Thou wast, O my nation, often the martyr, who by thy blood didst redeem the Christian nations on earth.
Such isoften the effect of too great, of too secure prosperity.
Nay, material prosperity is often the mark of real decline, when it either results in, or is connected with, a moral stagnation in the devoted attachment to principles.
When anemia is severe, as is often the case in gastric ulceration, the diet must be reenforced to overcome it.
The nitrogenous foods cannot be eliminated entirely, especially if, as is often the case, the individual suffers from chronic nephritis and is up and about attending to business; but they can be judiciously regulated in the diet.
Fermentation is often the cause of infantile indigestion.
In some cases the sudden chilling of the food itself is undesirable, but this is not so often the case.
This is often the case in premature babies and is manifested by a persistent vomiting of curd.
The watermen and lightermen, by virtue of their fellowship and their apprenticeship and often the ownership of a boat, belonged to the class of skilled laborers.
Often the manufacturer's house was surrounded by the many cottages of his workers.
They have usually been found fault with, so much, that they have become either hardened or desponding; and it is often the case, that a few words of commendation will awaken fresh efforts and renewed hope.
Cows that are fed on still-slops, as is often the case in cities, furnish milk which is very unhealthful.
But care must be taken to determine between the crying of pain or uneasiness, and the call for food; and the practice of giving an infant food, to stop its cries, is often the means of increasing its sufferings.
It isoften the case, that persons, who are most strict and exacting, and least able to make allowances and receive palliations, are themselves peculiarly sensitive to any thing which implies that they are in fault.
They have usually been found fault with so much that they have become either hardened or desponding; and it is often the case, that a few words of commendation will awaken fresh efforts and renewed hope.
But care must be taken to determine between, the crying of pain or uneasiness, and the call for food; and the practice of giving an infant food, to stop its cries, is often the means of increasing its sufferings.
It is often the ease, that persons who are most strict and exacting and least able to make allowances and receive palliations, are themselves peculiarly sensitive to any tiling which implies that they are in fault.
Often the appetite is lost and the animal becomes debilitated.
Constipation in adult horses is often the result of long feeding on dry, innutritious feed, deficiency of intestinal secretions, scanty water supply, or lack of exercise.
The fibrous structure situated behind the cannon bones, both in the fore and hind legs, isoften the seat of lacerations or sprains resulting from violent efforts or sudden jerks.
The wonder is that potash, when applied as an artificial manure, should have such a marked effect in increasing the fertility of the soil, as is often the case.
The reduction of nitrates in the soil is often the source of much loss of valuable nitrogen, which escapes in the free state, so that the action of bacteria is not altogether of a beneficial nature.
Often the dinner is short and all go to the theater.
Yet the latter, through her quality of birth, her poise, her inimitable distinction, is often the jewel of deeper water in the social crown of her time.
If the patient is sick at the stomach, as is often the case, give lukewarm water freely and let her vomit; after which let her drink freely of water as hot as it can be safely swallowed, adding milk and sugar to make it palatable.
If the feet are cold, as is often the case, putting them into hot water will palliate the symptoms, and not interfere with the medicines.
Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are not so often the result of great design as of chance.
Often the cockloft is empty in those whom Nature hath built many stories high.
In treating this case, I will place my negative electrode either on some healthy part, or, if there be perceptible anywhere in the system a morbidly negative part, as is often the case, I will place my negative pole there.
It is often the fact, during chronic rheumatism, that soreness and severe pain are felt, especially under the presentation of the negative pole, thus showing that these points require to be treated with the positive pole.
But supposing that this cannot be done, suppose, as isoften the case, that the animal fed for years on unnatural food has become so pathological that it can no longer take or digest its natural food?
A strict salt-free diet is also necessary, as it is often theretention of salt in the system that leads to the presence of eczema.
It is often the friction of a frayed-out collar or cuff, of tight waist clothing, or, in the case of whitlows, the introduction of some irritant or poison between the nail and the skin that determines the precise site at which they will come.
Often the burial-grounds, the stones of which are seldom more than about 2 ft.
Often the wife or son or daughter may be seen pushing behind a cart.
Often the beetle is fastened to a beam and worked by foot.
The ancient woodcuts and engravings, often the work of artists like Holbein and Durer, can never lose their interest.
There is often the torture of acute hearing, or an inability to suppress attention; the hater of clocks and crowing cocks is a neurasthenic.
But as is so often the case, speculation ran far ahead of the observations on which it is based.
Often the intervention of some other disease so weakens the defences of the body that the bacilli again find their opportunity.
There is a further connection between chronic disease and infection in that the damage to the organs, which is the great factor underlying chronic disease, is so often the result of an infection.
As is often the case in the life-history of animals as well as of men, the blame is laid on the wrong shoulders.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "often the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.