays, here along hundreds of miles of coast we have one great deposit, including many Tertiary shells, all apparently extinct.
Our rather extensive present data on children show that these formations are absent in infancy.
With both the previously published and the present data, I believe the subject of these bony formations may now be approached with some hope of definite conclusions.
As the cadets moved to their places in the formations scores of cadets passed Prescott.
When going to formations some of the cadets rather openly avoided Prescott.
In studying them the eye of the beginner will become accustomed to dangerous formations of the pieces and he will be able to foresee similar threats in his games.
Island formations may be valuable to either opponent, or to both, because of the capacity and security of their harbors, the character of their terrain, or their positions relative to each other.
The actual formations were most varied, but they always contained two of the three elements, column, line and skirmishers.
The line formations for fire, with which it was often combined, rarely accounted for more than one-quarter of the brigade or division, while the skirmishers were still less numerous.
Withal, these formationsin themselves were merely fresh shapes for old ideas.
Basalt and other volcanic formations predominate in both ranges, although there is also much sandstone.
On certain areas of elevation and subsidence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as deduced from the study of coral formations (1837).
The tertiary formations appear only in isolated strips, as at San Fiorenzo, Volpajola, Aleria, and Bonifazio.
Only in the later, intentional, sound-formations and attempts at speaking does that principle come under consideration.
The most important variations which occur in the deposits of the littoral zone are brought about by the formations of rocks more or less composed of limestone.
To know grammar is very well, but to speak all one’s life of gerunds and supines and infinitives, without having an idea what these formations really are, is a kind of knowledge not quite worthy of a scholar.
They are very prominent each for a time, but even after that time is over, they may be traced at different points, pervading the very latest formations of tertiary speech.
Looking carefully over the Carpathians and catching occasional glimpses of semi-circular formations and half domes, he concluded that the chain must have formerly been a succession of vast craters.
He pointed to some very remarkable rocky formations in the neighborhood of Short, a ring mountain rising to an altitude considerably higher than that of Mont Blanc.
The limestone, carbon, and iron of the Laurentian exist in association with the other beds in the same manner as in the later formations in which they are known to be organic.
The question of division lines of formations is one much agitated in the case of the Cambrian rocks.
The Trilobites, under many specific and generic forms, range from the Primordial to the Carboniferous rocks, but are altogether wanting in the more recent formations and in the modern seas.
In later formations coaly matter is an organic substance, derived from vegetables, and there are large quantities of Laurentian carbon in the form of graphite.
By English geologists, the great series offormations which succeeds to the Cambrian is usually included under the name Silurian System, first proposed by Sir Roderick Murchison.
Wherever, therefore, human history extends farthest back, and geological formations of the most modern periods exist and have been explored, we may expect best to define their junctions.
In later formations limestone is usually an organic rock, produced by the accumulation of shells, corals, and similar calcareous organisms in the sea, and there are enormous limestones in the Laurentian, constituting regular beds.
This is manifestly the case with the formations of the London and Paris basins, contemporaneous but detached deposits of the Tertiary age, lying in depressions of the chalk.
Among the various Cambrian formations of the Catoctin Belt there are wide differences in uniformity and composition.
It contains the earliest formations whose original character can be certified; it contains almost the latest known formations; and the record is unusually full, with the exception of the later Paleozoic rocks.
All of these formations are in places reduced to baselevel.
In formations of corresponding antiquity the geologists of India have found similar boulder-beds, in which some of the blocks are polished and striated.
The discussion generally turns upon the question whether these flints were chipped intentionally or are the result of natural causes; and also upon the determination of the geological age of the formations in which they are found.
The following statement of the depths at which the Palaeozoic formations have been reached in various localities in and round London was given by Mr. H.
These beds andformations vary greatly in extent, both above and beneath the surface, and are also of very various thicknesses in different localities.
River deltas are now being thrown down onformations of different ages: some very ancient, some quite modern.
Now it is held by geologists, that this vast series of formations must have been deposited in an area of gradual subsidence.
They scarcely entertain the previous question, whether the formations they are examining have or have not any European equivalents; but the question is--with which of the European series shall they be classed?
The formations being disintegrable in different degrees, there follows an increased irregularity of surface.
As already pointed out, between formations in remote regions the accepted test of equivalence is community of fossils.
Obviously, therefore, the assumption that these Scottish formationsare of the same age with the Longmynd of Shropshire, implies the latent belief that certain mineral characters indicate certain eras.
On this unity of mineral character it is, that this Scottish formation is concluded to be contemporaneous with the lowest formations in Wales; for the scanty paleontological evidence suffices for neither proof nor disproof.
In course of time the harder formations of the upraised sea-bottom will be uncovered.
Besides thus interpreting the formations of Russia, England, and America, Sir R.
How, then, can we place confidence in the tacit assumption that certain formations in remote parts of the Earth are referable to the same period, because the organic remains contained in them display a certain community of character?
Its juice acts energetically on the kidneys, and dissolves the calculous formations of earthy phosphates which frequently form in the bladder.
For preventing, or aborting these same distressing formations when they begin to occur spontaneously, the tincture of Daisies should be taken in doses of five drops three times a day in water.
But there are certain formations in the letters that lead me to suppose this signature on the will is a rank forgery.
Huge pendants like great icicles hung from the ceiling, and similar formations rose from the floor.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.