We might almost as well argue that the oscillations of a pendulum, which continue as after-effects when the pendulum has been set going, are of an identical nature with the process of heredity.
One difference is very obvious, for the phenomena of after-effect gradually cease after the withdrawal of the stimulus, just like the oscillations of the pendulum, while the phenomena of heredity continue without any interruption.
The total ruin of the city of Caraccas preceded this explosion thirty-five days, and violentoscillations of the ground were felt, both in the islands, and on the coasts of Terra Firma.
Thus, in the mines of Saxony, we have seen workmen hasten up, affrighted byoscillations which were not felt at the surface of the ground.
It is probable that when at last he left Brussels for the forest, these oscillations were over, equilibrium was achieved; he had climbed 'to the summits of the mount of contemplation.
Shows the oscillations of the movements with the strokes of the metronome.
As, however, we have no experience with oscillating trees, we unconsciously infer the oscillations to be and feel them in our own persons.
Traces of periodicoscillations are noticeable in Fig.
To obtain similar results for a visual impression a silently swinging pendulum is used, the subject following the oscillations with his eyes and counting them.
At the latter point he was asked to count the oscillations of a pendulum; this entirely changed the movement, the hand at once moving rapidly toward the pendulum.
Moreover, their fitful or nomadic occupation of the land leads to oscillations of the frontiers with every attack from without and every variation of the tribal strength within.
Between two peoples who have had a long period of growth behind them, theoscillations of the boundary decrease in amplitude, as it were, and finally approach a state of rest.
A, mounted on a tubular spindle, and which is set into circular oscillations around its axis by the little vibrating membrane, C, which is attached to the axis of the cylinder by a little crank and connecting rod shown in detail in Fig.
One form of apparatus for the propagation of rotative oscillations is shown to the left of Fig.
At the "Discovery's" station small oscillations of a few minutes' duration were hardly ever absent, but the character of the larger disturbances showed a marked variation throughout the 24 hours.
All these varieties tend less to new races than to cluster about type-centres, and can go no further than certain fixed limits of variation, beyond which all oscillations cease.
But this is mere assumption--sheer begging the question on his part,--since all the oscillations are incontestibly about the original or type centre.
Each charge of the jar may produce from a dozen to a hundred electric oscillations which are in fact brief electric currents of gradually decreasing strength.
These oscillations induce other oscillations in the second circuit.
Raising the needle along the magnet, but still avoiding contact, the rapidity of its oscillations decreases, because the force acting upon it becomes weaker.
As we ascend higher, theoscillations become more violent, because the force becomes stronger.
In strictness also Thomson's theory of electric oscillations requires an addition to account for the energy lost by radiation.
Thus the mass oscillates about the position of equilibrium, and the oscillations are successively smaller and smaller in extent, and die out as their energy is expended finally in doing work against friction.
Moreover, equilibrium will be obtained with an elongation proportional to the weight hung on, and small oscillations will be performed just as if there were a spring in the interior instead of the gyrostats.
These quantities can be calculated and adjusted in certain definite cases, and as the electric oscillations can be experimentally observed, the theory can be verified.
But it enables us to plot the line of human progress by points far enough apart to allow us to distinguish between minor and temporary oscillations and fluctuations and the law of the curve.
In the oscillations of the ice-front marking the final retreat of the Alpine glaciers there were three epochs of advance.
Between the highest audible and the lowest visible vibrations there has been hitherto a great gap, which these electric oscillations go far to fill up.
There are evidences of small oscillations of levels, but no proofs of great elevation or depression.
During the retreat of any ice sheet, disregarding oscillations of its edge, its margin withdrew step by step from the position of extreme advance to its center.
These oscillations in position are doubtless connected with climatic changes.
While the impulse is very violent, these oscillations may prove damaging to shipping.
Oscillations of the shores of the Bay of Naples, 287.
Registers of births, deaths, and marriages show that these events occur with as much conformity to laws of nature as the oscillations of the weather.
This factor would explain the oscillations and deflections which Comte admits in the movement of historical progression.
II But I wish to speak neither of the æsthetic value of blue in relation to arts and industries, nor of the optical significance of blue as the product of six hundred and fifty billion oscillations of the luminous ether per second.
Not without suggestiveness in this connection may be the fact that it represents the lowest rate of those ether-oscillations which produce color.
Now, it is well known that there were during the Glacial epoch, and subsequently, several oscillations of level sufficient to connect and separate these islands.
During the oscillations of the glacial times the islands were separated by subsidence of the continental margin.
The processes by which the oscillations take place are fully discussed in this book.
On the other hand, the oscillations in the distribution of the lands, of which geology affords so much evidence, must certainly have played an important part in producing the periodic changes of climate which the earth has undergone.
The general tendency of these changes is toward complexity and diversity, thus producing progression, but they are subject to frequent reversals which give rise to oscillations lasting millions of years.
It almost certainly was of much importance in causing pronounced oscillationsfirst one way and then the other.
Hence, while most of them appear to have been unimportant so far as climatic oscillations and fluctuations are concerned, they seemingly have aided in producing the slight secular progression to which we have so often referred.
In the diagram the climatic oscillations appear short, but this is merely because they have been crowded together, especially in the left hand or early part.
Nevertheless, the action of carbon dioxide seems to be an important factor in producing the longer oscillations of climate from one geological era to another.
It is inserted in order to explain why we assume that there have been oscillations between certain types of distribution of the lands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oscillations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.