Controlling the presentation of data via cathode-ray oscilloscope or typewriter, often for the purpose of monitoring the progress of an experiment.
At the same time, a flow of strange mathematical symbols flashed, one after another, on the lighted oscilloscope screen mounted above the keyboard.
Later messages had been picked up by radio telescope and converted to appear as symbols on the oscilloscope screen.
The green bands on the oscilloscopedanced in time to the hum from the loudspeaker, and on the television screen an image began to form.
Take two men and one girl--the eternal triangle--and mix well with an oscilloscope gone haywire.
The spectrum may be transferred from the oscilloscope to a computer for calculation of the percentage of composition and for comparison with spectra of other samples.
This fluorescence is detected by a silicon crystal in the detector and dispersed into a spectrum, which is displayed on an oscilloscope screen.
The oscilloscopeflickered as he readjusted, a new trace appeared.
Fraser sat watching the greenish trace on the hugeoscilloscope screen.
Then he patted a small instrument that was sitting near the oscilloscope plate.
He pretended to be busy at one of the computers being installed but Mel could see that he was glancing out of the corners of his eyes at the oscilloscope for indication of a brain reaction.
The oscilloscope blurred until, by great effort, he brought it into focus again.
He turned it slightly then began watching the oscilloscope closely.