Certaine notes vnperfectly written by Richard Iohnson seruant to Master Richard Chancelour, which was in the discouerie of Vaigatz and Noua Zembla, with Steuen Burrowe in the Serchthrift 1556.
Northwest, thinking it to be an Island, but finding no end in rowing so long, we supposed it to be the maine of Noua Xembla.
At Arthur his returne I pray you learne of him the things I haue requested, and whether any where in his voiage, he found the sea fresh, or not very salt: for I suppose the Sea betweene Noua Zembla and Tabin to be fresh.
These were his wordes: Magna tametsi pauca denoua nauigatione scribis, quam miror ante multos annos non fuisse attentatam.
The voyage of Robert Tomson marchant, into Noua Hispania in the yeere 1555, with diuers obseruations concerning the state of the countrey: And certaine accidents touching himselfe.
Sidenote: A description of the people and Countrey of Noua Albion.
In this countrey of Noua Hispania there are many buckes and does, but they haue not so long hornes as they haue here in England.
Augustine de villa noua sitting at dinner with him, should then presently haue killed with a poynado which hee had priuily in his sleeue, was espyed and preuented by one Iohn Chamberlayne, who tooke the poynado out of his sleeue.
Sidenote: A dangerous rebellion in Guadalajara a prouince of Noua Hispania.
A relation of the commodities of Noua Hispania, and the maners of the inhabitants, written by Henry Hawkes merchant, which liued fiue yeeres in the sayd countrey, and drew the same at the request of M.
The voyage of Robert Tomson Marchant, into Noua Hispania in the yeere 1555.
His Maiestie hath sent expresse commandement vnto the Marques of Villa Manrique his cosen, Viceroy of Noua Hispania, that immediatly vpon sight of his letters he shall command to be builded in S.
In this countrey there is great store of Cotten wooll, whereof the Indians make fine linnen cloth, which the Christians buy and carry into Noua Hispania.
Sidenote: Rebellions in Noua Hispania by two great exactions.
And some which had seene the sea-chart, did find, that from the place where they were by the sea coast to Noua Espanna, might bee 400.
In this countrey of Noua Hispania there are also mines of golde, although the golde be commonly found in riuers, or very neere vnto riuers.
The fleete of Noua Hispania, at their first gathering together and setting foorth, were two and fiftie sailes.
At the Hauana there met 33 sailes of Noua Hispania.
America, he notes, is called New India, "America a multis hodie Noua India dicta.
South America has the name "America" inscribed in large letters, with an accompanying legend reading "Terra Noua Inuenta est Anno 1497.
Then in processe of yeeres ariseth the first English trade to Brasill, the first passing of some of our nation in the ordinarie Spanish fleetes to the west Indies, and the huge Citie of Mexico in Noua Hispania.
This determination was liked well of them all, and that they had chosen well in sending of the prouinciall, who incontinent departed from the ilands in a shippe that was prepared for Noua Hispania, which was in the yeare of Christ 1573.
Ovid uses the somewhat more common gustare in a similar context at Tr IV i 31-32 'sic noua Dulichio lotos gustata palato / illo quo nocuit grata sapore fuit'.
Anthony Mendoza, then Viceroy of Noua Hispania, which Bernard sayled 750.
South Sea from the Streight of Magellan to Cape Mendoçino and Noua Albion.
Also Iaques Cartier hauing done the like, heard say at Hochelaga in Noua Francia, how that there was a great Sea at Saguinay, whereof the end was not knowen: which they presupposed to be the passage to Cataia.
Noua Stella Serpentarii] by wch he indeauors to ouerthrow Nolanus and Gilberts opinions concerninge the immensitie of the Spheare of the starres and.
Me thinkes my diligent Galileus hath done more in his three fold discouerie then Magellane in openinge the streightes to the South sea or the dutch men that weare eaten by beares in Noua Zembla.
In 1595 there was printed, again with Latin and German text, a Noua Alphabeti effictio, historiis ad singulas literas correspondentibus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noua" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.