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Example sentences for "ordinates"

Lexicographically close words:
ordinario; ordinarius; ordinary; ordinate; ordinated; ordinating; ordination; ordinatione; ordinationem; ordinations
  1. The cross marks the point whose rectangular co-ordinates are the values of [delta]N and [delta]W derived from the diurnal inequalities of these elements.

  2. The curves are measured at the places which correspond to the times of the four observations, and the mean length of the four ordinates is, let us say, 2.

  3. Taking time for the axis of abscissae, Ellis drew two curves, one having for its ordinates the sun-spot frequency, the other the inequality range of declination or of horizontal force at Greenwich.

  4. The observatories are arranged in order of latitude, and their geographical co-ordinates are given in Table II.

  5. The constants [delta]0, a, b are to be determined from the observed secular changes at the fixed observatories whose geographical co-ordinates are accurately known.

  6. A line drawn on a diagram of energy such that its ordinates represent the pressures of a substance corresponding to various volumes, while the absolute temperature is maintained at a constant value.

  7. Tolla had turned the beam to the reverse co-ordinates from those Tako used.

  8. Then the current was further altered, and the time and space co-ordinates set into new combinations.

  9. An organic substance of our world upon which it struck was changed in vibration rate and space-time co-ordinates to coincide with the characteristics with which the light-current was endowed.

  10. We have calculated," he went on, "the space co-ordinates with great precision.

  11. He gave me the map co-ordinates of the new positions, and rode off to visit the battery commanders.

  12. The message closed with the map co-ordinates of the positions chosen for our four batteries, and with a request for the map location of the Divisional Artillery Headquarters, to which the note was sent.

  13. Where are we to find them, since they won't give us co-ordinates over the telephone?

  14. It gave the map co-ordinates of the stretch of front our guns were to fire upon in response to S.

  15. A young captain and two subalterns listened to what I had to say, and gave me map co-ordinates of the spot on which we now were.

  16. I looked at the map co-ordinates he had given, and rang through to the batteries.

  17. If this is done, and the ordinates are arranged at equal distances, the line which unites their summits is the desired curve.

  18. Here we must remember that the mutual distance of the ordinates has been a wholly arbitrary one in all our previous considerations.

  19. The degrees reference referred to the balancing co-ordinates by which the Cow kept the big wheel statically balanced during rotation.

  20. They all know where they're going, and where they've been without relation to anything but the spatial co-ordinates around them.

  21. In the diagram the ordinates of the curves show the ratio maximum demand to connected load for various kinds of electric lighting service in Chicago.

  22. Graphically, that is to say by means of a curve plotted on coordinate paper of which ordinates represent load values and the corresponding abscissæ time values, as in the accompanying curves.

  23. Footnote 39: To agree with Pfaundler's formula the end ordinates should be given half values in determining T", i.

  24. Unquestionably the best method of taking data is by the use of co-ordinate paper and a plotting of the data with temperatures and time intervals as ordinates and abscissae.

  25. Since ordinates of the power curve are products of the current and pressure ordinates, they will be of inconvenient length if drawn to the same scale; it is therefore customary to use a different scale for the power ordinates, as in fig.

  26. Since the sine curve is used to represent the alternating current, the average value may be defined as: the average of all the ordinates of the curve for one-half of a cycle.

  27. In the second place, suppose that we wish to know the length of the arc of any curve, considered as a function of the co-ordinates of its extremities.

  28. Now it is easy to see that there does not exist, and could not be expected to exist, any system of co-ordinates deserving in that respect a constant preference over all others.

  29. In a word, to assign the value of one of the co-ordinates of a point in any system whatever, is always necessarily equivalent to determining a certain line on which that point must be situated.

  30. Defn: The curve whose ordinates are proportional to the sines of the abscissas, the equation of the curve being y = a sin x.

  31. Semicubical parabola, a curve in which the ordinates are proportional to the square roots of the cubes of the abscissas.

  32. For the asymptotes as axes of co-ordinates the equation of the hyperbola is xy = const.

  33. If we now take the asymptotes OX and OY as oblique axes of co-ordinates, the lines OQ and QP will be the co-ordinates of P, and will satisfy the equation xy = const.

  34. Draw the ordinates CD, PM of C and P, and let the parallel to the axis of x through C meet PM, produced if necessary, in R.

  35. Now, these points have been determined by the successively decreasing lengths of the ordinates drawn from the same points, and their respective distances progressively decrease from the point e to the point B.

  36. Upon this line the vertical ordinates may be set off at equal distances, or upon any base line parallel to it; but the usual course is to erect the ordinates on the atmospheric line.

  37. The abscisses represent the times, and the ordinates the amperes.

  38. The apparatus traces a curve whose ordinates give the number of coulombs sought.

  39. The gradual lessening of the distances of the ordinates or lines representing the explosions shows that the speed of the motor was slowly increasing, and also indicates the time which elapsed before the engine was running smoothly.

  40. The paper band or tape of the recorder is moved with a small velocity of translation so as to approximate as closely as possible the corresponding ordinates representing the explosions (Fig.

  41. Furthermore, according to any system of measurement that is natural to us, three of the co-ordinates will be measurements of space and one will be a measurement of time.

  42. The co-ordinates xy of any point in this perspective may be expressed in terms of latitude and longitude of the corresponding point on the sphere in the following manner.

  43. The following table contains the computed co-ordinates for a map of Africa, which is included between latitudes 40 deg.

  44. The co-ordinates originating at the centre take the central meridian for the axis of y and a line perpendicular to it for the axis of x.

  45. With sufficient approximation we may regard BQ and b as rectangular co-ordinates of Q.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ordinates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.