And yet baptisme reiterated dothe nomore differ from the worde of God / then these errours of the papistes / which I haue repeted.
And of their errours they will not chaũg any thing at all which prouith them to be obstinate heretikes.
Both sorts, their erroursmay be purged from, When to the Fiery-tryall they shall come.
For, Vertue, which receives an overthrow, Was Vertue, not indeed, but in the show.
Wherein likewise a few of the many grosse errours and impertinences of Mr. William Lilly are plainly discovered, modestly refuted, and the Author vindicated from his former Aspersions.
This is the wandring wood,° this Errours den, A monster vile, whom God and man does hate: 115 Therefore I read beware.
But tell me, pray, Sir; What are those errours which he must recant?
But, Bellizarius, Before thy bodyes frame be puld in pieces, Wilt thou forsake theerrours thou art drencht in?
Some few errours he has fallen into, but of no great importance, and those are lost in the numberless beauties of his work.
If you have observed, or been told, any errours or omissions, you will do me a great favour by letting me know them.
But the justice of your lordships will certainly distinguish between errours and crimes, and between errours of weakness and inability, and such as are only discoverable by consequences.
How this gentleman, sir, has been deceived, and to whose insinuations his errours are to be imputed, I am at no loss to discover.
There are errours or falsehoods which it more nearly concerns us to detect, and to which we cannot give any sanction, without an evident diminution of our own authority.
They will find, that they have corrupted the people without obtaining any advantage by their crime, and that they must have recourse to some new contrivance by which their own erroursmay be retrieved.
Purged from the many False & Spurious Ones Which had usurped his Name, and from innumerable Errours and Corruptions in the True.
The books, or coppies, we purpose to send you, for you may discover y^e errours in them better then we.
And albeit the fathers haue noted certaine erroursand scapes in =Tertullian=, yet there was neuer any that reproued him for this opinion.
What maruel is it then, if afterwards, yea and that verie quickly, diuers errours croape into the Churche, and multiplyed excéedingly?
These errourswere excused by the greenenesse of his youth, and by his desire of rising, which expelled all feare of a fall.
The King, dismayed the more by his sonnes mishap, reconciled himselfe to God; and vowed to reforme many errours of his life, if he did escape.
But [of] suche diversite of sectes, ayenst the rightful beleve of love, these errours ben forth spredde, that loves servantes in trewe rule and stedfast fayth in no place daren apere.
For of god, maker of 70 kynde, witnesse I took, that for none envy ne yvel have I drawe this mater togider; but only for goodnesse to maintayn, and errours in falsetees to distroy.
O,' quod she, 'I have mokel to done to clere thyne understanding, and voyde theseerrours out of thy mynde.
Wherfore (as I sayd) with reson I thinke, thilke forsayd errours to distroye and dequace.
Then sayd the Accuser: Thou hast preached, sayd, and openly taught diuers and sundry other great errours and abhominable heresies agaynst all the vij.
The General Assembly considering how the errours of Independency and Separation (have in our Neighbour Kingdome of England) spread as a Gangræn, and do daily eat as a Canker; In so much that exceeding many Errours.
If there be any such errours in the words, I'm sure the Press has not made them fewer; but I do not hold my self oblig'd to answer for That which I could not perfectly govern.
I have shewn, in a late essay, to what erroursmen are hourly betrayed by a mistaken opinion of their own powers, and a negligent inspection of their own character.
They have employed their reason and eloquence to persuade us, that nothing is worth the wish of a wise man, have represented all earthly good and evil as indifferent, and counted among vulgar errours the dread of pain, and the love of life.
The miscarriages of the great designs of princes are recorded in the histories of the world, but are of little use to the bulk of mankind, who seem very little interested in admonitions against errours which they cannot commit.
There are, in every age, new erroursto be rectified, and new prejudices to be opposed.
It was admired as a great curiosity in manuscript; but when it came to be printed, sundry gross errours appeared: he was obliged to take out several leaves in correcting the press.
In such trifles as these, it may appear of little consequence to rectify the verbal errours of children; but exactly the same species of mistake, will prevent them from reasoning accurately in matters of consequence.
As this is one of the most commonerrours in education, we shall dwell upon it more particularly.
Far from intending to depreciate this author, we think most highly of his abilities; but we thought it necessary to point out some practical errours in his mode of instruction.
I kept as neare as I could to the very errours of his pen, by which it may in part be seen that he was, as he professes, an unlettered scholar.
Edward, earl of Clarendon: A survey of the dangerous and pernicious errours to church and state in Mr. Hobs book intit.
The Concern of the former is wonderfully generous; they are not in Pain for what the Criticks say of their Errours and Failings, but for the Heaviness and Stupidity of their Criticisms.
Among other pleasingerrours of young minds, is the opinion of their own importance.
Every Toleration of false Religions, or Opinions hath as many Errours and sins in it, as all the false Religions and Opinions it tolerates, and one sound one more.
I feared even the sight of my dear Uncle himself, lest the sorrows and the errours of a creature he so kindly loved, should have demolished his generous heart!
He attributed not to moral turpitude his errours nor his crimes, but to the prevalence of ill example, and to an unjustifiable and dangerous levity, which irresistibly led him to treat with mockery and trifling the most serious subjects.
My errours have all been doubled by concealment--every mischief has been augmented by delay.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "errours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.