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Example sentences for "nede"

Lexicographically close words:
nectarine; nectarines; nectarous; nectary; ned; neded; nedefull; nedes; nedeth; nedis
  1. Nei that wi in twilif jer tid nen Krekalandar to Almanland sjan hede, kemon ther thrju skepa sa syrlik as wi nen hedon and to fara nimmer nede sjan.

  2. Alleramannelik jef to an mery mery fru and bly, and nimman nede diger than to akane sina nocht.

  3. Twe-lif skepa let-i-to hreda mith win hvning and tomakad lether, ther bi weron tamar and sitlun mith gold wrtein sa man hja ninmer nede sjan.

  4. As hju nw wither alsa fere hel and beter wer that hju fast spreka machte, seide thene Magy that hju mith fara moste, tha that hju hira foddik and famna halda skolde, that hju en stat skolde nyta sa hach as hju to fara na nede kenth.

  5. Tha hwila wi thermitha al dvande weron, kem wind vs vppa kop, to thera lafa and thera wiva skrik, thrvchdam wi nene slavona navt nede as thera ther vs bi ajn willa folgan were.

  6. Men tha Gola weldon by gradon over el Brittanja, that kem enis delis that hju nen mar burga nede, twyas that hju ther nen burchfamna nede and thryas thrvchdam hju nen efte foddik navt nede.

  7. The more richesse thou hast, the more nede hast thou of helpe hem 15 to kepe.

  8. And of mercy hath every man swich nede That, cessing that, farwel the joye of man!

  9. Now truly, drink ne mete Nede I not have; myne hart for joye doth bete 1090 Him to behold, so is he goodly fressh: It semeth for love his harte is tender nessh.

  10. Hir dedes shuld be as bright as sterre, Hir living, lewed mannes light; 970 They say, the pope may not erre, Nede must that passe mannes might.

  11. For of all chapmen ye nede to be moost wyse; for drede of symonye.

  12. Wherfor now playnly I wol my style dresse Of one to speke, at nede that wol nat fayle; Alas!

  13. Yet loth she was to put it in wryting, But nede wol have his cours in every thing.

  14. Ergo, thou nedest in richesse, whiche nede thou shuldest not have, if thou hem wantest.

  15. He hath an hert ful fel that list to make 505 A gift lightly, that put is in refuse; But he is wyse that such conceyt wil slake, So that him nede never to study ne muse.

  16. God is nat hir governour, That holdeth no man his +peragall; 130 Whyl covetyse is hir counsaylour, All such falshed mot nede fall.

  17. Wherthorow it may wel be knowe that Poule used tho wordes of passed significacion, for nede and lacke of a worde in mannes bodily speche betokeninge the everlasting presence.

  18. For than hadde he ben unwyse to have begged, and no nede therto.

  19. But these marchandes with their shippes great, And such chaffare as they bye and get By the weyes must nede take on hand By the coasts to passe of our England, Betwixt Douer and Caleis, this is no doubt.

  20. Then if England would her wolle restraine From Flanders, this followeth in certaine, Flanders of nede must with vs haue peace, Or els shee is destroyed without lees.

  21. What profite also to our marchandie Which wold of nede be cherished hertilie?

  22. Thus must Flanders for nede haue vnitee And peace with vs: it will non other bee, Within short while: and ambassadours Would bene here soone to treate for their succours.

  23. I shall the lene Lytyll Johan my man, For he shall be thy knave; In a yemans steed he may the stonde, Yf thou grete nede have.

  24. Than bespake hym Robyn Hode, To that knyght so fre, "What nede dryveth the to grene wode?

  25. And yf thou hast that sylver ibroughte, I pray the let me se; And I shall helpe the eftsones, 135 Yf thou have nede of me.

  26. Neither indede dyd his going thither happen luckelie / for he was led awaye captiue / so that he was in nede to be rescued again by Abraham.

