I shall driue you then to confesse the wilfull abuse, and then I know how to handle you Fal.
My Lord, hee will driue you out of your reuenge, and turne all to a merryment, if you take not the heat Prince.
When they be dancing and playing they will cry and hallow very loud; and in this sort they say they driue him away.
The same day we saw Sargosse driue vpon the water.
The Queene, Of Audience, nor Desire shall faile, so shee From Egypt driue her all-disgraced Friend, Or take his life there.
Wee will spare for no witte I warrant you: heere's that shall driue some to a non-come, only get the learned writer to set downe our excommunication, and meet me at the Iaile.
I do not need your helpe; And heauen forbid a shallow scratch should driue The Prince of Wales from such a field as this, Where stain'd Nobility lyes troden on, And Rebels Armes triumph in massacres Ioh.
If I do not beate thee out of thy Kingdome with a dagger of Lath, and driue all thy Subiects afore thee like a flocke of Wilde-geese, Ile neuer weare haire on my face more.
That thou shalt see the difference of our spirit, I pardon thee thy life before thou aske it: For halfe thy wealth, it is Anthonio's The other halfe comes to the generall state, Which humblenesse may driue vnto a fine Por.
With Hornes, as was Acteons, and the Hounds Should driue vpon his new transformed limbes, Vnmannerly Intruder as thou art Laui.
May neuer glorious Sunne reflex his beames Vpon the Countrey where you make abode: But darknesse, and the gloomy shade of death Inuiron you, till Mischeefe and Dispaire, Driue you to break your necks, or hang your selues.
And is it I, That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thou Was't shot at with faire eyes, to be the marke Of smoakie Muskets?
I will not slay thee, but Ile driue thee back: Thy Scarlet Robes, as a Childs bearing Cloth, Ile vse, to carry thee out of this place Winch.
I will not struggle, I will stand stone still: For heauen sake Hubert let me not be bound: Nay heare me Hubert, driue these men away, And I will sit as quiet as a Lambe.
Let me see, to withdraw with you, why do you go about to recouer the winde of mee, as if you would driue me into a toyle?
Are you ignoraunt what the mallice of Women is, and how mutch they triumph in tormenting the poore blynded soules that become their Seruaunts, and what prayse they attribute vnto themselues, if by some misfortune they driue them to dispaire?
Causelesse distrust is able to driue deceite into a simple womans head.
The next day following they went to sea, to prosecute their voyage, whereas they were taken with so terrible and foule weather, that the ship did driue they knew not whither, and many times in daunger to be drowned.
They doo driue them off with faire words and promises, that with as great breuitie as is possible, their desire shal be satisfied.
If these want honny at anye time, then doe they eyther kill, or driue quite away the drone Bées.
When they are to passe ouer a riuer with their armie, they tie three or four horses together and taking long poles or pieces of wood, bind them fast to the tailes of their horse: so sitting on the poles they driue their horse ouer.
And if you finde vpon any coast the currant to runne alwayes one way, doe you also note the same duely, how it setteth in euery place, and obserue what force it hath to driue a ship in one houre, &c.
The Iland, most part thereof, is mountainous and vntilled But that part which is plaine doth greatly abound with fodder, which is so ranke, that they are faine to driue their cattell from the pasture, least they surfet or be choaked.
Their sheepe when they driue for to wash, how careles such sheepe they doo guide!
Driue away the furie and thought which thou hast taken, and wherof this sickenes commeth, and comfort thy selfe.
When he was retired a good space from the place wher they fought, loking back, he sawe them followe some distance one from an other, and as one of them approched, he let driue at him with great violence.
Therewithall he was so dronke with the beautie of the Greeke, that the leste matter, wherewith they might geue occasion to withdrawe him from his negligent life, was enough to driue him into rage and furie.
John, affirming that he would either driue the same earle out of England, or else should earle John doo the like to him: for it was not of sufficient largenesse to hold them both.
Admirall of England being admonished by her Maiesties letters from the Court, thought it most expedient either to driue the Spanish fleet from that place, or at leastwise to giue them the encounter: [Sidenote: The 28 of Iuly.
Good Gentlemen, Giue him a further edge, and driue his purpose on To these delights Rosin.
Quoth Plato being a graue personage, verely in myne opinion this man should be vtterly vnfit for any seruice of greater importance then todriue a Coche.
A staffe of fiue verses, is not much vsed because he that can not comprehend his periode in foure verses, will rather driue it into six then leaue it in fiue, for that the euen number is more agreeable to the eare then the odde is.
For in making a place populous, it is thereby also made rich: draw people to a place, and plentie will follow; driue away people, and it is vndone.
Well (said the duke of Burgognie) before you driue the king and me out of his realme, you shall be well wearied, and thereof we doubt little.
Twenty Merchants, The Duke himselfe, and the Magnificoes Of greatest port haue all perswaded with him, But none can driue him from the enuious plea Of forfeiture, of iustice, and his bond Iessi.
But God the guider of all good actions, forcing them by an extreame storme to hull all night, did driue them by his providence to their desired Port, beyond all their expectations; for never any of them had seene that coast.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "driue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.