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Example sentences for "novelties"

Lexicographically close words:
novelist; novelistic; novelists; novelization; novels; novelty; novem; novena; novenas; novi
  1. Its energies were neither to produce an extension of knowledge, nor originate substantial novelties either of thought or imaginative conception.

  2. We are rendered incompetent to deal effectively with the delicacies and novelties of nature and life.

  3. We regard novelties as dangerous, experiments as illicit and deviations as forbidden.

  4. After the Revolution there were found enough of these patents which had been bought up and pigeonholed in self-protection by the capitalists to have kept the world in novelties for ten years if nothing more had been discovered.

  5. She declared that it was clear my credulity had been taxed with these accounts of modern novelties about as far as it would be prudent to try it without furnishing some further evidence of the truth of the statements she had made.

  6. Makers of novelties and small turnery find it serviceable for paper knives, pin trays, match safes, brush backs, and many articles of like kind.

  7. Small quantities are made into flooring; a little goes to the furniture makers; lathes turn some of it for novelties and souvenirs; fuel cutters sell it as cordwood; and tanbark peelers cut the trees for the thin, papery bark.

  8. It is too scarce to be of much importance, but paper knives, napkin rings, and other novelties made of it are sold in souvenir stores in southern Florida.

  9. General if he would consent to Japanese preaching their laws in his territory, perturbing public peace with such novelties amongst the lower classes?

  10. The seed of the Tobacco-plant (Nicotiana tabacum) was among the many novelties introduced into the Philippines from Mexico by Spanish missionaries, soon after the possession of the Colony by the Spaniards was an accomplished fact.

  11. There are occasionally sales of American horses, and it is now one of the novelties to see them driven in carriages, and American ladies riding straddle-legged on tall hacks.

  12. But it is none of my business to plead for novelties and paradoxes.

  13. It can be answered, that all discoveries are novelties at first; and moreover that this one is not so much a novelty as a deeper interpretation of the common faith.

  14. Any kind of Easter novelties can be sold for a dime.

  15. Little novelties for Easter gifts may be sold here--the pretty trifles which are easily made.

  16. Plenty of Easter Egg novelties will be sold.

  17. Farewel, old honest delight taken in books not quite contemporary, before this plague-token of modern endless novelties broke out upon us--farewel to reading for its own sake!

  18. That led Burke once again to insist upon the peculiar genius of each separate state, the difficulties of a change, the danger of grafting novelties upon an ancient fabric.

  19. The very calmness of the atmosphere only the more surely paved the way for the surprising novelties of Godwin and the revolutionists.

  20. Politics, as Seeley said, are vulgar unless they are liberalized by history; and a state which failed to see itself as a mosaic of ancestral institutions would build its novelties upon foundations of sand.

  21. Subsequent popes enlarged these catalogues, and added to the rules, as the monstrous novelties started up.

  22. Among the novelties of this small volume, not the least remarkable is the dedication of this fairy romance to the public, which excited great attention, and charmed and provoked our author's fickle patron.

  23. When the riders returned with the caoutchouc, they brought several novelties besides.

  24. The editors of educational journals and the arrangers of conventions have had to show themselves enterprising and on a level with the novelties of the day.

  25. Not every one's intelligence can tell which novelties are ideal.

  26. Novelties in the way of sensible objects, especially if their sensational quality is bright, vivid, startling, invariably arrest the attention of the young and hold it until the desire to know more about the object is assuaged.

  27. Novelties are for those who seek to upturn the verdicts of past ages by offering something new, rather than what is true.

  28. In presenting this immortal benefactor, I have no novelties to show.

  29. Unfettered by any restraints he had probed all the novelties that presented themselves.

  30. And in the last few years Germany and America have added many fine novelties to the bewildering list.

  31. And since then each year has seen one superb rose after another produced in such numbers, that it is as difficult to keep count of them as to determine which of the magnificent novelties should be picked out for special mention.

  32. Somewhat," Mijnheer answered; "but we have things that are more so, we have many novelties so called.

  33. It was a novelty then," he explained; "some novelties are worth a great deal.

  34. The managers are usually willing and glad to bring out novelties if the public can be found to appreciate them.

  35. Now the great operatic novelties of Europe are presented here in magnificent style, and often before they are heard in many European capitals.

  36. Among other valuable novelties introduced in this establishment was the famous collection made by the renowned lion-slayer, Gordon Cummings.

  37. There was also a complete and valuable collection of curiosities and I sent from New York, from time to time, my transient novelties in the way of giants, dwarfs, fat boys, animals and other attractions.

  38. I have established connections in Europe, which will enable me to produce here a succession of interesting novelties otherwise inaccessible.

  39. Among my equestrian novelties is an Italian Goat taught in Europe to ride on horseback, leap through hoops and over banners, alighting on his feet on the back of the horse while at full speed.

  40. The daily number of visitors at once more than doubled, and my exertions to gratify them with rapid changes and novelties never tired.

  41. A Museum proper obviously depends for patronage largely upon country people who visit the city with a worthy curiosity to see the novelties of the town.

  42. The stories illustrating merely my introduction of novelties would more than fill this book, but I must make room for a few of them.

  43. Both might obtain useful lessons by turning to a record of equally lauded novelties of other days.

  44. One of the chief incentives of nurserymen to send out novelties is that they may have some plants for sale on which they can make a profit.

  45. One of the latest kitchen novelties is a spoon holder, which hangs on the inside of any preserving kettle and holds the stirring spoon when not in use.

  46. Amongst the novelties was the Eiffel Tower, 1000 ft.

  47. Several novelties in exhibition management were introduced at Philadelphia.

  48. There is considerable thinking, without any notable novelties in thought.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "novelties" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.