He began, therefore, by increasing the rigor of the religious ordinances of his father; by gradually extending the power of the inquisitors; by making the proceedings more arbitrary, and more independent of the civil jurisdiction.
And then--woe to the father who by a culpable tenderness bath frustrated the ordinances of a higher wisdom!
To carry into effect the ordinances it required the active co-operation of the lieutenant-governors; no wonder, however, that the latter showed but little zeal to afford this assistance.
He believed that God gave "the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses" (2 Chron.
So that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them, according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses.
And to render the police efficient it is necessary that they be under the direction of one man, the same one who is responsible for the carrying out of the ordinances of the council, namely, the mayor.
Similar expressions by the town, village, city, or county authorities are called ordinances or by-laws.
They may make, for the following purposes among others, such ordinances or by-laws as they deem necessary: 1.
How can persons living in a city find out what ordinances the council passes?
Household Ordinances show that officers and retainers of the Court were presented with a roba estivalis and hiemalis.
A custom which we meet with at Dover and Reading, and was probably adopted by other towns, is one described in sundry ordinances de stachia, the latter being barbarous Latin for "stake.
These categories were not entirely divorced, since the infraction of trade ordinances was visited with something more than mere obloquy.
At times I thought that I and my comrades were captains in God's army, that all His ordinances were not meant for us, but for the plain soldiers of the line.
So I got the notion that our faith is neither prayers, nor a collection of ordinances of varying importance, but something I could not name, nor point to with my finger.
I got used to eating forbidden food, to breaking the Sabbath, and trespassing against all the ordinances of the ritual without compunction.
Otherwise she would not have called me Zhid, and would not have hated me so much, in spite of seeing me break all theordinances of the Jewish ritual.
And she, too, was observing theordinances of the Hallah and the Sabbath candles, and the rest of the laws, no less than Avremel's mother.
In contrast with this characteristically Protestant view, the Romanist regards the ordinances as actually conferring grace and producing holiness.
The symbolism of the ordinances requires that baptism should precede the Lord's Supper.
We believe that the order of the ordinances is an important point of Christian doctrine, and itself teaches Christian doctrine.
The truth of Christ's death and resurrection is a precious jewel, and it is given us in these outward ordinances as in a casket.
The order of the facts signified must be expressed in the order of the ordinances which signify them; else the world is taught that sanctification may take place without regeneration.
The order of the ordinances teaches Christian doctrine, as the ordinances do; to partake of the Lord's Supper before being baptized is to say in symbol that one can be sanctified without being regenerated.
This we claim for the ordinancesof Baptism and of the Lord's Supper, and for the order of these ordinances.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper are rites which have become ordinances by the specific command of Christ and by their inner relation to the essential truths of his kingdom.
Both ordinances should be public, as both "show forth" the Lord's death and are teaching ordinances; no celebration of either one is to be permitted in private.
The ordinances stand by themselves, and are not to be made appendages of other meetings or celebrations; they belong, not to associations or conventions, but to the local church.
What a manifest return to a religion of ordinances and the poor works of man!
It will not do to point me to a religious community, with some Christians therein, the gospel preached, and the ordinances administered.
Neither is it a set of ordinances to be gone through, in dreary formality, by lifeless, heartless professors.
I hardly need add, were silence not liable to misconstruction, that the duties and ordinances of religion are matters of his most devout and diligent observance.
By that commission ministers are first to disciple, and then to baptize them so made disciples, and afterwards to teach them to observe all that Christ commanded them, as to other ordinances of worship.
So also it was as to circumcision, the passover, and other ordinances for worship.
The Lord hath suffered some ordinances to be omitted and lost in the Old Testament, and yet owned the church.
Hath God been so bountiful in making out himself about the supper, that few or none that own ordinances scruple it?
The ordinancesof their Kings were used, time after time, to counteract the influence of harmful papal Bulls, and to prevent the interference of Italian ecclesiastics in the affairs of the Spanish Church.
It was agreed that there was no distinction between the ordinances of grace and those of nature in the original condition of man.
These various ordinancesfor the extirpation of heresy were applied promptly and rigorously, and the fires of persecution were soon kindled all over France.
The result was the famous Ecclesiastical Ordinances of Geneva in their first form.
In the end, however, the drafted ordinances were adopted unanimously by the Council of Two Hundred without serious alteration.
Their form of government is clearly inspired by Calvin's ideas as stated in his Institution, and follows closely the Ecclesiastical Ordinances of the French Church.