  27. The lorde, makynge as though he had hadde more nede than before, desyred the marchaunt to lende hym other fyftye crownes, and promysed to paye all within a monethe.

  28. But, syr, quod he, ye nede nat to fere: for I saw in his countenaunce so moche, that I warrante you he wyll do your errande to my lorde his father.

  29. Naye, quod the tauerner, I nede no songes, I must haue money.

  30. Whych saying whan the prince heard, he sayed: he had yet nede of him to teache hym the arte to keepe sylence, by coloure whereof he retayned the olde man about hym a whole yere longer.

  31. For whan the riche justise wol do wrong for mede, Thanne thinketh hem thei muwen the bet, for thei han more nede To winne.

  32. More commonly, Nede ne hath no lawe, as in P.

  33. And yif thou wolt fulfille thy nede after that it suffyseth to nature, than is it no nede that thou seke after 55 the superfluitee of fortune.

  34. But yit, al be it so that the reaumes of mankinde 10 strecchen brode, yit mot ther nede ben moche folk, over whiche that every king ne hath no lordshipe ne comaundement.

  35. For though this nede, that is alwey gapinge and gredy, be fulfild with richesses, and axe any thing, yit dwelleth thanne a nede that mighte be fulfild.

  36. And sooth it is, 85 that of manye thinges han they nede that manye thinges han; and ayeinward, of litel nedeth hem that mesuren hir fille after the nede of kinde, and nat after the outrage of coveityse.

  37. What nede is thee to seke on me victorie, Sin I am thyn, and hoolly at thy wille?

  38. What nede were it this preyere for to werne, Sin ye shul bothe han folk and toun as yerne?

  39. Certes,' quod she, 'and he that hath lakke or nede of aught nis nat in every wey suffisaunt to himself?

  40. For yif thou conferme thy corage to the beste thinges, thou ne hast no nede of no Iuge to yeven thee prys or mede; for thou hast ioyned thy-self to the most excellent thing.

  41. Thembassadours ben answered for fynal, 145 Theschaunge of prisoners and al this nede Hem lyketh wel, and forth in they procede.

  42. For worldly Ioye halt not but by a wyr; That preveth wel, it brest alday so ofte; For-thy nede is to werke with it softe.

  43. For elles, yif he hadde nede of any help, he ne sholde nat have no ful suffisaunce?

  44. The iiide chamber to be hanged with fyne tapestry with carpetts upon the cubbord and windowes and cussions of velvet if nede be.

  45. Item ij or iij large carpetts and vij smale carpetts in store to serve alwaies when nede is.

  46. And that suche paymentis be made content bethout delaie or nede of[167] long and grete pursute, upon suche a resonable peyne as the cause shalle require it.

  47. And than ye shulde have righte litille nede to have thoughte, anguisshe or besinesse for to conquere and wyn ayen youre rightfulle enheritaunce, or to defende youre roiaume from youre ennemies.

  48. And so to conclude, what in the nomber of thinges to goe oute wroughte, and to come in unwroughte, there nede not one poore creature to steale, to starve, or to begge as they doe.

  49. Frobisher,(62) and in freshe memorye, so that I shall not nede to make repetition thereof.

  50. The historie of the poore boye whome God stirred upp to confounde and deride the Spaniardes and Portingales, when they were devidinge the woride betwene themselves alone, is so well knowen as I nede not stand to repeate it.

  51. And therefore (many goinge) yf every mans giftes and goodd qualities be entred into a booke before they be receaved, they may be employed upon any necessitie in the voyadge in this or in that, according as occasion of nede shall require.

  52. Item, after that I have word from yow, so wolle I be gouverned, and com to London yff ye sende me worde, and that I hafe word from yow yf nede be bytyme from London.

  53. A very frende at nede experience will schewe be deede, as wele as be autorite of Aristotle in the Etiques that he made of moralite.

  54. Maister Filongley, and I fonde hym right wele disposid to doo that may please yow in all our materes; and take noo money of hym as yette, for we have noo nede to spend ony sumes as yette, ner with Gods grace shall not have.

