Once let a flat-nosed bullet from this little Marlin hard shooter smack him on the coco, and there'll be a funeral in the anaconda family.
Lean, red, black-nosed heads appeared from thorny bush and spiked grass, and step by step gaunt bodies came out into the arena.
Swinton shot a furtive look at the thin, long-nosed face that was still piebald with patches of caked lava; then he turned his eyes away and gazed out over the plain with its coloured grass and wild indigo scrub.
How did Ring-nosed Bill and Snakey Jo carry Pedlar Jake from Cale Jones's to Peck-slip and send him afloat?
There is a scribe without named Ana, a thin, sharp-nosed man who says he is your Highness's twin in Ra.
Lastly, from out of one of the side streets emerged a gang of several hundred hook-nosed and bearded men, among whom were a few women, loosely roped together and escorted by a company of armed guards.
Only take with you a great guard of soldiers lest these hook-nosed dogs should do you mischief.
Presently hook-nosed men appeared who dragged him from his seat.
Returning with my unholy provisions tucked under my arm and a broken-nosed blue pitcher deftly concealed under my protecting cape, I made my first daylight inventory of that block of Fourteenth Street where I lived.
The tinker-nosed man who played the instrument that sang like a dog or barked like a nightingale began to squeak it into people's ears.
Ato's needle-nosed machines began to whine and the metal in the guards' cubicles grew red-hot and melted.
But Gunnar, although he was put in charge of one of the needle-nosed guns, took the service lightly.
Gunnar took off for the needle-nosed instrument which he had grown to hate.
He saw boats and cars and a few long-nosed airplanes, with the merest trace of vestigial wings far back near the empennage, streaking through the sky in high arcs, leaving curling trails of fog and smoke behind them.
A gun-crew screamed and died as one of the needle-nosed machines melted into puddles of steel.
The hussar at that moment noticed the face of the red-nosed captain and his drawn-in stomach, and mimicked his expression and pose with such exactitude that Nesvitski could not help laughing.
Timokhin, the red-nosed major of Prince Andrew's regiment, had joined him in Moscow and was being taken along with him, having been wounded in the leg at the battle of Borodino.
The red-nosed Captain Timokhin, formerly Dolokhov's squadron commander, but now from lack of officers a battalion commander, shyly entered the shed followed by an adjutant and the regimental paymaster.
The picture faded in, close to one of the long, needle nosed crafts, showing inside, a man and a woman.
Now streaks of yellow fire shot into the picture, like a swarm of lightning bugs, the thin sharp nosed shadows of space ships, hurtling, like comets, toward the clustered star smear.
For some reason Yevsey recollected the old sickly flat-nosed beggar with the restless eyes of a sharper, whom he met almost every day on his way to the office.
Then his chief, the long-nosed old man with the shaven face and grey mustache would shout to him: "Klimkov, are you asleep?
A thin-faced, hawk-nosed junior officer had tried to snatch up a gun and shoot across his chest at Dawson.
And when he was little more than a few feet over the leading truck, Dawson dumped the last of his light strafing bombs, and instantlynosed upward for altitude.
The driver nosed the vehicle up, over the domed roofs of the city and over the harsh desert landscape.
The deaconnosed the old and evil-smelling scow into the bank.
Out of the semi-apes developed two classes of genuine apes; but as the narrow-nosed or catarrhini class are the only ones related to man, the others will not be considered.
These narrow-nosed apes originated by the transformation of the jaw, and by the claws on the toes changing into nails.
Percy told his story as the Barracouta nosed home through the fog.
As they nosed along the northern shore Percy spied some strange-looking floats ahead.
Presently the sloop nosedinto the haven, the engine stopped, and Throppy went forward to gaff the mooring.
Gathering headway, the Barracouta nosed south, dory and pea-pod trailing behind her.
The short-tailed indicated by the name Pterodactylus he further divided into long-nosed and short-nosed.
The short-nosed genus has since been named Ptenodracon (Fig.
Nearly all who have studied these animals regard the singularly short-nosed species P.
He was relieved when she nosed the car in under the shade of a magnolia tree and said, "My clock says half-past eating time.
After a long walk Ndova uttered the sounds made by his species--the white-nosed monkeys or ndovas.
We raised our guns and aimed at the two biggest white-nosed ones and fired.
Illustration: "We raised our guns and aimed at the two biggest white-nosed ones and fired.
The chief trader's canoe slipped over a white sandbar and nosed in against the rock alongside the other empty craft which required no tying in the absence of any lake swell.
Macleod demanded, as side by side their two canoes nosed in to shore through the channel where the watergate was blown to atoms.
The wretched, hook-nosed creature lay without movement, buried under its purple beard.
I called Broken-Nosed Pete and Riley to take a pull on the main boom topinlift.
The only other person on deck was Broken-Nosed Pete at the wheel.
I noticed Broken-Nosed Pete in the corner having a very confidential chat with a villainous-looking man.
Broken-Nosed Pete was so fascinated by "the female of the species," that he forgot to moor the boat.
About eleven o'clock I woke up along the hearing Broken-Nosed Pete snoring.
After jibing her over and pointing her into the channel, I had Broken-Nosed Pete take the wheel, with instructions that if he got off the course his neck would be twisted at right angles to his nose.
I believe that Broken-Nosed Pete's description of what he had seen at the wharf weighed heavy on their minds.
He slunk away to the lookout where Broken-Nosed Pete would lend a willing ear to his story of the Hindoo and his abuse of me.
It was during the middle watch that I heard a conversation in the forecastle between Riley, Old Charlie and Broken-Nosed Pete.
Go wan, you broken-nosed heathen, it's the likes of me that knows the likes av you.
Russian-Finn John and Broken-Nosed Pete have all they can do to hold him in the bunk.
At half-past three in the morning Broken-Nosed Pete sang out from the foretop, "A light on the port bow.
Broken-Nosed Pete was sure that he had seen him first, very much to the disgust of Riley, who, however, could not deny that his one eye was usually cocked to windward.
Tip, the black, white-nosed mocker on Lake's shoulder, kept twisting his neck to watch the departure of the others until he had crossed the next hill and the others were hidden from view.
Don’t you do it, Dan,” advised a snub-nosed chap named Wells.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nosed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.