Sacrifices in cases of infractions of theordinances of the pilgrimage, ii.
FN#21] The object of theseordinances is clearly to inculcate the strictest observance of the “truce of God.
For each infraction of these ordinances we must sacrifice a sheep[FN#22]; and it is commonly said by Moslems that none [p.
Without recognizing the ordinances of Heaven it is impossible to be a superior man.
This practice of changing arms and surnames originated from the Ordinances of Justice promulgated about that time, which expressly requires this as a condition to the enjoyment by any of the old families of popular rights.
The people, now sure of their triumph, relaxed the Ordinances of Justice, and, to make some distinction in favour of merit or innocence, effaced certain families from the list of the nobility.
In my eagerness, yet being ignorant of the holy priesthood and of the true authority to officiate in the ordinances of eternal life, I requested the Baptist minister to baptize me.
One of the great objects I had in calling this meeting," said the Prophet, "was to make a few remarks relative to the laws and ordinances of the city and to the building of the Temple.
There was perhaps no duty or labor in the Church more pleasing to him than the ordinances performed in the Temple of God.
It seems very remarkable that in view of these templeordinances men should seek to attribute the origin of these ordinances to Brigham Young.
Its ordinances which he so fervently revered gave comfort and consolation to his life.
In order that the Twelve might be prepared to administer in the ordinancesof the house of God they were given their endowments and their wives sealed to {199} them for eternity.
I will ask this assembly and all the Saints if they will build this house and receive the ordinances and blessings which the Lord has in store for them, or will they not, but let Him pass by and bestow His blessings upon another?
Hundreds of people gave him a day or two days or more in the Temple in the ordinances for his kindred dead.
In those days in performing the ordinances for the dead, men were baptized for women, and women for men.
His spiritual nature was fed by the ordinances in which he officiated in the house of God.
To the older of the present generation its sacred precincts, its rites, {363} and ordinances are among the most cherished memories.
Through all the teachings of the Prophet in those days there ran a spirit of deep concern for the completion of the Temple, so that the ordinances to be performed therein might be enjoyed by the Saints.
There are certain ordinances and principles which were taught and practiced which must be done in a temple of the Lord built for that purpose.
One of the ordinances of the House of the Lord is baptism for the dead.
The ordinances are neither numerous nor difficult of performance; but in the plan of man's salvation, as in all other works of Deity, simplicity marks its outlines and efficiency justifies its adoption.
But the mercy of God as well as his justice is active, and offers redemption from the consequences of individual transgressions on the condition of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
Few and simple as theseordinances are, the Church teaches that in order to be of effect they must be administered by divine authority.
This first Covenant had ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary,' meaning the Old Tabernacle with all its appendages, (see 23 v.
Does Paul here teach us to forsake the ordinances of God, instituted by the Saviour--Baptism and the Lord's Supper?
To the Collossians he asks, "Why as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances which all are to perish with their using?
When writing to the Hebrews more than thirty years after the crucifixion, he calls theseordinances carnal, imposed on them (the Jews) until Christ our High Priest should come.
Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.
The difference between the ordinancesunder which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed.
The ordinances of God have been sent down from the heaven of His most august Revelation.
Know verily that the essence of justice and the source thereof are both embodied in the ordinances prescribed by Him Who is the Manifestation of the Self of God amongst men, if ye be of them that recognize this truth.
Expect not that they who violate the ordinances of God will be trustworthy or sincere in the faith they profess.
We had been dependent upon the North for everything, even for the paper upon which the Ordinances of Secession were written, and for the ink and pens used in the writing.
After every State south of North Carolina to the confines of Mexico had adopted ordinances of secession, the people of this State rejected a proposition to call a convention to consider the question.
Their ordinances provided that no person of that craft should work on a Sunday or shave any but such as were to preach or do a religious act on Sundays.
But ordinancesare one thing and effective street-police is another.
A special letter from the Queen was sent to Magdalen annulling the ordinances made contrary to the statutes since the death of Henry VIII.
Grossetete issued ordinances which exhorted the clergy, but in vain, not to haunt taverns, gamble or share in drinking bouts, and in the rioting and debauchery of the barons.
By the University the need for the codification of its statutes, and the unification of the mass of obscure customs and contradictory ordinances of which they were by this time composed, had long been felt.
The 10th of the same month, the "Book of Sports" (a collection of ordinances allowing games on the Sabbath, put forth by James I.
Contains the early statutes of the realm, the ancient customs and ordinances of the City of London.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ordinances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.