  55. Ye nede at this terme rather to have had thre solicitours than in any other terme past this iij.

  56. Also thankyng you of the grete chere that I had of you when I was with you laste with all my herte, prayng you of good contenuanse, for I had never gretter nede than I have now, and if I had leyser and space, I wolde write to you the cause.

  57. Ye have nede fare fayre with hym, for he ys full daungerouse when he wille.

  58. And all othere materis I commyt to your discrecion; yf nede be, I com thedre my sylf.

  59. Also ye must make frendes of suche as be nere aboute my said Lord of Caunterbury, and may do, as Maister John Stokys and his styward, for to remembre his good Lordship as ofte as nede is.

  60. And agayne co[m]mune rumours howe often they ben vayne / it is so open that it nede nat to be declared.

  61. But yf nede required / with the hardy ma[n] in bold- [C.

  62. To which gladnes, who nede hath, god him bringe!

  63. For every thing, a ginning hath it nede Er al be wrought, with-outen any drede.

  64. And in hir hous she abood with swich meynee As to hir honour nede was to holde; And whyl she was dwellinge in that citee, Kepte hir estat, and bothe of yonge and olde 130 Ful wel beloved, and wel men of hir tolde.

  65. Than bespake hym Robyn Hode, To that knyght so fre; ‘What nede dryveth thee to grene-wode?

  66. And yf thou hast that sylver ibrought, I pray thee let me se; And I shall helpë thee eftsones, Yf thou have nede to me.

  67. There is no nede to bryng here vnto the examples out of olde chronicles: do no more but remember in thy mind the housholdes of thine owne citye, howe many examples shalt y^u haue in eueri place?

  68. Yea the more nede haue they of the helpe of phylosophy and learnyng.

  69. In lopping, and cropping, saue Edder and stake thyne hedges, where nede is to mende or to make.

  70. For rooting thy grounde, ring thy hogges thou hast nede the better thou ring them, the better they fede.

  71. For then, what thou rerist thou nede not to dout: will double thy gaine, ere the yere come about.

  72. Who hath no more breade than nede must not keepe a dog.

  73. The hert of her husband maye safely trust in her, so that he shall have no nede of spoyles.

  74. As well as we, in many blynde errours But syns they haue escapyd all paynes and dolours Of hell; and nowe in heuyn ar certayne What nede haue we to fere infernall payne.

  75. What nede we sayle to Flaunders or Almayne To lerne glotony, syns we may it lerne at home Suche lewdnes soon may we lerne of our wombe He that wyll lerne falshode gyle or sotelte May lerne it here as well as beyonde the se.

  76. And though this gode can neuer of hym be spent With nought he departyth to hym that is pore Though he with nede harde vexed were and sore.

  77. Item, that ye have sufficient sewerte for the monye, with penaltes iff nede be, some other men bonden with hym for the payement.

  78. So that here amongis us nowe is no man to stirre about and see quykly to alle thingis as ther aught to be and is nede to be, which hevieth me gretly; and though I were up and might somwhat stire myself, yitte I am not seure so to contynue ij.

  79. My Lord off Oxenfford[289-4] is nott comen in to Inglonde that I can perceyve, and so the goode lady hathe nede off helpe and cowncell howe that she shall doo.

  80. Neverthelesse, I assayed hym iff he wolde, iff nede hadde ben, gyvyn me a xij.

  81. I nede nott to make thys excuse to yowe, but that yowr mynde is troblyd.

  82. Item, I had never mor nede off mony than now; wherffor Fastolffes v.

  83. It is understand ryght now in this countre be such as cleyme to be frendly to you in what grete daunger and nede ye stande in, bothe to diverse of your frendis and to your elmyse.

  84. What nede you to be her caryoure, seynge that she hathe so many angelles bothe at her hedde and at her fette.

  85. What nede there so many payre of organes (as thay call them) so costely & chargeable?

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nede" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.